defmodule Phoenix.PubSubTest do @moduledoc """ Sets up PubSub Adapter testcases. ## Usage To test a PubSub adapter, set the `:test_adapter` on the `:phoenix_pubsub` configuration and require this file, ie: # your_pubsub_adapter_test.exs Application.put_env(:phoenix_pubsub, :test_adapter, {Phoenix.PubSub.PG2, []}) Code.require_file "../deps/phoenix_pubsub/test/shared/pubsub_test.exs", __DIR__ """ use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Phoenix.PubSub defp subscribers(config, topic) do Registry.lookup(config.pubsub, topic) end defp rpc(pid, func) do Agent.get(pid, fn :ok -> func.() end) end defp spawn_pid do {:ok, pid} = Agent.start_link(fn -> :ok end) pid end defmodule CustomDispatcher do def dispatch(entries, from, message) do for {pid, metadata} <- entries do send(pid, {:custom, metadata, from, message}) end :ok end end setup config do size = config[:pool_size] || 1 {adapter, adapter_opts} = Application.get_env(:phoenix_pubsub, :test_adapter) adapter_opts = [adapter: adapter, name: config.test, pool_size: size] ++ adapter_opts start_supervised!({Phoenix.PubSub, adapter_opts}) opts = %{ pubsub: config.test, topic: to_string(config.test), pool_size: size, node: Phoenix.PubSub.node_name(config.test) } {:ok, opts} end test "node_name/1 returns the node name", config do assert is_atom(config.node) or is_binary(config.node) end for size <- [1, 8] do @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: subscribe and unsubscribe", config do pid = spawn_pid() assert subscribers(config, config.topic) |> length == 0 assert rpc(pid, fn -> PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) end) assert subscribers(config, config.topic) == [{pid, nil}] assert rpc(pid, fn -> PubSub.unsubscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) end) assert subscribers(config, config.topic) |> length == 0 end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: broadcast/3 and broadcast!/3 publishes message to each subscriber", config do PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) :ok = PubSub.broadcast(config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) assert_receive :ping :ok = PubSub.broadcast!(config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) assert_receive :ping end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: broadcast/3 does not publish message to other topic subscribers", config do PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, "unknown") Enum.each(0..10, fn _ -> rpc(spawn_pid(), fn -> PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) end) end) :ok = PubSub.broadcast(config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) refute_received :ping end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: broadcast_from/4 and broadcast_from!/4 skips sender", config do PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) PubSub.broadcast_from(config.pubsub, self(), config.topic, :ping) refute_received :ping PubSub.broadcast_from!(config.pubsub, self(), config.topic, :ping) refute_received :ping end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: unsubscribe on not subscribed topic noops", config do assert :ok = PubSub.unsubscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) assert subscribers(config, config.topic) == [] end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: direct_broadcast sends to given node", config do PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) PubSub.direct_broadcast(config.node, config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) assert_receive :ping PubSub.direct_broadcast!(config.node, config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) assert_receive :ping end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: direct_broadcast sends to unknown node", config do PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) PubSub.direct_broadcast(:"IDONTKNOW@", config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) refute_received :ping PubSub.direct_broadcast!(:"IDONTKNOW@", config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) refute_received :ping end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: local_broadcast sends to the current node", config do PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) PubSub.local_broadcast(config.pubsub, config.topic, :ping) assert_receive :ping end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: local_broadcast_from/5 skips sender", config do PubSub.subscribe(config.pubsub, config.topic) PubSub.local_broadcast_from(config.pubsub, self(), config.topic, :ping) refute_received :ping end @tag pool_size: size test "pool #{size}: with custom dispatching", %{topic: topic, test: test, node: node} do PubSub.subscribe(test, topic) PubSub.subscribe(test, topic, metadata: :special) PubSub.broadcast(test, topic, :broadcast, CustomDispatcher) assert_receive {:custom, nil, :none, :broadcast} assert_receive {:custom, :special, :none, :broadcast} PubSub.broadcast_from(test, self(), topic, :broadcast_from, CustomDispatcher) assert_receive {:custom, nil, pid, :broadcast_from} when pid == self() assert_receive {:custom, :special, pid, :broadcast_from} when pid == self() PubSub.local_broadcast(test, topic, :local, CustomDispatcher) assert_receive {:custom, nil, :none, :local} assert_receive {:custom, :special, :none, :local} PubSub.local_broadcast_from(test, self(), topic, :local_from, CustomDispatcher) assert_receive {:custom, nil, pid, :local_from} when pid == self() assert_receive {:custom, :special, pid, :local_from} when pid == self() PubSub.direct_broadcast(node, test, topic, :direct, CustomDispatcher) assert_receive {:custom, nil, :none, :direct} assert_receive {:custom, :special, :none, :direct} end end end