import { createElement } from 'react'; import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom'; import retargetEvents from 'react-shadow-dom-retarget-events'; /* global HTMLElement */ /* * Adapted from * Rolling this in so we don't need another polyfill. */ function inject() { if ( (window.HTMLElement && window.HTMLElement._babelES5Adapter) || void 0 === window.Reflect || void 0 === window.customElements || window.customElements.hasOwnProperty('polyfillWrapFlushCallback') ) { return } const a = HTMLElement; window.HTMLElement = function() { return Reflect.construct(a, [], this.constructor) }; HTMLElement.prototype = a.prototype; HTMLElement.prototype.constructor = HTMLElement; Object.setPrototypeOf(HTMLElement, a); HTMLElement._babelES5Adapter = true; } // @ts-check /** * The name of this strategy. * @type string */ const name = 'CustomElements'; /** * Registers a custom element. * * This creates a custom element (ie, a subclass of `window.HTMLElement`) and * registers it (ie, `window.customElements.define`). * * Events will be triggered when something interesting happens. * * @example * defineElement( * { component: Tooltip }, * 'x-tooltip', * { onUpdate, onUnmount } * ) * * @private * @param {ElementSpec} elSpec * @param {string} elName * @param {ElementEvents} events */ function defineElement(elSpec, elName, events) { const { onUpdate, onUnmount, onMount } = events; inject(); const attributes = elSpec.attributes || []; class ComponentElement extends HTMLElement { static get observedAttributes() { return ['props-json', ...attributes] } connectedCallback() { this._mountPoint = createMountPoint(this, elSpec); onMount(this, this._mountPoint); } disconnectedCallback() { if (!this._mountPoint) { return } onUnmount(this, this._mountPoint); } attributeChangedCallback() { if (!this._mountPoint) { return } onUpdate(this, this._mountPoint); } } // Supress warning when quiet mode is on if (elSpec.quiet && window.customElements.get(elName)) { return } window.customElements.define(elName, ComponentElement); } function isSupported() { return !!(window.customElements && window.customElements.define) } /** * Creates a `` element that serves as the mounting point for React * components. If `shadow: true` is requested, it'll attach a shadow node. * * @private * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {ElementSpec} elSpec */ function createMountPoint(element, elSpec) { const { shadow } = elSpec; if (shadow && element.attachShadow) { const mountPoint = document.createElement('span'); element.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }).appendChild(mountPoint); return mountPoint } else { return element } } /** * Check if Shadow DOM is supported. */ function supportsShadow() { return !!(document && document.body && document.body.attachShadow) } var CustomElementsStrategy = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ name: name, defineElement: defineElement, isSupported: isSupported, supportsShadow: supportsShadow }); // @ts-check /** * Some implementations of MutationObserver don't have .forEach, * so we need our own `forEach` shim. This is usually the case with * polyfilled environments. * * @type { import('./types').Each } */ function each(/** @type any */ list, /** @type any */ fn) { for (let i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { fn(list[i]); } } // @ts-check /** * The name of this strategy. * @type string */ const name$1 = 'MutationObserver'; /** * List of observers tags. * @type ObserverList */ const observers = {}; function isSupported$1() { return 'MutationObserver' in window } /** * Defines a custom element. * * @example * defineElement( * { component: MyComponent }, * 'my-div', * { * onMount: () => {}, * onUpdate: () => {}, * onUnmount: () => {}, * } * ) * * @private * @param {ElementSpec} elSpec * @param {string} elName * @param {ElementEvents} events */ function defineElement$1(elSpec, elName, events) { elName = elName.toLowerCase(); // Maintain parity with what would happen in Custom Elements mode if (!isValidName(elName)) { if (elSpec.quiet) { return } throw new Error(`Remount: "${elName}" is not a valid custom element elName`) } if (observers[elName]) { if (elSpec.quiet) { return } throw new Error(`Remount: "${elName}" is already registered`) } const observer = new MutationObserver( /** @type MutationCallback */ mutations => { each(mutations, (/** @type MutationRecord */ mutation) => { each(mutation.addedNodes, (/** @type Node */ node) => { if (isElement(node)) { checkForMount(node, elName, events); } }); }); } ); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); observers[name$1] = /* true */ observer; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const nodes = document.getElementsByTagName(name$1); each(nodes, (/** @type HTMLElement */ node) => checkForMount(node, name$1, events) ); }); } /** * Checks if this new element should fire an `onUpdate` hook. * Recurses down to its descendant nodes. * * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {string} elName * @param {ElementEvents} events */ function checkForMount(node, elName, events) { if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === elName) { // It's a match! events.onMount(node, node); observeForUpdates(node, events); observeForRemoval(node, events); } else if (node.children && node.children.length) { // Recurse down into the other additions each(node.children, (/** @type HTMLElement */ subnode) => { if (isElement(subnode)) { checkForMount(subnode, elName, events); } }); } } /** * Observes for any changes in attributes. * * @param {Element} node * @param {ElementEvents} events */ function observeForUpdates(node, events) { const { onUpdate } = events; const observer = new MutationObserver( /** @type MutationCallback */ mutations => { each(mutations, (/** @type MutationRecord */ mutation) => { const targetNode =; if (isElement(targetNode)) { onUpdate(targetNode, targetNode); } }); } ); observer.observe(node, { attributes: true }); } /** * Observes a node's parent to wait until the node is removed * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {ElementEvents} events */ function observeForRemoval(node, events) { const { onUnmount } = events; const parent = node.parentNode; // Not sure when this can happen, but let's add this for type safety if (!parent) { return } const observer = new MutationObserver( /** @type MutationCallback */ mutations => { each(mutations, (/** @type MutationRecord */ mutation) => { each(mutation.removedNodes, (/** @type Node */ subnode) => { if (node !== subnode) { return } if (isElement(node)) { // @ts-ignore TypeScript expects 0 arguments...? observer.disconnect(parent); onUnmount(node, node); } }); }); } ); observer.observe(parent, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } /** * Validate a custom tag. * * Since Remount can work with either Custom Elements or MutationObserver API's, * it'd be wise if we rejected element names that won't work in Custom Elements * mode (even if we're using MutationObserver mode). * * @param {string} elName * @returns {boolean} * * @example * isValidName('div') // => false * isValidName('my-div') // => true * isValidName('123-456') // => false * isValidName('my-123') // => true * * @private */ function isValidName(elName) { return !!(elName.indexOf('-') !== -1 && elName.match(/^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*$/)) } /** * Shadow DOM is not supported with the Mutation Observer strategy. */ function supportsShadow$1() { return false } /** * Checks if a given Node is an HTMLElement. * * It's possible that a mutation's `addedNodes` return something that isn't an * HTMLElement. * * @param {any} node * @returns {node is HTMLElement} */ function isElement(node) { if (node) { return true } return false } var MutationObserverStrategy = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ name: name$1, observers: observers, isSupported: isSupported$1, defineElement: defineElement$1, supportsShadow: supportsShadow$1 }); // @ts-check /** * @param {ElementSpec} elSpec * @param {HTMLElement} mountPoint * @param {object} props * @param {HTMLElement | null} element */ function mount(elSpec, mountPoint, props, element) { return update(elSpec, mountPoint, props, element) } /** * Updates a custom element by calling `ReactDOM.render()`. * @private * * @param {ElementSpec} elSpec * @param {HTMLElement} mountPoint * @param {object} props * @param {HTMLElement | null} element */ function update(elSpec, mountPoint, props, element) { const { component } = elSpec; const reactElement = createElement(component, props); render(reactElement, mountPoint); if (element) { retargetEvents(element.shadowRoot); } } /** * Unmounts a component. * @private * * @param {ElementSpec} elSpec * @param {HTMLElement} mountPoint */ function unmount(elSpec, mountPoint) { unmountComponentAtNode(mountPoint); } var ReactAdapter = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ mount: mount, update: update, unmount: unmount }); // @ts-check /** * Cache of the strategy determined by `getStrategy()`. * @type {Strategy | null | undefined} */ let cachedStrategy; /** * Detect what API can be used. * * @example * Remount.getStrategy().name */ function getStrategy() { if (cachedStrategy) { return cachedStrategy } const StrategyUsed = [CustomElementsStrategy, MutationObserverStrategy].find( strategy => !!strategy.isSupported() ); if (!StrategyUsed) { /* tslint:disable no-console */ console.warn( "Remount: This browser doesn't support the " + 'MutationObserver API or the Custom Elements API. Including ' + 'polyfills might fix this. Remount elements will not work. ' + '' ); } cachedStrategy = StrategyUsed; return StrategyUsed } /** * Registers custom elements and links them to React components. * @param {ElementMap} components * @param {Defaults=} defaults * * @example * define({ 'x-tooltip': Tooltip }) * * @example * define( * { 'x-tooltip': Tooltip }, * { attributes: ['title', 'body'] } * ) */ function define(components, defaults) { const Strategy = getStrategy(); if (!Strategy) { return } Object.keys(components).forEach((/** @type string */ name$$1) => { // Construct the specs for the element. // (eg, { component: Tooltip, attributes: ['title'] }) /** @type ElementSpec */ const elSpec = Object.assign({}, defaults, toElementSpec(components[name$$1])); /** @type Adapter */ const adapter = elSpec.adapter || ReactAdapter; // Define a custom element. Strategy.defineElement(elSpec, name$$1, { onMount(element, mountPoint) { const props = getProps(element, elSpec.attributes); if (elSpec.shadow && elSpec.retarget) { adapter.mount(elSpec, mountPoint, props, element); } else { adapter.mount(elSpec, mountPoint, props, null); } }, onUpdate(element, mountPoint) { const props = getProps(element, elSpec.attributes); adapter.update(elSpec, mountPoint, props, null); }, onUnmount(element, mountPoint) { adapter.unmount(elSpec, mountPoint); } }); }); } /** * Coerces something into an `ElementSpec` type. * * @param {ElementSpec | Component} thing * @returns {ElementSpec} * @private * * @example * toElementSpec(Tooltip) * // => { component: Tooltip } * * toElementSpec({ component: Tooltip }) * // => { component: Tooltip } */ function toElementSpec(thing) { if (isElementSpec(thing)) { return thing } return { component: thing } } /** * Checks if a given `spec` is an ElementSpec. * * @param {any} spec * @returns {spec is ElementSpec} */ function isElementSpec(spec) { return typeof spec === 'object' && spec.component } /** * Returns properties for a given HTML element. * * @private * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {string[] | null | undefined} attributes * * @example * getProps(div, ['name']) * // => { name: 'Romeo' } */ function getProps(element, attributes) { const rawJson = element.getAttribute('props-json'); if (rawJson) { return JSON.parse(rawJson) } const names = attributes || []; return names.reduce(( /** @type PropertyMap */ result, /** @type string */ attribute ) => { result[attribute] = element.getAttribute(attribute); return result }, {}) } export { getStrategy, define };