from socket import * import sys import os from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from ftp_utils import * import traceback HOST = '' PORT = 12000 AUTOCONNECT = True sock = None def require_sock(): global sock if sock is None: raise FTPError("Not connected! Try connecting to a server by running 'open '") def ftp_client_OPEN(*args): global sock port = get_argument(args, "port", 0) try: print(f"Establishing connection to {HOST}:{port}") sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((HOST, int(port))) return (None, None) except TypeError: raise FTPError("No port specified") except ValueError: raise FTPError("Invalid port number. Ports must be given as an integer") except ConnectionRefusedError: raise FTPError(f"Connection on {HOST}:{port} refused") except OverflowError: raise FTPError("A valid port is between 0 and 65535", 7783) def ftp_client_CLOSE(*args): global sock resp = fetch("CLOSE") if resp == "bye<3": print("Closing connection") sock.close() sock = None else: raise FTPError("Failed to close connection") def ftp_client_QUIT(*args): global sock if sock is not None: # We don't bother checking if the server closed # the connection; we're leaving, and if they can't # handle it, that's their problem! _resp = fetch("CLOSE") print("Closing connection") sock.close() print("Exiting...") sys.exit(0) def ftp_client_GET(*args): global sock require_sock() file_name = get_argument(args, "file name", 0) file_size = int(fetch(f"SIZE {file_name}")) parent_path = os.path.join("./client", str(Path(file_name).parent)) if not os.path.exists(parent_path): os.makedirs(parent_path) print(f"Downloading {file_name}") resp = fetch_bytes(f"GET {file_name}", file_size) with open(os.path.join("client", file_name), "wb") as new_file: new_file.write(resp) print(f"File written to {os.path.join('./client', file_name)}") def ftp_client_PUT(*args): global sock require_sock() file_name = get_argument(args, "file name", 0) try: file_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join("client", file_name)) except FileNotFoundError: raise FTPError("File not found!", 8341) ack = fetch(f"PUT {file_name} {file_size}") if ack != "OK": raise FTPError(f"Server unwilling to accept file '{file_name}'", 2377) with open(os.path.join("./client", file_name), "rb") as fetched_file: file_bytes = sock.sendall(file_bytes) print(f"File uploaded to ./client/{file_name}") CLIENT_COMMANDS = { "OPEN": ftp_client_OPEN, "CLOSE": ftp_client_CLOSE, "QUIT": ftp_client_QUIT, "GET": ftp_client_GET, "PUT": ftp_client_PUT, } def fetch_bytes(request, amount=1024): global sock require_sock() sock.sendall(request.encode("utf-8")) return sock.recv(amount) def fetch(request): message = fetch_bytes(request).decode("utf-8") tokens = message.split() if message.split()[0] == "Error": raise FTPError(" ".join(tokens[2:]), int(tokens[1][0:-1])) return message FTP_Client_Outcome = Enum("FTP_Client_Outcome", []) # set up the tcp socket if AUTOCONNECT: try: ftp_client_OPEN(PORT) except FTPError as e: print(f"Error {e.code}: {e.message}") print("You may reattempt a connection by running 'OPEN '") try: while (True): s = input("Message: ") command_name, arguments = parse_ftp_command(s) try: CLIENT_COMMANDS[command_name](*arguments) except KeyError: print(f"Error: Unknown command {command_name}") continue except FTPError as e: print(f"Error {e.code}: {e.message}") except KeyboardInterrupt: ftp_client_QUIT() except Exception as e: print(f"Fatal Error: {e}") traceback.print_exc() finally: if sock is not None: sock.close()