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defmodule Ecto.Integration.JoinsTest do
use Ecto.Integration.Case, async: Application.compile_env(:ecto, :async_integration_tests, true)
alias Ecto.Integration.TestRepo
import Ecto.Query
alias Ecto.Integration.Post
alias Ecto.Integration.Comment
alias Ecto.Integration.Permalink
alias Ecto.Integration.User
alias Ecto.Integration.PostUserCompositePk
@tag :update_with_join
test "update all with joins" do
user = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Tester"})
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "foo"})
comment = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "hey", author_id: user.id, post_id: post.id})
another_post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "bar"})
another_comment = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "another", author_id: user.id, post_id: another_post.id})
query = from(c in Comment, join: u in User, on: u.id == c.author_id,
where: c.post_id in ^[post.id])
assert {1, nil} = TestRepo.update_all(query, set: [text: "hoo"])
assert %Comment{text: "hoo"} = TestRepo.get(Comment, comment.id)
assert %Comment{text: "another"} = TestRepo.get(Comment, another_comment.id)
@tag :delete_with_join
test "delete all with joins" do
user = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Tester"})
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "foo"})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "hey", author_id: user.id, post_id: post.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "foo", author_id: user.id, post_id: post.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "bar", author_id: user.id})
query = from(c in Comment, join: u in User, on: u.id == c.author_id,
where: is_nil(c.post_id))
assert {1, nil} = TestRepo.delete_all(query)
assert [%Comment{}, %Comment{}] = TestRepo.all(Comment)
query = from(c in Comment, join: u in assoc(c, :author),
join: p in assoc(c, :post),
where: p.id in ^[post.id])
assert {2, nil} = TestRepo.delete_all(query)
assert [] = TestRepo.all(Comment)
test "joins" do
_p = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p2.id})
query = from(p in Post, join: c in assoc(p, :permalink), order_by: p.id, select: {p, c})
assert [{^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
query = from(p in Post, join: c in assoc(p, :permalink), on: c.id == ^c1.id, select: {p, c})
assert [{^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "joins with queries" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p2.id})
# Joined query without parameter
permalink = from c in Permalink, where: c.url == "1"
query = from(p in Post, join: c in ^permalink, on: c.post_id == p.id, select: {p, c})
assert [{^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
# Joined query with parameter
permalink = from c in Permalink, where: c.url == "1"
query = from(p in Post, join: c in ^permalink, on: c.id == ^c1.id, order_by: p.title, select: {p, c})
assert [{^p1, ^c1}, {^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "named joins" do
_p = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p2.id})
query =
from(p in Post, join: c in assoc(p, :permalink), as: :permalink, order_by: p.id)
|> select([p, permalink: c], {p, c})
assert [{^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "joins with dynamic in :on" do
p = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
c = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p.id})
join_on = dynamic([p, ..., c], c.id == ^c.id)
query =
from(p in Post, join: c in Permalink, on: ^join_on)
|> select([p, c], {p, c})
assert [{^p, ^c}] = TestRepo.all(query)
join_on = dynamic([p, permalink: c], c.id == ^c.id)
query =
from(p in Post, join: c in Permalink, as: :permalink, on: ^join_on)
|> select([p, c], {p, c})
assert [{^p, ^c}] = TestRepo.all(query)
@tag :cross_join
test "cross joins with missing entries" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p2.id})
query = from(p in Post, cross_join: c in Permalink, order_by: p.id, select: {p, c})
assert [{^p1, ^c1}, {^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
@tag :left_join
test "left joins with missing entries" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p2.id})
query = from(p in Post, left_join: c in assoc(p, :permalink), order_by: p.id, select: {p, c})
assert [{^p1, nil}, {^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
@tag :left_join
test "left join with missing entries from subquery" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p2.id})
query = from(p in Post, left_join: c in subquery(Permalink), on: p.id == c.post_id, order_by: p.id, select: {p, c})
assert [{^p1, nil}, {^p2, ^c1}] = TestRepo.all(query)
@tag :right_join
test "right joins with missing entries" do
%Post{id: pid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
%Post{id: pid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%Permalink{id: plid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: pid2})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: pid1})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: pid2})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: nil})
query = from(p in Post, right_join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
preload: :permalink, order_by: c.id)
assert [p1, p2, p3] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.id == pid1
assert p2.id == pid2
assert is_nil(p3.id)
assert p1.permalink == nil
assert p2.permalink.id == plid1
## Associations joins
test "has_many association join" do
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "hey", post_id: post.id})
c2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "heya", post_id: post.id})
query = from(p in Post, join: c in assoc(p, :comments), select: {p, c}, order_by: p.id)
[{^post, ^c1}, {^post, ^c2}] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "has_one association join" do
post1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
post2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
user = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "hey", user_id: user.id, post_id: post1.id})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "heya", user_id: user.id, post_id: post2.id})
query = from(p in User, join: c in assoc(p, :permalink), select: {p, c}, order_by: c.id)
[{^user, ^p1}, {^user, ^p2}] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "belongs_to association join" do
post1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
post2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
user = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "hey", user_id: user.id, post_id: post1.id})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "heya", user_id: user.id, post_id: post2.id})
query = from(p in Permalink, join: c in assoc(p, :user), select: {p, c}, order_by: p.id)
[{^p1, ^user}, {^p2, ^user}] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "has_many through association join" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "zzz"})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "aaa"})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u2.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p2.id, author_id: u2.id})
query = from p in Post, join: a in assoc(p, :comments_authors), select: {p, a}, order_by: [p.id, a.name]
assert [{^p1, ^u2}, {^p1, ^u1}, {^p1, ^u1}, {^p2, ^u2}] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "has_many through nested association joins" do
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Alice"})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "John"})
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p1", author_id: u1.id})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p2", author_id: u1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "c1", author_id: u1.id, post_id: p1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "c2", author_id: u2.id, post_id: p1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "c3", author_id: u2.id, post_id: p2.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "c4", post_id: p2.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "c5", author_id: u1.id, post_id: p2.id})
assert %{
comments: [
%{text: "c1"},
%{text: "c5"}
posts: [
%{title: "p1"} = p1,
%{title: "p2"} = p2
} =
from(u in User)
|> join(:left, [u], p in assoc(u, :posts))
|> join(:left, [u], c in assoc(u, :comments))
|> join(:left, [_, p], c in assoc(p, :comments))
|> preload(
[user, posts, comments, post_comments],
comments: comments,
posts: {posts, comments: {post_comments, :author}}
|> TestRepo.get(u1.id)
assert [
%{text: "c1", author: %{name: "Alice"}},
%{text: "c2", author: %{name: "John"}}
] = Enum.sort_by(p1.comments, & &1.text)
assert [
%{text: "c3", author: %{name: "John"}},
%{text: "c4", author: nil},
%{text: "c5", author: %{name: "Alice"}}
] = Enum.sort_by(p2.comments, & &1.text)
test "many_to_many association join" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
_p = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "3"})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "john"})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "mary"})
TestRepo.insert_all "posts_users", [[post_id: p1.id, user_id: u1.id],
[post_id: p1.id, user_id: u2.id],
[post_id: p2.id, user_id: u2.id]]
query = from(p in Post, join: u in assoc(p, :users), select: {p, u}, order_by: p.id)
[{^p1, ^u1}, {^p1, ^u2}, {^p2, ^u2}] = TestRepo.all(query)
## Association preload
test "has_many assoc selector" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: p1.id})
c2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: p1.id})
c3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: p2.id})
# Without on
query = from(p in Post, join: c in assoc(p, :comments), preload: [comments: c])
[p1, p2] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.comments == [c1, c2]
assert p2.comments == [c3]
# With on
query = from(p in Post, left_join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
on: p.title == c.text, preload: [comments: c])
[p1, p2] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.comments == [c1]
assert p2.comments == []
test "has_one assoc selector" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
pl1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p1.id})
_pl = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "2"})
pl3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "3", post_id: p2.id})
query = from(p in Post, join: pl in assoc(p, :permalink), preload: [permalink: pl])
assert [post1, post3] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert post1.permalink == pl1
assert post3.permalink == pl3
test "belongs_to assoc selector" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "2"})
TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "3", post_id: p2.id})
query = from(pl in Permalink, left_join: p in assoc(pl, :post), preload: [post: p], order_by: pl.id)
assert [pl1, pl2, pl3] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert pl1.post == p1
refute pl2.post
assert pl3.post == p2
test "many_to_many assoc selector" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
_p = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "3"})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "1"})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "2"})
TestRepo.insert_all "posts_users", [[post_id: p1.id, user_id: u1.id],
[post_id: p1.id, user_id: u2.id],
[post_id: p2.id, user_id: u2.id]]
# Without on
query = from(p in Post, left_join: u in assoc(p, :users), preload: [users: u], order_by: p.id)
[p1, p2, p3] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert Enum.sort_by(p1.users, & &1.name) == [u1, u2]
assert p2.users == [u2]
assert p3.users == []
# With on
query = from(p in Post, left_join: u in assoc(p, :users), on: p.title == u.name,
preload: [users: u], order_by: p.id)
[p1, p2, p3] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.users == [u1]
assert p2.users == [u2]
assert p3.users == []
test "has_many through assoc selector" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "1"})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "2"})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u2.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p2.id, author_id: u2.id})
# Without on
query = from(p in Post, left_join: ca in assoc(p, :comments_authors),
preload: [comments_authors: ca])
[p1, p2] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert Enum.sort_by(p1.comments_authors, & &1.id) == [u1, u2]
assert p2.comments_authors == [u2]
# With on
query = from(p in Post, left_join: ca in assoc(p, :comments_authors),
on: ca.name == p.title, preload: [comments_authors: ca])
[p1, p2] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.comments_authors == [u1]
assert p2.comments_authors == [u2]
test "has_many through-through assoc selector" do
%Post{id: pid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
%Post{id: pid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
%Permalink{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{post_id: pid1, url: "1"})
%Permalink{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{post_id: pid2, url: "2"})
%User{id: uid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
%User{id: uid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: pid1, author_id: uid1})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: pid1, author_id: uid1})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: pid1, author_id: uid2})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: pid2, author_id: uid2})
query = from(p in Permalink, left_join: ca in assoc(p, :post_comments_authors),
preload: [post_comments_authors: ca], order_by: ca.id)
[l1, l2] = TestRepo.all(query)
[u1, u2] = l1.post_comments_authors
assert u1.id == uid1
assert u2.id == uid2
[u2] = l2.post_comments_authors
assert u2.id == uid2
# Insert some intermediary joins to check indexes won't be shuffled
query = from(p in Permalink,
left_join: assoc(p, :post),
left_join: ca in assoc(p, :post_comments_authors),
left_join: assoc(p, :post),
left_join: assoc(p, :post),
preload: [post_comments_authors: ca], order_by: ca.id)
[l1, l2] = TestRepo.all(query)
[u1, u2] = l1.post_comments_authors
assert u1.id == uid1
assert u2.id == uid2
[u2] = l2.post_comments_authors
assert u2.id == uid2
## Nested
test "nested assoc" do
%Post{id: pid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
%Post{id: pid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%User{id: uid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "1"})
%User{id: uid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "2"})
%Comment{id: cid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: pid1, author_id: uid1})
%Comment{id: cid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: pid1, author_id: uid2})
%Comment{id: cid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: pid2, author_id: uid2})
# use multiple associations to force parallel preloader
query = from p in Post,
left_join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
left_join: u in assoc(c, :author),
order_by: [p.id, c.id, u.id],
preload: [:permalink, comments: {c, author: {u, [:comments, :custom]}}],
select: {0, [p], 1, 2}
posts = TestRepo.all(query)
assert [p1, p2] = Enum.map(posts, fn {0, [p], 1, 2} -> p end)
assert p1.id == pid1
assert p2.id == pid2
assert [c1, c2] = p1.comments
assert [c3] = p2.comments
assert c1.id == cid1
assert c2.id == cid2
assert c3.id == cid3
assert c1.author.id == uid1
assert c2.author.id == uid2
assert c3.author.id == uid2
test "nested assoc with missing entries" do
%Post{id: pid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
%Post{id: pid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%Post{id: pid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%User{id: uid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "1"})
%User{id: uid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "2"})
%Comment{id: cid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: pid1, author_id: uid1})
%Comment{id: cid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: pid1, author_id: nil})
%Comment{id: cid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: pid3, author_id: uid2})
query = from p in Post,
left_join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
left_join: u in assoc(c, :author),
order_by: [p.id, c.id, u.id],
preload: [comments: {c, author: u}]
assert [p1, p2, p3] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.id == pid1
assert p2.id == pid2
assert p3.id == pid3
assert [c1, c2] = p1.comments
assert [] = p2.comments
assert [c3] = p3.comments
assert c1.id == cid1
assert c2.id == cid2
assert c3.id == cid3
assert c1.author.id == uid1
assert c2.author == nil
assert c3.author.id == uid2
test "nested assoc with child preload" do
%Post{id: pid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
%Post{id: pid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%User{id: uid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "1"})
%User{id: uid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "2"})
%Comment{id: cid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: pid1, author_id: uid1})
%Comment{id: cid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: pid1, author_id: uid2})
%Comment{id: cid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: pid2, author_id: uid2})
query = from p in Post,
left_join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
order_by: [p.id, c.id],
preload: [comments: {c, :author}],
select: p
assert [p1, p2] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.id == pid1
assert p2.id == pid2
assert [c1, c2] = p1.comments
assert [c3] = p2.comments
assert c1.id == cid1
assert c2.id == cid2
assert c3.id == cid3
assert c1.author.id == uid1
assert c2.author.id == uid2
assert c3.author.id == uid2
test "nested assoc with sibling preload" do
%Post{id: pid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
%Post{id: pid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%Permalink{id: plid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: pid2})
%Comment{id: cid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: pid1})
%Comment{id: cid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: pid2})
%Comment{id: _} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: pid2})
query = from p in Post,
left_join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
where: c.text in ~w(1 2),
preload: [:permalink, comments: c],
select: {0, [p], 1, 2}
posts = TestRepo.all(query)
assert [p1, p2] = Enum.map(posts, fn {0, [p], 1, 2} -> p end)
assert p1.id == pid1
assert p2.id == pid2
assert p2.permalink.id == plid1
assert [c1] = p1.comments
assert [c2] = p2.comments
assert c1.id == cid1
assert c2.id == cid2
test "mixing regular join and assoc selector" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: p1.id})
c2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: p1.id})
c3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: p2.id})
pl1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p1.id})
_pl = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "2"})
pl3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "3", post_id: p2.id})
# Without on
query = from(p in Post, join: pl in assoc(p, :permalink),
join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
preload: [permalink: pl],
select: {p, c})
[{p1, ^c1}, {p1, ^c2}, {p2, ^c3}] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert p1.permalink == pl1
assert p2.permalink == pl3
test "association with composite pk join" do
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
user = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "1"})
TestRepo.insert!(%PostUserCompositePk{post_id: post.id, user_id: user.id})
query = from(p in Post, join: a in assoc(p, :post_user_composite_pk),
preload: [post_user_composite_pk: a], select: p)
assert [post] = TestRepo.all(query)
assert post.post_user_composite_pk