Practice Exam


Imagine that you wish to exchange one currency for another. You realize that instead of directly exchanging one currency for another, you might be better off making a series of trades through other currencies, winding up with the currency you want. Suppose that you can trade $n$ different currencies, numbered $1, 2, \ldots, n$, where you start with currency $1$ and wish to wind up with currency $n$. You are given, for each pair of currencies $i$ and $j$ , an exchange rate $r_{ij}$, meaning that if you start with $d$ units of currency $i$ , you can trade for $dr_{ij}$ units of currency $j$. A sequence of trades may entail a commission, which depends on the number of trades you make. Let $c_k$ be the commission that you are charged when you make $k$ trades. Show that, if $c_k = 0$ for all $k = 1, 2, \ldots, n$, then the problem of finding the best sequence of exchanges from currency $1$ to currency $n$ exhibits optimal substructure. Then show that if commissions $c_k$ are arbitrary values, then the problem of finding the best sequence of exchanges from currency $1$ to currency $n$ does not necessarily exhibit optimal substructure.


First we assume that the commission is always zero. Let $k$ denote a currency which appears in an optimal sequence $s$ of trades to go from currency $1$ to currency $n$. $p_k$ denote the first part of this sequence which changes currencies from $1$ to $k$ and $q_k$ denote the rest of the sequence. Then $p_k$ and $q_k$ are both optimal sequences for changing from $1$ to $k$ and $k$ to $n$ respectively. To see this, suppose that $p_k$ wasn't optimal but that $p_k'$ was. Then by changing currencies according to the sequence $p_k'q_k$ we would have a sequence of changes which is better than $s$, a contradiction since $s$ was optimal. The same argument applies to $q_k$.

Now suppose that the commissions can take on arbitrary values. Suppose we have currencies $1$ through $6$, and $r_{12} = r_{23} = r_{34} = r_{45} = 2$, $r_{13} = r_{35} = 6$, and all other exchanges are such that $r_{ij} = 100$. Let $c_1 = 0$, $c_2 = 1$, and $c_k = 10$ for $k \ge 3$.

The optimal solution in this setup is to change $1$ to $3$, then $3$ to $5$, for a total cost of $13$. An optimal solution for changing $1$ to $3$ involves changing $1$ to $2$ then $2$ to $3$, for a cost of $5$, and an optimal solution for changing $3$ to $5$ is to change $3$ to $4$ then $4$ to $5$, for a total cost of $5$. However, combining these optimal solutions to subproblems means making more exchanges overall, and the total cost of combining them is $18$, which is not optimal.


Write the $\text{TREE-PREDECESSOR}$ procedure.

    if x.left != NIL
        return TREE-MAXIMUM(x.left)
    y = x.p
    while y != NIL and x == y.left
        x = y
        y = y.p
    return y


Using the master method in Section 4.5, you can show that the solution to the recurrence $T(n) = 4T(n / 3) + n$ is $T(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_3 4})$. Show that a substitution proof with the assumption $T(n) \le cn^{\log_3 4}$ fails. Then show how to subtract off a lower-order term to make the substitution proof work.


We guess $T(n) \le cn^{\log_3 4}$ first,

$$ \begin{aligned} T(n) & \le 4c(n / 3)^{\log_3 4} + n \\ & = cn^{\log_3 4} + n. \end{aligned} $$

We stuck here.

We guess $T(n) \le cn^{\log_3 4} - dn$ again,

$$ \begin{aligned} T(n) & \le 4(c(n / 3)^{\log_3 4} - dn / 3) + n \\ & = 4(cn^{\log_3 4} / 4 - dn / 3) + n \\ & = cn^{\log_3 4} - \frac{4}{3}dn + n \\ & \le cn^{\log_3 4} - dn, \end{aligned} $$

where the last step holds for $d \ge 3$.


Prove that the fractional knapsack problem has the greedy-choice property.


Let $I$ be the following instance of the knapsack problem: Let $n$ be the number of items, let $v_i$ be the value of the $i$th item, let $w_i$ be the weight of the $i$th item and let $W$ be the capacity. Assume the items have been ordered in increasing order by $v_i / w_i$ and that $W \ge w_n$.

Let $s = (s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_n)$ be a solution. The greedy algorithm works by assigning $s_n = \min(w_n, W)$, and then continuing by solving the subproblem

$$I' = (n - 1, \{v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_{n - 1}\}, \{w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_{n - 1}\}, W - w_n)$$

until it either reaches the state $W = 0$ or $n = 0$.

We need to show that this strategy always gives an optimal solution. We prove this by contradiction. Suppose the optimal solution to $I$ is $s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_n$, where $s_n < \min(w_n, W)$. Let $i$ be the smallest number such that $s_i > 0$. By decreasing $s_i$ to $\max(0, W - w_n)$ and increasing $s_n$ by the same amount, we get a better solution. Since this a contradiction the assumption must be false. Hence the problem has the greedy-choice property.


When $\text{RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT}$ runs, how many calls are made to the random number generator $\text{RANDOM}$ in the worst case? How about in the best case? Give your answer in terms of $\Theta$-notation.


In the worst case, the number of calls to $\text{RANDOM}$ is

$$T(n) = T(n - 1) + 1 = n = \Theta(n).$$

As for the best case,

$$T(n) = 2T(n / 2) + 1 = \Theta(n).$$

This is not too surprising, because each third element (at least) gets picked as pivot.


Show that if $\text{HAM-CYCLE} \in P$, then the problem of listing the vertices of a hamiltonian cycle, in order, is polynomial-time solvable.




Use a recursion tree to determine a good asymptotic upper bound on the recurrence $T(n) = T(n / 2) + n^2$. Use the substitution method to verify your answer.



Let $G = (V, E)$ be a bipartite graph with vertex partition $V = L \cup R$, and let $G'$ be its corresponding flow network. Give a good upper bound on the length of any augmenting path found in $G'$ during the execution of $\text{FORD-FULKERSON}$.




Consider a modification of the rod-cutting problem in which, in addition to a price $p_i$ for each rod, each cut incurs a fixed cost of $c$. The revenue associated with a solution is now the sum of the prices of the pieces minus the costs of making the cuts. Give a dynamic-programming algorithm to solve this modified problem.


We can modify $\text{BOTTOM-UP-CUT-ROD}$ algorithm from section 15.1 as follows:

    let r[0..n] be a new array
    r[0] = 0
    for j = 1 to n
        q = p[j]
        for i = 1 to j - 1
            q = max(q, p[i] + r[j - i] - c)
        r[j] = q
    return r[n]

We need to account for cost $c$ on every iteration of the loop in lines 5-6 but the last one, when $i = j$ (no cuts).

We make the loop run to $j - 1$ instead of $j$, make sure $c$ is subtracted from the candidate revenue in line 6, then pick the greater of current best revenue $q$ and $p[j]$ (no cuts) in line 7.

4.6-3 *

Show that case 3 of the master method is overstated, in the sense that the regularity condition $af(n / b) \le cf(n)$ for some constant $c < 1$ implies that there exists a constant $\epsilon > 0$ such that $f(n) = \Omega(n^{\log_b a + \epsilon})$.


$$ \begin{aligned} af(n / b) & \le cf(n) \\ \Rightarrow f(n / b) & \le \frac{c}{a} f(n) \\ \Rightarrow f(n) & \le \frac{c}{a} f(bn) \\ & = \frac{c}{a} \left(\frac{c}{a} f(b^2n)\right) \\ & = \frac{c}{a} \left(\frac{c}{a}\left(\frac{c}{a} f(b^3n)\right)\right) \\ & = \left(\frac{c}{a}\right)^i f(b^i n) \\ \Rightarrow f(b^i n) & \ge \left(\frac{a}{c}\right)^i f(n). \end{aligned} $$

Let $n = 1$, then we have

$$f(b^i) \ge \left(\frac{a}{c}\right)^i f(1) \quad (*).$$

Let $b^i = n \Rightarrow i = \log_b n$, then substitue back to equation $(*)$,

$$ \begin{aligned} f(n) & \ge \left(\frac{a}{c}\right)^{\log_b n} f(1) \\ & \ge n^{\log_b \frac{a}{c}} f(1) \\ & \ge n^{\log_b a + \epsilon} & \text{ where $\epsilon > 0$ because $\frac{a}{c} > a$ (recall that $c < 1$)} \\ & = \Omega(n^{\log_b a + \epsilon}). \end{aligned} $$

16.4-2 *

Given an $m \times n$ matrix $T$ over some field (such as the reals), show that $(S, \mathcal I)$ is a matroid, where $S$ is the set of columns of $T$ and $A \in \mathcal I$ if and only if the columns in $A$ are linearly independent.


Let $c_1, \dots, c_m$ be the columns of $T$. Suppose $C = \{c_{i1}, \dots, c_{ik}\}$ is dependent. Then there exist scalars $d_1, \dots, d_k$ not all zero such that $\sum_{j = 1}^k d_jc_{ij} = 0$. By adding columns to $C$ and assigning them to have coefficient $0$ in the sum, we see that any superset of $C$ is also dependent. By contrapositive, any subset of an independent set must be independent.

Now suppose that $A$ and $B$ are two independent sets of columns with $|A| > |B|$. If we couldn't add any column of $A$ to be whilst preserving independence then it must be the case that every element of $A$ is a linear combination of elements of $B$. But this implies that $B$ spans a $|A|$-dimensional space, which is impossible. Therefore, our independence system must satisfy the exchange property, so it is in fact a matroid.


Show that the problem of determining the satisfiability of boolean formulas in disjunctive normal form is polynomial-time solvable.




Modify the pseudocode for depth-first search so that it prints out every edge in the directed graph $G$, together with its type. Show what modifications, if any, you need to make if $G$ is undirected.


If $G$ is undirected we don't need to make any modifications.

See the C++ demo.

    time = time + 1
    u.d = time
    u.color = GRAY
    for each vertex v ∈ G.Adj[u]
        if v.color == WHITE
            print "(u, v) is a tree edge."
            v.π = u
            DFS-VISIT-PRINT(G, v)
        else if v.color == GRAY
            print "(u, v) is a back edge."
        else if v.d > u.d
            print "(u, v) is a forward edge."
            print "(u, v) is a cross edge."
    u.color = BLACK
    time = time + 1
    u.f = time


Let $G = (V, E)$ be a weighted, directed graph with no negative-weight edges. Let $s \in V$ be the source vertex, and suppose that we allow $v.\pi$ to be the predecessor of $v$ on any shortest path to $v$ from source $s$ if $v \in V - \{s\}$ is reachable from $s$, and $\text{NIL}$ otherwise. Give an example of such a graph $G$ and an assignment of $\pi$ values that produces a cycle in $G_\pi$. (By Lemma 24.16, such an assignment cannot be produced by a sequence of relaxation steps.)


Suppose that we have a grap hon three vertices $\{s, u, v\}$ and containing edges $(s, u), (s, v), (u, v), (v, u)$ all with weight $0$. Then, there is a shortest path from $s$ to $v$ of $s$, $u$, $v$ and a shortest path from $s$ to $u$ of $s$ $v$, $u$. Based off of these, we could set $v.\pi = u$ and $u.\pi = v$. This then means that there is a cycle consisting of $u, v$ in $G_\pi$.


The longest-simple-cycle problem is the problem of determining a simple cycle (no repeated vertices) of maximum length in a graph. Formulate a related decision problem, and show that the decision problem is $\text{NP-complete}$.




Show how the procedure $\text{STRONGLY-CONNECTED-COMPONENTS}$ works on the graph of Figure 22.6. Specifically, show the finishing times computed in line 1 and the forest produced in line 3. Assume that the loop of lines 5–7 of $\text{DFS}$ considers vertices in alphabetical order and that the adjacency lists are in alphabetical order.


The finishing times of each vertex were computed in exercise 22.3-2. The forest consists of 5 trees, each of which is a chain. We'll list the vertices of each tree in order from root to leaf: $r$, $u$, $q - y - t$, $x - z$, and $s - w - v$.


Suppose that we have found a maximum flow in a flow network $G = (V, E)$ using a push-relabel algorithm. Give a fast algorithm to find a minimum cut in $G$.




Prove that the summations in equation $\text{(26.6)}$ equal the summations in equation $\text{(26.7)}$.




An alternative method of performing an inorder tree walk of an $n$-node binary search tree finds the minimum element in the tree by calling $\text{TREE-MINIMUM}$ and then making $n - 1$ calls to $\text{TREE-SUCCESSOR}$. Prove that this algorithm runs in $\Theta(n)$ time.


To show this bound on the runtime, we will show that using this procedure, we traverse each edge twice. This will suffice because the number of edges in a tree is one less than the number of vertices.

Consider a vertex of a BST, say $x$. Then, we have that the edge between $x.p$ and $x$ gets used when successor is called on $x.p$ and gets used again when it is called on the largest element in the subtree rooted at $x$. Since these are the only two times that that edge can be used, apart from the initial finding of tree minimum. We have that the runtime is $O(n)$. We trivially get the runtime is $\Omega(n)$ because that is the size of the output.


Suppose you are given two sets $A$ and $B$, each containing $n$ positive integers. You can choose to reorder each set however you like. After reordering, let $a_i$ be the $i$th element of set $A$, and let $b_i$ be the $i$th element of set $B$. You then receive a payoff of $\prod_{i = 1}^n a_i^{b_i}$. Give an algorithm that will maximize your payoff. Prove that your algorithm maximizes the payoff, and state its running time.


Since an idential permutation of both sets doesn't affect this product, suppose that $A$ is sorted in ascending order. Then, we will prove that the product is maximized when $B$ is also sorted in ascending order. To see this, suppose not, that is, there is some $i < j$ so that $a_i < a_j$ and $b_i > b_j$. Then, consider only the contribution to the product from the indices $i$ and $j$. That is, $a_i^{b_i}a_j^{b_j}$, then, if we were to swap the order of $b_i$ and $b_j$, we would have that contribution be $a_i^{b_j}a_j^{b_i}$. we can see that this is larger than the previous expression because it differs by a factor of $\left(\frac{a_j}{a_i}\right)^{b_i - b_j}$ which is bigger than one. So, we couldn't of maximized the product with this ordering on $B$.