defmodule Phoenix do @moduledoc """ This is the documentation for the Phoenix project. By default, Phoenix applications depend on the following packages across these categories. ## General * [Ecto]( - a language integrated query and database wrapper * [ExUnit]( - Elixir's built-in test framework * [Gettext]( - Internationalization and localization through [`gettext`]( * [Phoenix]( - the Phoenix web framework (these docs) * [Phoenix PubSub]( - a distributed pub/sub system with presence support * [Phoenix HTML]( - conveniences for working with HTML in Phoenix * [Phoenix View]( - a set of functions for building `Phoenix.View` and working with template languages such as Elixir's own `EEx` * [Phoenix LiveView]( - rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML * [Phoenix LiveDashboard]( - real-time performance monitoring and debugging tools for Phoenix developers * [Plug]( - a specification and conveniences for composable modules in between web applications * [Swoosh]( - a library for composing, delivering and testing emails, also used by `mix phx.gen.auth` * [Telemetry Metrics]( - common interface for defining metrics based on Telemetry events To get started, see our [overview guides](overview.html). """ use Application @doc false def start(_type, _args) do # Warm up caches _ = Phoenix.Template.engines() _ = Phoenix.Template.format_encoder("index.html") warn_on_missing_json_library() # Configure proper system flags from Phoenix only if stacktrace_depth = Application.get_env(:phoenix, :stacktrace_depth) do :erlang.system_flag(:backtrace_depth, stacktrace_depth) end if Application.fetch_env!(:phoenix, :logger) do Phoenix.Logger.install() end children = [ # Code reloading must be serial across all Phoenix apps Phoenix.CodeReloader.Server, {DynamicSupervisor, name: Phoenix.Transports.LongPoll.Supervisor, strategy: :one_for_one} ] Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, name: Phoenix.Supervisor) end # TODO v2: swap Poison default with Jason # From there we can ditch explicit config for new projects @doc """ Returns the configured JSON encoding library for Phoenix. To customize the JSON library, including the following in your `config/config.exs`: config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason """ def json_library do Application.get_env(:phoenix, :json_library, Poison) end @doc """ Returns the `:plug_init_mode` that controls when plugs are initialized. We recommend to set it to `:runtime` in development for compilation time improvements. It must be `:compile` in production (the default). This option is passed as the `:init_mode` to `Plug.Builder.compile/3`. """ def plug_init_mode do Application.get_env(:phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :compile) end defp warn_on_missing_json_library do configured_lib = Application.get_env(:phoenix, :json_library) cond do configured_lib && Code.ensure_loaded?(configured_lib) -> true configured_lib && not Code.ensure_loaded?(configured_lib) -> IO.warn """ found #{inspect(configured_lib)} in your application configuration for Phoenix JSON encoding, but module #{inspect(configured_lib)} is not available. Ensure #{inspect(configured_lib)} is listed as a dependency in mix.exs. """ true -> IO.warn """ Phoenix now requires you to explicitly list which engine to use for Phoenix JSON encoding. We recommend everyone to upgrade to Jason by setting in your config/config.exs: config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason And then adding {:jason, "~> 1.0"} as a dependency. If instead you would rather continue using Poison, then add to your config/config.exs: config :phoenix, :json_library, Poison """ end end end