defmodule FileSystem do @moduledoc """ A `GenServer` process to watch file system changes. The process receives data from Port, parse event, and send it to the worker process. """ @doc """ Starts a `GenServer` process and linked to the current process. ## Options * `:dirs` ([string], required), the list of directory to monitor. * `:backend` (atom, optional), default backends: `:fs_mac`. Available backends: `:fs_mac`, `:fs_inotify`, and `:fs_windows`. * `:name` (atom, optional), the `name` of the worker process to subscribe to the file system listerner. Alternative to using `pid` of the worker process. * Additional backend implementation options. See backend module documents for more details. ## Examples Start monitoring `/tmp/fs` directory using the default `:fs_mac` backend of the current process: iex> {:ok, pid} = FileSystem.start_link(dirs: ["/tmp/fs"]) iex> FileSystem.subscribe(pid) Get instant (`latench: 0`) notifications on file changes: iex> FileSystem.start_link(dirs: ["/path/to/some/files"], latency: 0) Minitor a directory by a process name: iex> FileSystem.start_link(backend: :fs_mac, dirs: ["/tmp/fs"], name: :worker) iex> FileSystem.subscribe(:worker) """ @spec start_link(Keyword.t()) :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link(options) do FileSystem.Worker.start_link(options) end @doc """ Register the current process as a subscriber of a `file_system` worker. The `pid` you subscribed from will now receive messages like: {:file_event, worker_pid, {file_path, events}} {:file_event, worker_pid, :stop} """ @spec subscribe(GenServer.server()) :: :ok def subscribe(pid) do, :subscribe) end end