
169 lines
6.0 KiB

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const sql = require('mssql');
const moment = require('moment');
const { htmlPage } = require('../util.js');
router.get('/', async function(req, res, next) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
// TO/DO: Get order id
const orderId = req.query.orderId;
let pool;
let validateIdStatement;
let fetchItemsStatement;
let createShipmentStatement;
let checkInventoryStatement;
let updateInventoryStatement;
let orderSummaryHTML;
let tx;
let failed = false;
try {
pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig);
// TODO: Check if valid order id
validateIdStatement = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool);
validateIdStatement.input('orderId', sql.Int)
await validateIdStatement.prepare(`select * from ordersummary where orderId = @orderId`);
const results = await validateIdStatement.execute({orderId});
if (results.recordset.length === 0) {
throw new Error("The order you're looking for doesn't exist!");
const order = results.recordset[0];
// TO/DO: Start a transaction
tx = new sql.Transaction(pool);
await tx.begin();
// TO/DO: Retrieve all items in order with given id
let items;
fetchItemsStatement = new sql.PreparedStatement(tx);
fetchItemsStatement.input('orderId', sql.Int);
await fetchItemsStatement.prepare(`
select * from orderproduct where orderId = @orderId
items = (await fetchItemsStatement.execute({orderId: order.orderId})).recordset;
await fetchItemsStatement.unprepare();
fetchItemsStatement = false;
orderSummaryHTML = `
${ =>`
${item.quantity} units of product ${item.productId}
// TO/DO: Create a new shipment record.
createShipmentStatement = new sql.PreparedStatement(tx);
createShipmentStatement.input('shipmentDesc', sql.VarChar);
createShipmentStatement.input('warehouseId', sql.Int);
await createShipmentStatement.prepare(`
insert into shipment(shipmentDate, shipmentDesc, warehouseId)
output inserted.shipmentId
values (getdate(), @shipmentDesc, @warehouseId)
const shipmentResults = await createShipmentStatement.execute({
shipmentDesc: order.orderId + "",
warehouseId: 1,
await createShipmentStatement.unprepare();
createShipmentStatement = false;
for (const item of items) {
// TO/DO: For each item verify sufficient quantity available in warehouse 1.
checkInventoryStatement = new sql.PreparedStatement(tx);
checkInventoryStatement.input('productId', sql.Int);
await checkInventoryStatement.prepare(`
select * from productinventory
where productId = @productId and warehouseId = 1
const inventoryResults = await checkInventoryStatement.execute({productId: item.productId});
const inventory = inventoryResults.recordset[0];
await checkInventoryStatement.unprepare();
checkInventoryStatement = false;
// TO/DO: If any item does not have sufficient inventory, cancel transaction and rollback. Otherwise, update inventory for each item.
if (inventory.quantity < item.quantity) {
let err = new Error('Insufficient inventory');
err.inventory = true;
err.productId = item.productId;
err.orderId = item.orderId;
throw err;
} else {
updateInventoryStatement = new sql.PreparedStatement(tx);
updateInventoryStatement.input('productId', sql.Int);
updateInventoryStatement.input('amount', sql.Int);
await updateInventoryStatement.prepare(`
update productinventory set quantity = (quantity - @amount) where productId = @productId
await updateInventoryStatement.execute({productId: item.productId, amount: item.quantity});
await updateInventoryStatement.unprepare();
updateInventoryStatement = false;
<h1>Order ${order.orderId} shipped!</h1>
<p><strong>Tracking number:</strong> ${shipmentResults.recordset[0].shipmentId}</p>
<h2>Order Summary:</h2>
<a href="/">Return to main page</a>
`, `Shipment`));
} catch(err) {
failed = true;
if (err.inventory) {
<h1>Order ${err.orderId} was not shipped</h1>
Shipment unsuccessful. Insufficient inventory for product ID: ${err.productId}
<h2>Order Summary:</h2>
${orderSummaryHTML || "Nothing to show"}
<a href="/">Return to main page</a>
`, `Shipment`));
} else {
res.write(err + "")
} finally {
if (validateIdStatement) await validateIdStatement.unprepare();
if (fetchItemsStatement) await fetchItemsStatement.unprepare();
if (createShipmentStatement) await createShipmentStatement.unprepare();
if (checkInventoryStatement) await checkInventoryStatement.unprepare();
if (updateInventoryStatement) await updateInventoryStatement.unprepare();
if (failed) tx.rollback();
if (pool) pool.close();
module.exports = router;