defmodule Mix.Ecto do @moduledoc """ Conveniences for writing Ecto related Mix tasks. """ @doc """ Parses the repository option from the given command line args list. If no repo option is given, it is retrieved from the application environment. """ @spec parse_repo([term]) :: [Ecto.Repo.t] def parse_repo(args) do parse_repo(args, []) end defp parse_repo([key, value|t], acc) when key in ~w(--repo -r) do parse_repo t, [Module.concat([value])|acc] end defp parse_repo([_|t], acc) do parse_repo t, acc end defp parse_repo([], []) do apps = if apps_paths = Mix.Project.apps_paths() do Enum.filter(Mix.Project.deps_apps(), &is_map_key(apps_paths, &1)) else [Mix.Project.config()[:app]] end apps |> Enum.flat_map(fn app -> Application.load(app) Application.get_env(app, :ecto_repos, []) end) |> Enum.uniq() |> case do [] -> """ warning: could not find Ecto repos in any of the apps: #{inspect apps}. You can avoid this warning by passing the -r flag or by setting the repositories managed by those applications in your config/config.exs: config #{inspect hd(apps)}, ecto_repos: [...] """ [] repos -> repos end end defp parse_repo([], acc) do Enum.reverse(acc) end @doc """ Ensures the given module is an Ecto.Repo. """ @spec ensure_repo(module, list) :: Ecto.Repo.t def ensure_repo(repo, args) do # Do not pass the --force switch used by some tasks downstream args = List.delete(args, "--force")"app.config", args) case Code.ensure_compiled(repo) do {:module, _} -> if function_exported?(repo, :__adapter__, 0) do repo else Mix.raise "Module #{inspect repo} is not an Ecto.Repo. " <> "Please configure your app accordingly or pass a repo with the -r option." end {:error, error} -> Mix.raise "Could not load #{inspect repo}, error: #{inspect error}. " <> "Please configure your app accordingly or pass a repo with the -r option." end end @doc """ Asks if the user wants to open a file based on ECTO_EDITOR. By default, it attempts to open the file and line using the `file:line` notation. For example, if your editor is called `subl`, it will open the file as: subl path/to/file:line It is important that you choose an editor command that does not block nor that attempts to run an editor directly in the terminal. Command-line based editors likely need extra configuration so they open up the given file and line in a separate window. Custom editors are supported by using the `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` notations, for example: ECTO_EDITOR="my_editor +__LINE__ __FILE__" and Elixir will properly interpolate values. """ @spec open?(binary, non_neg_integer) :: boolean def open?(file, line \\ 1) do editor = System.get_env("ECTO_EDITOR") || "" if editor != "" do command = if editor =~ "__FILE__" or editor =~ "__LINE__" do editor |> String.replace("__FILE__", inspect(file)) |> String.replace("__LINE__", Integer.to_string(line)) else "#{editor} #{inspect(file)}:#{line}" end true else false end end @doc """ Gets a path relative to the application path. Raises on umbrella application. """ def no_umbrella!(task) do if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do Mix.raise "Cannot run task #{inspect task} from umbrella project root. " <> "Change directory to one of the umbrella applications and try again" end end @doc """ Returns `true` if module implements behaviour. """ def ensure_implements(module, behaviour, message) do all = Keyword.take(module.__info__(:attributes), [:behaviour]) unless [behaviour] in Keyword.values(all) do Mix.raise "Expected #{inspect module} to implement #{inspect behaviour} " <> "in order to #{message}" end end end