
197 lines
6.5 KiB

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const sql = require('mssql');
const moment = require('moment');
const { getUser } = require('../util.js');
router.get('/', async function(req, res, next) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
/** Make connection and validate **/
let pool = false;
let customerRequest = false;
let orderStatement = false;
let orderProductStatement = false;
let content;
loadedResources: try {
let productList = false;
if (req.session.productList && req.session.productList.length > 0) {
productList = req.session.productList.filter(p => p != null);
Determine if valid customer id was entered
Determine if there are products in the shopping cart
If either are not true, display an error message
if (!productList) {
content = `
You do not currently have any items in your cart.
break loadedResources;
if (!/^-?\d+$/.test(req.query.customerId)) {
content = `
The given ID does not match any known customer.
break loadedResources;
pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig);
customerRequest = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool);
customerRequest.input('id', sql.Int);
await customerRequest.prepare(`
select customerId, password from customer where customerId = @id
const customerResults = await customerRequest.execute({id: req.query.customerId});
if (customerResults.recordset.length == 0) {
content = `
The given ID does not match any known customer.
break loadedResources;
const customer = customerResults.recordset[0];
if (customer.password != req.query.password) {
content = `
Id or password did not match!
break loadedResources;
/** Save order information to database**/
// Use retrieval of auto-generated keys.
let result = await pool.request()
// Catch errors generated by the query
let orderId = result.recordset[0].orderId;
const totalAmount = productList.reduce((acc, next) => acc + next.price * next.quantity, 0);
orderStatement = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool);
orderStatement.input('amount', sql.Decimal(10, 2));
orderStatement.input('address', sql.VarChar);
orderStatement.input('city', sql.VarChar);
orderStatement.input('state', sql.VarChar);
orderStatement.input('country', sql.VarChar);
orderStatement.input('postalCode', sql.VarChar);
orderStatement.input('customerId', sql.Int);
await orderStatement.prepare(`
insert into ordersummary(orderDate, totalAmount, shipToAddress, shipToCity, shipToState, shipToPostalCode, shipToCountry, customerId)
output inserted.orderId
values (getdate(), @amount, @address, @city, @state, @postalCode, @country, @customerId)
const orderResults = await orderStatement.execute({
amount: totalAmount,
address: customer.address,
state: customer.state,
postalCode: customer.postalCode,
customerId: customer.customerId,
const orderId = orderResults.recordset[0].orderId;
/** Insert each item into OrderedProduct table using OrderId from previous INSERT **/
/** Update total amount for order record **/
/** For each entry in the productList is an array with key values: id, name, quantity, price **/
orderProductStatement = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool);
orderProductStatement.input('orderId', sql.Int);
orderProductStatement.input('id', sql.Int);
orderProductStatement.input('quantity', sql.Int);
orderProductStatement.input('price', sql.Decimal(10, 2));
await orderProductStatement.prepare(`
insert into orderproduct(orderId, productId, quantity, price) values (@orderId, @id, @quantity, @price)
await Promise.all( =>
content = `
<th>Product Name</th>
${ => `
<strong>Order Total:</strong> $${Number(totalAmount).toFixed(2)}
<strong>Tracking Number:</strong> ${orderId}
} catch (err) {
content = `
} finally {
if (customerRequest) customerRequest.unprepare();
if (orderStatement) orderStatement.unprepare();
if (orderProductStatement) orderProductStatement.unprepare();
if (pool) pool.close();
/** Print out order summary **/
/** Clear session/cart **/
req.session.productList = [];
res.render('layouts/main', {
title: 'Order Complete',
loggedIn: true,
user: getUser(req),
spacer: true,
content: `
<h1>Your Order</h1>
module.exports = router;