const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const auth = require('../auth'); const sql = require('mssql'); const { getUser } = require('../util.js'); const multer = require('multer'); const storage = multer.memoryStorage(); const uploadFile = multer({ dest: 'public/img' }); const uploadDB = multer({ storage }); router.get('/', async function(req, res, next) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); if (!req.session.user.isAdmin) { res.send(htmlPage(`

404: Not Found

`, `404: Not Found`)); return; } let pool; try { let pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); // TO/DO: Write SQL query that prints out total order amount by day let results = await pool.request().query(` select cast(orderDate as date) as dateOfOrder, sum(totalAmount) as valueOfOrders from ordersummary group by cast(orderDate as date) `); const chartData = JSON.stringify({ type: 'bar', data: { labels: => r.dateOfOrder), datasets: [{ label: 'Income', data: => r.valueOfOrders), borderWidth: 1 }] }, options: { scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true } } } }); res.render('layouts/main', { loggedIn: getUser(req) != null, user: getUser(req), spacer: true, content: `

Administrator Panel

Fulfill an order

Sales By Day

${ =>` `).join("\n")}
Order Date Income
${(new Date(row.dateOfOrder)).toDateString()} $${Number(row.valueOfOrders).toFixed(2)}
`, }); } catch(err) { console.dir(err); res.write(err + ""); res.end(); } finally { if (pool) pool.close(); } }); router.get('/listCustomers', async (req, res) => { let pool; try { let pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); let customers = (await pool.request().query(` select * from customer `)).recordset; res.render('layouts/main', { title: 'Registered Customers', loggedIn: getUser(req) != null, user: getUser(req), spacer: true, content: `

Customer Directory

${ =>` `).join("\n")}
Name Username Email
${customer.firstName} ${customer.lastName} ${customer.userid} ${}
`, }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); res.send("Unable to retrieve customer list"); } finally { if (pool) pool.close(); } }); router.get('/productDirectory', async (req, res) => { let pool; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); const products = (await pool.request().query(` select * from product `)).recordset; res.render('layouts/main', { title: 'Admin Product Directory', spacer: true, loggedIn: true, user: getUser(req), content: `

Admin Product Directory

${ => ` `).join('\n')}
ID Name
${p.productId} ${p.productName} Update Add Image X
`, }); } catch (err) { res.send("Could not retrieve categories: " + err.toString()); console.error(err); } finally { if (pool) pool.close(); } }); router.get('/productDelete', async (req, res) => { let pool; let stmt; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); stmt = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool); stmt.input('productId', sql.VarChar); await stmt.prepare(` delete from product where productId = @productId `); await stmt.execute({productId:}); res.redirect('/admin/productDirectory'); } catch (err) { res.send("Could not retrieve categories: " + err.toString()); console.error(err); } finally { if (stmt) stmt.unprepare(); if (pool) pool.close(); } }); router.get('/productUpdate', async (req, res) => { let pool; let stmt; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); stmt = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool); stmt.input('productId', sql.VarChar); await stmt.prepare(` select * from product where productId = @productId `); const product = (await stmt.execute({productId:})).recordset[0]; const categories = (await pool.request().query(` select * from category `)).recordset; res.render('layouts/main', { title: 'Add a New Product', loggedIn: true, user: getUser(req), spacer: true, content: `

Update Product

`, }); } catch (err) { res.send("Could not retrieve data: " + err.toString()); console.error(err); } finally { if (stmt) stmt.unprepare(); if (pool) pool.close(); } });'/productUpdate', async (req, res) => { let pool; let stmt; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); stmt = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool); stmt.input('productName', sql.VarChar); stmt.input('productPrice', sql.Decimal(10, 2)); stmt.input('productDesc', sql.VarChar); stmt.input('categoryId', sql.Int); stmt.input('productId', sql.Int); await stmt.prepare(` update product set productName = @productName, productPrice = @productPrice, productDesc = @productDesc, categoryId = @categoryId where productId = @productId `); console.log(; await stmt.execute({...req.body, productId:}); res.redirect(`/admin/productDirectory`); } catch (err) { console.error(err); res.send("Could not add product: " + err.toString()); } finally { if (stmt) stmt.unprepare(); if (pool) pool.close(); } }); router.get('/productAddImage', async (req, res) => { res.render('layouts/main', { title: 'Add a New Product', loggedIn: true, user: getUser(req), spacer: true, content: `

Add an image to this product

Save this file in:

`, }); });'/productAddFileImage', uploadFile.single('productImage'), async (req, res) => { let pool; let stmt; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); stmt = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool); stmt.input('productId', sql.Int); stmt.input('productImageURL', sql.VarChar); await stmt.prepare(` update product set productImageURL = @productImageURL where productId = @productId `); await stmt.execute({productId:, productImageURL: `img/${req.file.filename}`}); res.redirect('/admin/productDirectory'); } catch (err) { res.send("Could not update product: " + err.toString()); console.error(err); } finally { if (stmt) stmt.unprepare(); if (pool) pool.close(); } });'/productAddDBImage', uploadDB.single('productImage'), async (req, res) => { let pool; let stmt; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); stmt = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool); stmt.input('productId', sql.Int); stmt.input('productImage', sql.VarBinary); await stmt.prepare(` update product set productImage = @productImage where productId = @productId `); await stmt.execute({productId:, productImage: req.file.buffer}); res.redirect('/admin/productDirectory'); } catch (err) { res.send("Could not update product: " + err.toString()); console.error(err); } finally { if (stmt) stmt.unprepare(); if (pool) pool.close(); } }); router.get('/addProduct', async (req, res) => { let pool; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); const categories = (await pool.request().query(` select * from category `)).recordset; res.render('layouts/main', { title: 'Add a New Product', loggedIn: true, user: getUser(req), spacer: true, content: `

Add a New Product

`, }); } catch (err) { res.send("Could not retrieve categories: " + err.toString()); console.error(err); } finally { if (pool) pool.close(); } });'/addProduct', uploadDB.single('productImage'), async (req, res) => { let pool; let stmt; try { pool = await sql.connect(dbConfig); stmt = new sql.PreparedStatement(pool); stmt.input('productName', sql.VarChar); stmt.input('productPrice', sql.Decimal(10, 2)); stmt.input('productDesc', sql.VarChar); stmt.input('categoryId', sql.Int); stmt.input('image', sql.VarBinary); await stmt.prepare(` insert into product(productName, productPrice, productDesc, productImage, categoryId) output inserted.productId values (@productName, @productPrice, @productDesc, @image, @categoryId) `); const recordToInsert = { ...req.body, image: req.body.storageLocation == "file" ? `img/${req.file.filename}` : req.file.buffer, }; const stmtResults = await stmt.execute(recordToInsert); res.redirect(`/product/?id=${stmtResults.recordset[0].productId}`); } catch (err) { console.error(err); res.send("Could not add product: " + err.toString()); } finally { if (stmt) stmt.unprepare(); if (pool) pool.close(); } }); module.exports = router;