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defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Digest do
use Mix.Task
@default_input_path "priv/static"
@shortdoc "Digests and compresses static files"
@recursive true
@moduledoc """
Digests and compresses static files.
$ mix phx.digest
$ mix phx.digest priv/static -o /www/public
The first argument is the path where the static files are located. The
`-o` option indicates the path that will be used to save the digested and
compressed files.
If no path is given, it will use `priv/static` as the input and output path.
The output folder will contain:
* the original file
* the file compressed with gzip
* a file containing the original file name and its digest
* a compressed file containing the file name and its digest
* a cache manifest file
Example of generated files:
* app.js
* app.js.gz
* app-eb0a5b9302e8d32828d8a73f137cc8f0.js
* app-eb0a5b9302e8d32828d8a73f137cc8f0.js.gz
* cache_manifest.json
You can use `mix phx.digest.clean` to prune stale versions of the assets.
If you want to remove all produced files, run `mix phx.digest.clean --all`.
## vsn
It is possible to digest the stylesheet asset references without the query
string "?vsn=d" with the option `--no-vsn`.
@default_opts [vsn: true]
@doc false
def run(all_args) do "compile", all_args
{opts, args, _} = OptionParser.parse(all_args, switches: [output: :string, vsn: :boolean], aliases: [o: :output])
input_path = List.first(args) || @default_input_path
output_path = opts[:output] || input_path
with_vsn? = Keyword.merge(@default_opts, opts)[:vsn] "deps.loadpaths", all_args
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:phoenix)
case Phoenix.Digester.compile(input_path, output_path, with_vsn?) do
:ok ->
# We need to call build structure so everything we have
# generated into priv is copied to _build in case we have
# build_embedded set to true. In case it's not true,
# build structure is mostly a no-op, so we are fine.
Mix.Project.build_structure() [:green, "Check your digested files at #{inspect output_path}"]
{:error, :invalid_path} -> "The input path #{inspect input_path} does not exist"