exec(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS guest ( hash TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(hash) ); "); $conn->exec(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entry ( guestHash TEXT NOT NULL, id INTEGER, name TEXT, website TEXT, message TEXT, published integer default (cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as int)), FOREIGN KEY(guestHash) REFERENCES guest(hash), PRIMARY KEY(id AUTOINCREMENT) ); "); function stringLengthIsBetween($str, $lower, $upper) { return strlen($str) >= $lower && strlen($str) <= $upper; } function submissionIsValid($data) { if (!stringLengthIsBetween($data['name'], 1, 100)) { return false; } if (!($data['website'] == null || stringLengthIsBetween($data['website'], 3, 100))) { return false; } if (!stringLengthIsBetween($data['website'], 0, 1000)) { return false; } return true; } function handleEntrySubmission($db) { if (!submissionIsValid($_POST)) { return SubmissionOutcome::Invalid; } if (preg_match(CHALLENGE_ANSWER_REGEX, $_POST["challengeQuestion"]) === 0) { return SubmissionOutcome::Shadowban; } if ( preg_match(SHADOWBAN_REGEX, $_POST["name"]) == 1 || preg_match(SHADOWBAN_REGEX, $_POST["website"]) == 1 || preg_match(SHADOWBAN_REGEX, $_POST["message"]) == 1 ) { return SubmissionOutcome::Shadowban; } $client_fingerprint = hash('sha256', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "#" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $latest_entry_stmt = $db->prepare(" select published from entry where guestHash = :guestHash order by published desc limit 1 "); $latest_entry_stmt->bindValue(':guestHash', $client_fingerprint, SQLITE3_TEXT); $latest_entry_time = $latest_entry_stmt->execute()->fetchArray()['published']; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $latest_entry_time <= GUESTBOOK_RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS) { return SubmissionOutcome::RateLimit; } $entry_insert_stmt = $db->prepare(" insert into entry(guestHash, name, website, message) values (:guestHash, :name, :website, :message) "); $entry_insert_stmt->bindValue(':guestHash', $client_fingerprint, SQLITE3_TEXT); $entry_insert_stmt->bindValue(':name', $_POST["name"], SQLITE3_TEXT); $entry_insert_stmt->bindValue(':website', $_POST["website"], SQLITE3_TEXT); $entry_insert_stmt->bindValue(':message', $_POST["message"], SQLITE3_TEXT); if (!$entry_insert_stmt->execute()) { return SubmissionOutcome::Failure; } return SubmissionOutcome::Success; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $submission_outcome = handleEntrySubmission($conn); } ?> <?php echo GUESTBOOK_NAME ?>

Sign the guestbook

Your entry doesn't seem right

Double check that you inputted the right values, and are meeting the form's requirements.

Something went wrong...

An error occured on the server. Reach out the the administrator to see this fixed!

Too many submissions

To prevent spam, we only allow people to submit one entry every minutes. Try again later.


Your entry has been saved to the guestbook.

    query('select count(*) as entryCount from entry'); $entry_count = $entry_count_result->fetchArray()['entryCount']; $entry_list_stmt = $conn->prepare(" select id, name, website, message from entry order by id desc limit :limit offset :offset "); $entry_list_stmt->bindValue('limit', GUESTBOOK_PAGE_SIZE, SQLITE3_INTEGER); $entry_list_stmt->bindValue('offset', GUESTBOOK_PAGE_SIZE * $current_page, SQLITE3_INTEGER); $entry_list_results = $entry_list_stmt->execute(); $next_entry = $entry_list_results->fetchArray(); while ($next_entry) { ?>

  1. Published

  2. fetchArray(); } ?>