847 lines
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847 lines
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defmodule Ecto.Integration.LoggingTest do
use Ecto.Integration.Case, async: true
alias Ecto.Integration.TestRepo
alias Ecto.Integration.PoolRepo
alias Ecto.Integration.{Post, Logging, ArrayLogging}
import ExUnit.CaptureLog
import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2]
describe "telemetry" do
test "dispatches event" do
log = fn event_name, measurements, metadata ->
assert Enum.at(event_name, -1) == :query
assert %{result: {:ok, _res}} = metadata
assert measurements.total_time ==
measurements.query_time + measurements.decode_time + measurements.queue_time
assert measurements.idle_time
send(self(), :logged)
Process.put(:telemetry, log)
_ = PoolRepo.all(Post)
assert_received :logged
test "dispatches event with stacktrace" do
log = fn _event_name, _measurements, metadata ->
assert %{stacktrace: [_ | _]} = metadata
send(self(), :logged)
Process.put(:telemetry, log)
_ = PoolRepo.all(Post, stacktrace: true)
assert_received :logged
test "dispatches event with custom options" do
log = fn event_name, _measurements, metadata ->
assert Enum.at(event_name, -1) == :query
assert metadata.options == [:custom_metadata]
send(self(), :logged)
Process.put(:telemetry, log)
_ = PoolRepo.all(Post, telemetry_options: [:custom_metadata])
assert_received :logged
test "dispatches under another event name" do
log = fn [:custom], measurements, metadata ->
assert %{result: {:ok, _res}} = metadata
assert measurements.total_time ==
measurements.query_time + measurements.decode_time + measurements.queue_time
assert measurements.idle_time
send(self(), :logged)
Process.put(:telemetry, log)
_ = PoolRepo.all(Post, telemetry_event: [:custom])
assert_received :logged
test "is not dispatched with no event name" do
Process.put(:telemetry, fn _, _ -> raise "never called" end)
_ = TestRepo.all(Post, telemetry_event: nil)
refute_received :logged
test "cast params" do
uuid_module =
if TestRepo.__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Tds do
uuid = uuid_module.generate()
dumped_uuid = uuid_module.dump!(uuid)
log = fn _event_name, _measurements, metadata ->
assert [dumped_uuid] == metadata.params
assert [uuid] == metadata.cast_params
send(self(), :logged)
Process.put(:telemetry, log)
TestRepo.all(from l in Logging, where: l.uuid == ^uuid)
assert_received :logged
describe "logs" do
@stacktrace_opts [stacktrace: true, log: :error]
defp stacktrace_entry(line) do
~r/↳ anonymous fn\/0 in Ecto.Integration.LoggingTest.\"test logs includes stacktraces\"\/1, at: .*integration_test\/sql\/logging.exs:#{line - 3}/
test "when some measurements are nil" do
assert capture_log(fn -> TestRepo.query("BEG", [], log: :error) end) =~
test "includes stacktraces" do
assert capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.all(Post, @stacktrace_opts)
end) =~ stacktrace_entry(__ENV__.line)
assert capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert(%Post{}, @stacktrace_opts)
end) =~ stacktrace_entry(__ENV__.line)
assert capture_log(fn ->
# Test cascading options
|> Ecto.Multi.insert(:post, %Post{})
|> TestRepo.transaction(@stacktrace_opts)
end) =~ stacktrace_entry(__ENV__.line)
assert capture_log(fn ->
# In theory we should point to the call _inside_ run
# but all multi calls point to the transaction starting point.
|> Ecto.Multi.run(:all, fn _, _ -> {:ok, TestRepo.all(Post, @stacktrace_opts)} end)
|> TestRepo.transaction()
end) =~ stacktrace_entry(__ENV__.line)
test "with custom log level" do
assert capture_log(fn -> TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"}, log: :error) end) =~
# We cannot assert on the result because it depends on the suite log level
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"}, log: true)
# But this assertion is always true
assert capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"}, log: false)
end) == ""
test "with a log: true override when logging is disabled" do
refute capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"}, log: true)
end) =~ "an exception was raised logging"
test "with unspecified :log option when logging is disabled" do
refute capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
end) =~ "an exception was raised logging"
describe "parameter logging" do
@describetag :parameter_logging
@uuid_regex ~r/[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/i
@naive_datetime_regex ~r/~N\[[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\]/
test "for insert_all with query" do
# Source query
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
source_query =
from l in Logging,
where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid,
select: %{uuid: l.uuid, int: l.int}
# Ensure parameters are complete and in correct order
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert_all(Logging, source_query, log: :info)
param_regex = ~r/\[(?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
# Query parameters
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
@tag :insert_select
test "for insert_all with entries" do
# Row 1
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
uuid_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid, select: l.uuid
datetime = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)
row1 = [
int: int,
uuid: uuid_query,
inserted_at: datetime,
updated_at: datetime
# Row 2
int2 = 2
uuid2 = Ecto.UUID.generate()
int_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int2 and l.uuid == ^uuid2, select: l.int
datetime2 = NaiveDateTime.add(datetime, 1)
row2 = [
int: int_query,
uuid: uuid2,
inserted_at: datetime2,
updated_at: datetime2
# Extract the parameters from the log:
# 1. Remove the colour codes
# 2. Remove the log level
# 3. Capture everything inside of the square brackets
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert_all(Logging, [row1, row2], log: :info)
log = Regex.replace(~r/\e\[[0-9]+m/, log, "")
log = Regex.replace(~r/\[info\]/, log, "")
log = Regex.named_captures(~r/\[(?<params>.+)\]/, log)
log_params = String.split(log["params"], ",")
# Compute the expected parameters in the right order.
# This involves recreating the headers in the same order
# as `insert_all`. The user values come first and then
# the autogenerated id
headers =
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {field, _}, headers -> Map.put(headers, field, true) end)
|> Map.put(:bid, true)
|> Map.keys()
row1_regex = [
int: "#{int}",
uuid: ["#{int}", uuid],
inserted_at: inspect(datetime),
updated_at: inspect(datetime),
bid: @uuid_regex
row2_regex = [
int: ["#{int2}", uuid2],
uuid: uuid2,
inserted_at: inspect(datetime2),
updated_at: inspect(datetime2),
bid: @uuid_regex
expected_param_regex =
Enum.flat_map([row1_regex, row2_regex], fn row ->
Enum.flat_map(headers, fn field ->
case Keyword.get(row, field) do
params when is_list(params) -> params
param -> [param]
assert length(log_params) == length(expected_param_regex)
Enum.zip(log_params, expected_param_regex)
|> Enum.each(fn {log, expected_regex} ->
assert log =~ expected_regex
@tag :insert_select
@tag :placeholders
test "for insert_all with entries and placeholders" do
# Placeholders
datetime = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)
datetime2 = NaiveDateTime.add(datetime, 1)
placeholder_map = %{datetime: datetime, datetime2: datetime2}
# Row 1
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
uuid_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid, select: l.uuid
row1 = [
int: int,
uuid: uuid_query,
inserted_at: {:placeholder, :datetime},
updated_at: {:placeholder, :datetime}
# Row 2
int2 = 2
uuid2 = Ecto.UUID.generate()
int_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int2 and l.uuid == ^uuid2, select: l.int
row2 = [
int: int_query,
uuid: uuid2,
inserted_at: {:placeholder, :datetime2},
updated_at: {:placeholder, :datetime2}
# Extract the parameters from the log:
# 1. Remove the colour codes
# 2. Remove the log level
# 3. Capture everything inside of the square brackets
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert_all(Logging, [row1, row2],
placeholders: placeholder_map,
log: :info
log = Regex.replace(~r/\e\[[0-9]+m/, log, "")
log = Regex.replace(~r/\[info\]/, log, "")
log = Regex.named_captures(~r/\[(?<params>.+)\]/, log)
log_params = String.split(log["params"], ",")
# Compute the expected parameters in the right order.
# This involves recreating the headers in the same order
# as `insert_all`. The placeholders come first and then
# the user values and then the autogenerated id
headers =
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {field, _}, headers -> Map.put(headers, field, true) end)
|> Map.put(:bid, true)
|> Map.drop([:inserted_at, :updated_at])
|> Map.keys()
row1_regex = [
int: "#{int}",
uuid: ["#{int}", uuid],
bid: @uuid_regex
row2_regex = [
int: ["#{int2}", uuid2],
uuid: uuid2,
bid: @uuid_regex
row_param_regex =
Enum.flat_map([row1_regex, row2_regex], fn row ->
Enum.flat_map(headers, fn field ->
case Keyword.get(row, field) do
params when is_list(params) -> params
param -> [param]
placeholder_regex = [inspect(datetime), inspect(datetime2)]
expected_param_regex = placeholder_regex ++ row_param_regex
assert length(log_params) == length(expected_param_regex)
Enum.zip(log_params, expected_param_regex)
|> Enum.each(fn {log, expected_regex} ->
assert log =~ expected_regex
@tag :with_conflict_target
test "for insert_all with query with conflict query" do
# Source query
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
source_query =
from l in Logging,
where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid,
select: %{uuid: l.uuid, int: l.int}
# Conflict query
conflict_int = 0
conflict_uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
conflict_update = 2
conflict_query =
from l in Logging,
where: l.int == ^conflict_int and l.uuid == ^conflict_uuid,
update: [set: [int: ^conflict_update]]
# Ensure parameters are complete and in correct order
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert_all(Logging, source_query,
on_conflict: conflict_query,
conflict_target: :bid,
log: :info
param_regex =
~r/\[(?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\", (?<conflict_update>.+), (?<conflict_int>.+), \"(?<conflict_uuid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
# Query parameters
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
# Conflict query parameters
assert param_logs["conflict_update"] == Integer.to_string(conflict_update)
assert param_logs["conflict_int"] == Integer.to_string(conflict_int)
assert param_logs["conflict_uuid"] == conflict_uuid
@tag :insert_select
@tag :with_conflict_target
test "for insert_all with entries conflict query" do
# Row 1
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
uuid_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid, select: l.uuid
datetime = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)
row1 = [
int: int,
uuid: uuid_query,
inserted_at: datetime,
updated_at: datetime
# Row 2
int2 = 2
uuid2 = Ecto.UUID.generate()
int_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int2 and l.uuid == ^uuid2, select: l.int
datetime2 = NaiveDateTime.add(datetime, 1)
row2 = [
int: int_query,
uuid: uuid2,
inserted_at: datetime2,
updated_at: datetime2
# Conflict query
conflict_int = 0
conflict_uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
conflict_update = 2
conflict_query =
from l in Logging,
where: l.int == ^conflict_int and l.uuid == ^conflict_uuid,
update: [set: [int: ^conflict_update]]
# Extract the parameters from the log:
# 1. Remove the colour codes
# 2. Remove the log level
# 3. Capture everything inside of the square brackets
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert_all(Logging, [row1, row2],
on_conflict: conflict_query,
conflict_target: :bid,
log: :info
log = Regex.replace(~r/\e\[[0-9]+m/, log, "")
log = Regex.replace(~r/\[info\]/, log, "")
log = Regex.named_captures(~r/\[(?<params>.+)\]/, log)
log_params = String.split(log["params"], ",")
# Compute the expected parameters in the right order.
# This involves recreating the headers in the same order
# as `insert_all`. The user values come first, then
# the autogenerated id and then the conflict params
headers =
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {field, _}, headers -> Map.put(headers, field, true) end)
|> Map.put(:bid, true)
|> Map.keys()
row1_regex = [
int: "#{int}",
uuid: ["#{int}", uuid],
bid: @uuid_regex,
inserted_at: inspect(datetime),
updated_at: inspect(datetime)
row2_regex = [
int: ["#{int2}", uuid2],
uuid: uuid2,
bid: @uuid_regex,
inserted_at: inspect(datetime2),
updated_at: inspect(datetime2)
row_param_regex =
Enum.flat_map([row1_regex, row2_regex], fn row ->
Enum.flat_map(headers, fn field ->
case Keyword.get(row, field) do
row_params when is_list(row_params) -> row_params
row_param -> [row_param]
conflict_param_regex = ["#{conflict_update}", "#{conflict_int}", conflict_uuid]
expected_param_regex = row_param_regex ++ conflict_param_regex
assert length(log_params) == length(expected_param_regex)
Enum.zip(log_params, expected_param_regex)
|> Enum.each(fn {log, expected_regex} ->
assert log =~ expected_regex
@tag :insert_select
@tag :placeholders
@tag :with_conflict_target
test "for insert_all with entries, placeholders and conflict query" do
# Row 1
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
uuid_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid, select: l.uuid
row1 = [
int: int,
uuid: uuid_query,
inserted_at: {:placeholder, :datetime},
updated_at: {:placeholder, :datetime2}
# Row 2
int2 = 2
uuid2 = Ecto.UUID.generate()
int_query = from l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int2 and l.uuid == ^uuid2, select: l.int
row2 = [
int: int_query,
uuid: uuid2,
inserted_at: {:placeholder, :datetime},
updated_at: {:placeholder, :datetime2}
# Placeholders
datetime = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)
datetime2 = NaiveDateTime.add(datetime, 1)
placeholder_map = %{datetime: datetime, datetime2: datetime2}
# Conflict query
conflict_int = 0
conflict_uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
conflict_update = 2
conflict_query =
from l in Logging,
where: l.int == ^conflict_int and l.uuid == ^conflict_uuid,
update: [set: [int: ^conflict_update]]
# Extract the parameters from the log:
# 1. Remove the colour codes
# 2. Remove the log level
# 3. Capture everything inside of the square brackets
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert_all(Logging, [row1, row2],
placeholders: placeholder_map,
on_conflict: conflict_query,
conflict_target: :bid,
log: :info
log = Regex.replace(~r/\e\[[0-9]+m/, log, "")
log = Regex.replace(~r/\[info\]/, log, "")
log = Regex.named_captures(~r/\[(?<params>.+)\]/, log)
log_params = String.split(log["params"], ",")
# Compute the expected parameters in the right order.
# This involves recreating the headers in the same order
# as `insert_all`. The placeholders come first, then the
# user value, then the autogenerated id and then the conflict
# params
headers =
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {field, _}, headers -> Map.put(headers, field, true) end)
|> Map.put(:bid, true)
|> Map.drop([:inserted_at, :updated_at])
|> Map.keys()
row1_regex = [
int: "#{int}",
uuid: ["#{int}", uuid],
bid: @uuid_regex
row2_regex = [
int: ["#{int2}", uuid2],
uuid: uuid2,
bid: @uuid_regex
row_param_regex =
Enum.flat_map([row1_regex, row2_regex], fn row ->
Enum.flat_map(headers, fn field ->
case Keyword.get(row, field) do
row_params when is_list(row_params) -> row_params
row_param -> [row_param]
placeholder_regex = [inspect(datetime), inspect(datetime2)]
conflict_param_regex = ["#{conflict_update}", "#{conflict_int}", conflict_uuid]
expected_param_regex = placeholder_regex ++ row_param_regex ++ conflict_param_regex
assert length(log_params) == length(expected_param_regex)
Enum.zip(log_params, expected_param_regex)
|> Enum.each(fn {log, expected_regex} ->
assert log =~ expected_regex
test "for insert" do
# Insert values
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
# Ensure parameters are complete and in correct order
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert!(%Logging{uuid: uuid, int: int},
log: :info
param_regex =
~r/\[(?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\", (?<inserted_at>.+), (?<updated_at>.+), \"(?<bid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
# User changes
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
# Autogenerated changes
assert param_logs["inserted_at"] =~ @naive_datetime_regex
assert param_logs["updated_at"] =~ @naive_datetime_regex
# Filters
assert param_logs["bid"] =~ @uuid_regex
@tag :with_conflict_target
test "for insert with conflict query" do
# Insert values
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
# Conflict query
conflict_int = 0
conflict_uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
conflict_update = 2
conflict_query =
from l in Logging,
where: l.int == ^conflict_int and l.uuid == ^conflict_uuid,
update: [set: [int: ^conflict_update]]
# Ensure parameters are complete and in correct order
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.insert!(%Logging{uuid: uuid, int: int},
on_conflict: conflict_query,
conflict_target: :bid,
log: :info
param_regex =
~r/\[(?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\", (?<inserted_at>.+), (?<updated_at>.+), \"(?<bid>.+)\", (?<conflict_update>.+), (?<conflict_int>.+), \"(?<conflict_uuid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
# User changes
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
# Autogenerated changes
assert param_logs["inserted_at"] =~ @naive_datetime_regex
assert param_logs["updated_at"] =~ @naive_datetime_regex
# Filters
assert param_logs["bid"] =~ @uuid_regex
# Conflict query parameters
assert param_logs["conflict_update"] == Integer.to_string(conflict_update)
assert param_logs["conflict_int"] == Integer.to_string(conflict_int)
assert param_logs["conflict_uuid"] == conflict_uuid
test "for update" do
# Update values
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
current = TestRepo.insert!(%Logging{})
# Ensure parameters are complete and in correct order
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.update!(Ecto.Changeset.change(current, %{uuid: uuid, int: int}), log: :info)
param_regex = ~r/\[(?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\", (?<updated_at>.+), \"(?<bid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
# User changes
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
# Autogenerated changes
assert param_logs["updated_at"] =~ @naive_datetime_regex
# Filters
assert param_logs["bid"] == current.bid
test "for delete" do
current = TestRepo.insert!(%Logging{})
# Ensure parameters are complete and in correct order
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.delete!(current, log: :info)
param_regex = ~r/\[\"(?<bid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
# Filters
assert param_logs["bid"] == current.bid
test "for queries" do
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
# all
log =
capture_log(fn ->
from(l in Logging,
select: type(^"1", :integer),
where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid
log: :info
param_regex = ~r/\[(?<tagged_int>.+), (?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
assert param_logs["tagged_int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
# update_all
update = 2
log =
capture_log(fn ->
from(l in Logging,
where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid,
update: [set: [int: ^update]]
|> TestRepo.update_all([], log: :info)
param_regex = ~r/\[(?<update>.+), (?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
assert param_logs["update"] == Integer.to_string(update)
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
# delete_all
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.delete_all(from(l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid),
log: :info
param_regex = ~r/\[(?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
@tag :stream
test "for queries with stream" do
int = 1
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
log =
capture_log(fn ->
stream =
TestRepo.stream(from(l in Logging, where: l.int == ^int and l.uuid == ^uuid),
log: :info
TestRepo.transaction(fn -> Enum.to_list(stream) end)
param_regex = ~r/\[(?<int>.+), \"(?<uuid>.+)\"\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
assert param_logs["int"] == Integer.to_string(int)
assert param_logs["uuid"] == uuid
@tag :array_type
test "for queries with array type" do
uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate()
uuid2 = Ecto.UUID.generate()
log =
capture_log(fn ->
TestRepo.all(from(a in ArrayLogging, where: a.uuids == ^[uuid, uuid2]),
log: :info
param_regex = ~r/\[(?<uuids>\[.+\])\]/
param_logs = Regex.named_captures(param_regex, log)
assert param_logs["uuids"] == "[\"#{uuid}\", \"#{uuid2}\"]"