defmodule Mix.Tasks.Esbuild do @moduledoc """ Invokes esbuild with the given args. Usage: $ mix esbuild TASK_OPTIONS PROFILE ESBUILD_ARGS Example: $ mix esbuild default assets/js/app.js --bundle --minify --target=es2016 --outdir=priv/static/assets If esbuild is not installed, it is automatically downloaded. Note the arguments given to this task will be appended to any configured arguments. ## Options * `--runtime-config` - load the runtime configuration before executing command Note flags to control this Mix task must be given before the profile: $ mix esbuild --runtime-config default assets/js/app.js """ @shortdoc "Invokes esbuild with the profile and args" @compile {:no_warn_undefined, Mix} use Mix.Task @impl true def run(args) do switches = [runtime_config: :boolean] {opts, remaining_args} = OptionParser.parse_head!(args, switches: switches) if function_exported?(Mix, :ensure_application!, 1) do Mix.ensure_application!(:inets) Mix.ensure_application!(:ssl) end if opts[:runtime_config] do"app.config") else"loadpaths") Application.ensure_all_started(:esbuild) end Mix.Task.reenable("esbuild") install_and_run(remaining_args) end defp install_and_run([profile | args] = all) do case Esbuild.install_and_run(String.to_atom(profile), args) do 0 -> :ok status -> Mix.raise("`mix esbuild #{Enum.join(all, " ")}` exited with #{status}") end end defp install_and_run([]) do Mix.raise("`mix esbuild` expects the profile as argument") end end