export function pluralize(n, singular, plural) { if (n < 2) { return singular; } else { return plural; } } export function timeToAge(time1, time2) { /* Output a friendly string to describe the age of a post, where `time1` and `time2` are in milliseconds */ const between = (n, lower, upper) => n >= lower && n < upper; const diff = time1 - time2; if (diff < 60000) { return "Seconds ago" } else if (between(diff, 60000, 3600000)) { const nMin = Math.floor(diff / 60000); return nMin + " " + pluralize(nMin, "minute", "minutes") + " ago"; } else if (between(diff, 3600000, 86400000)) { const nHours = Math.floor(diff / 3600000); return nHours + " " + pluralize(nHours, "hour", "hours") + " ago"; } else if (between(diff, 86400000, 2629800000)) { const nDays = Math.floor(diff / 86400000); return nDays + " " + pluralize(nDays, "day", "days") + " ago"; } else if (between(diff, 2629800000, 31557600000)) { const nMonths = Math.floor(diff / 2629800000); return nMonths + " " + pluralize(nMonths, "month", "months") + " ago"; } else { const nYears = Math.floor(diff / 31557600000); return nYears + " " + pluralize(nYears, "year", "years") + " ago"; } }