describe "<%= schema.plural %>" do alias <%= inspect schema.module %> import <%= inspect context.module %>Fixtures @invalid_attrs <%= Mix.Phoenix.to_text for {key, _} <- schema.params.create, into: %{}, do: {key, nil} %> test "list_<%= schema.plural %>/0 returns all <%= schema.plural %>" do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= schema.singular %>_fixture() assert <%= inspect context.alias %>.list_<%= schema.plural %>() == [<%= schema.singular %>] end test "get_<%= schema.singular %>!/1 returns the <%= schema.singular %> with given id" do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= schema.singular %>_fixture() assert <%= inspect context.alias %>.get_<%= schema.singular %>!(<%= schema.singular %>.id) == <%= schema.singular %> end test "create_<%= schema.singular %>/1 with valid data creates a <%= schema.singular %>" do valid_attrs = <%= Mix.Phoenix.to_text schema.params.create %> assert {:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{} = <%= schema.singular %>} = <%= inspect context.alias %>.create_<%= schema.singular %>(valid_attrs)<%= for {field, value} <- schema.params.create do %> assert <%= schema.singular %>.<%= field %> == <%= Mix.Phoenix.Schema.value(schema, field, value) %><% end %> end test "create_<%= schema.singular %>/1 with invalid data returns error changeset" do assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = <%= inspect context.alias %>.create_<%= schema.singular %>(@invalid_attrs) end test "update_<%= schema.singular %>/2 with valid data updates the <%= schema.singular %>" do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= schema.singular %>_fixture() update_attrs = <%= Mix.Phoenix.to_text schema.params.update%> assert {:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{} = <%= schema.singular %>} = <%= inspect context.alias %>.update_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>, update_attrs)<%= for {field, value} <- schema.params.update do %> assert <%= schema.singular %>.<%= field %> == <%= Mix.Phoenix.Schema.value(schema, field, value) %><% end %> end test "update_<%= schema.singular %>/2 with invalid data returns error changeset" do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= schema.singular %>_fixture() assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = <%= inspect context.alias %>.update_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>, @invalid_attrs) assert <%= schema.singular %> == <%= inspect context.alias %>.get_<%= schema.singular %>!(<%= schema.singular %>.id) end test "delete_<%= schema.singular %>/1 deletes the <%= schema.singular %>" do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= schema.singular %>_fixture() assert {:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{}} = <%= inspect context.alias %>.delete_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>) assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> <%= inspect context.alias %>.get_<%= schema.singular %>!(<%= schema.singular %>.id) end end test "change_<%= schema.singular %>/1 returns a <%= schema.singular %> changeset" do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= schema.singular %>_fixture() assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = <%= inspect context.alias %>.change_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>) end end