import numpy as np from math import pi import pandas as pd def load_and_process(): # cords - mapping zip codes to long/lat coordinates cords = pd.read_csv("../data/raw/zip_lat_long.csv") ## counties - Relating US counties to their long/lat position on the Earth # Combine the county name with the state code def combine_name_state(row): row["name"] = f"{row['name']} {row['STUSAB']}" return row counties = ( pd.read_csv("../data/raw/us-county-boundaries.csv", sep=";") .rename({ "NAME": "name", "INTPTLAT": "lat", "INTPTLON": "long", }, axis="columns") .apply(combine_name_state, axis="columns") .drop(["STUSAB"], axis="columns") ) ## pol - Election results from the 2012 American presidential election def combine_name_state(row): row["county"] = f"{row['county']} {row['state']}" return row pol = ( pd.read_csv("../data/raw/countypres_2000-2020.csv") .query("`year` == 2012 & `party` == 'DEMOCRAT'") .reset_index() .drop([ "year", "state", "county_fips", "office", "candidate", "version", "mode", "index", "party" ], axis="columns") .rename({ "county_name": "county", "state_po": "state", "candidatevotes": "votes", "totalvotes": "total" }, axis="columns") .apply(lambda x: x.str.capitalize() if == "county" else x) .apply(combine_name_state, axis="columns") .merge(counties, left_on="county", right_on="name") .drop(["state", "name"], axis="columns") .assign(percent=lambda x: x.votes/ .drop(["votes", "total"], axis="columns") ) ## gb - the gaybourhoods dataset gb = ( pd.read_csv("../data/raw/gaybourhoods.csv") .merge(cords, left_on="GEOID10", right_on="ZIP") .drop([ "Tax_Mjoint", "TaxRate_SS", "TaxRate_FF", "TaxRate_MM", "Cns_RateSS", "Cns_RateFF", "Cns_RateMM", "CountBars", "Mjoint_MF", "Mjoint_SS", "Mjoint_FF", "Mjoint_MM", "Cns_TotHH", "Cns_UPSS", "Cns_UPFF", "Cns_UPMM", "ParadeFlag", "FF_Tax", "FF_Cns", "MM_Tax", "MM_Cns", "SS_Index_Weight", "Parade_Weight", "Bars_Weight", "GEOID10", "ZIP", "FF_Index", "MM_Index", ], axis="columns") .rename({ "LAT": "lat", "LNG": "long", }, axis="columns") ) def kinsify(index, **kwargs): max_index = 25 if index < max_index/7: return 0 elif index < max_index*2/7: return 1 elif index < max_index*3/7: return 2 elif index < max_index*4/7: return 3 elif index < max_index*5/7: return 4 elif index < max_index*6/7: return 5 else: return 6 gb["kinsey"] = gb.SS_Index.apply(kinsify, axis="columns") percent_democrat = np.empty(len(gb.index)) neighbourhood_kinsey = np.empty(len(gb.index)) for i, row in gb.iterrows(): percent_democrat[i] = nearest_neighbour(pol, (row.long,, interval=.1).percent neighbourhood_kinsey[i] = select_smallest_neighbourhood(gb, (row.long,, interval=.1).kinsey.mean() gb["percent_democrat"] = pd.Series(data=percent_democrat) gb["neighbourhood_kinsey"] = pd.Series(data=neighbourhood_kinsey) return (gb, pol, counties, cords) def select_region(df, left, right, bottom, top): """ Takes a dataframe with columns `long` and `lat` corresponding to coordinates and returns a subset of the dataframe containing only entries between the given boundaries """ return df[(df["long"] > left) & (df["long"] < right) & (df["lat"] > bottom) & (df["lat"] < top)] def select_smallest_neighbourhood(df, pos, interval=1, multiplier=1.5, expansion_limit=10): subset = select_region(df, pos[0]-interval, pos[0]+interval, pos[1]-interval, pos[1]+interval) cinterval = interval while subset.count().lat == 0: cinterval += interval #interval *= multiplier subset = select_region(df, pos[0]-cinterval, pos[0]+cinterval, pos[1]-cinterval, pos[1]+cinterval) return subset def nearest_neighbour(df, pos, interval=1, multiplier=1.5, expansion_limit=10): """ Given a dataframe with columns `long` and `lat` corresponding to coordinates and a `pos` pair of long/lat coordinates, determine the coordinates of the nearest observation in the dataset by running the following algorithm: 1. Find all points within (long+-interval, lat+-interval) 2. If there are no other points within the range, start from step 1 and set interval *= multiplier 3. Calculate the distance between pos and each point in the interval 3. Return the point with the lowest distance that isn't pos """ subset = select_smallest_neighbourhood(df, pos, interval, multiplier, expansion_limit) subset = subset.assign(distance=distance(*pos, subset["lat"], subset["long"])) return subset.sort_values("distance").reset_index().iloc[0] # Efficient implementation of the haversine formula # Source: def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): p = pi/180 a = 0.5 - np.cos((lat2-lat1)*p)/2 + np.cos(lat1*p) * np.cos(lat2*p) * (1-np.cos((lon2-lon1)*p))/2 return 12742 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))