Code.require_file("types.exs", __DIR__) defmodule Ecto.Integration.Schema do defmacro __using__(_) do quote do use Ecto.Schema type = Application.compile_env(:ecto, :primary_key_type) || raise ":primary_key_type not set in :ecto application" @primary_key {:id, type, autogenerate: true} @foreign_key_type type end end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Post do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Overall functionality * Overall types * Non-null timestamps * Relationships * Dependent callbacks """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema import Ecto.Changeset import Ecto.Query, only: [dynamic: 2] schema "posts" do field :counter, :id # Same as integer field :title, :string field :blob, :binary field :temp, :string, default: "temp", virtual: true field :public, :boolean, default: true field :cost, :decimal field :visits, :integer field :wrapped_visits, WrappedInteger field :intensity, :float field :bid, :binary_id field :uuid, Ecto.Integration.TestRepo.uuid(), autogenerate: true field :meta, :map field :links, {:map, :string} field :intensities, {:map, :float} field :posted, :date has_many :comments, Ecto.Integration.Comment, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete has_many :force_comments, Ecto.Integration.Comment, on_replace: :delete_if_exists has_many :ordered_comments, Ecto.Integration.Comment, preload_order: [:text] # The post<->permalink relationship should be marked as uniq has_one :permalink, Ecto.Integration.Permalink, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete has_one :force_permalink, Ecto.Integration.Permalink, on_replace: :delete_if_exists has_one :update_permalink, Ecto.Integration.Permalink, foreign_key: :post_id, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :update has_many :comments_authors, through: [:comments, :author] belongs_to :author, Ecto.Integration.User many_to_many :users, Ecto.Integration.User, join_through: "posts_users", on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete many_to_many :ordered_users, Ecto.Integration.User, join_through: "posts_users", preload_order: [desc: :name] many_to_many :ordered_users_by_join_table, Ecto.Integration.User, join_through: "posts_users", preload_order: {__MODULE__, :preload_order, []} many_to_many :unique_users, Ecto.Integration.User, join_through: "posts_users", unique: true many_to_many :constraint_users, Ecto.Integration.User, join_through: Ecto.Integration.PostUserCompositePk has_many :users_comments, through: [:users, :comments] has_many :comments_authors_permalinks, through: [:comments_authors, :permalink] has_one :post_user_composite_pk, Ecto.Integration.PostUserCompositePk timestamps() end def preload_order() do [desc: dynamic([assoc, join], join.user_id)] end def changeset(schema, params) do cast(schema, params, ~w(counter title blob temp public cost visits intensity bid uuid meta posted)a) end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Comment do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Optimistic lock * Relationships * Dependent callbacks """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "comments" do field :text, :string field :lock_version, :integer, default: 1 belongs_to :post, Ecto.Integration.Post belongs_to :author, Ecto.Integration.User has_one :post_permalink, through: [:post, :permalink] end def changeset(schema, params) do Ecto.Changeset.cast(schema, params, [:text]) end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Permalink do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Field sources * Relationships * Dependent callbacks """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "permalinks" do field :url, :string, source: :uniform_resource_locator field :title, :string field :posted, :date, virtual: true belongs_to :post, Ecto.Integration.Post, on_replace: :nilify belongs_to :update_post, Ecto.Integration.Post, on_replace: :update, foreign_key: :post_id, define_field: false belongs_to :user, Ecto.Integration.User has_many :post_comments_authors, through: [:post, :comments_authors] end def changeset(schema, params) do Ecto.Changeset.cast(schema, params, [:url, :title]) end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.PostUser do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Many to many associations join_through with schema """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "posts_users_pk" do belongs_to :user, Ecto.Integration.User belongs_to :post, Ecto.Integration.Post timestamps() end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.User do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * UTC Timestamps * Relationships * Dependent callbacks """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "users" do field :name, :string has_many :comments, Ecto.Integration.Comment, foreign_key: :author_id, on_delete: :nilify_all, on_replace: :nilify has_one :permalink, Ecto.Integration.Permalink, on_replace: :nilify has_many :posts, Ecto.Integration.Post, foreign_key: :author_id, on_delete: :nothing, on_replace: :delete belongs_to :custom, Ecto.Integration.Custom, references: :bid, type: :binary_id many_to_many :schema_posts, Ecto.Integration.Post, join_through: Ecto.Integration.PostUser many_to_many :unique_posts, Ecto.Integration.Post, join_through: Ecto.Integration.PostUserCompositePk has_many :related_2nd_order_posts, through: [:posts, :users, :posts] has_many :users_through_schema_posts, through: [:schema_posts, :users] has_many :v2_comments, Ecto.Integration.Comment, foreign_key: :author_id, where: [lock_version: 2] has_many :v2_comments_posts, through: [:v2_comments, :post] has_many :co_commenters, through: [:comments, :post, :comments_authors] timestamps(type: :utc_datetime) end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Custom do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * binary_id primary key * Tying another schemas to an existing schema Due to the second item, it must be a subset of posts. """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema @primary_key {:bid, :binary_id, autogenerate: true} schema "customs" do field :uuid, Ecto.Integration.TestRepo.uuid() many_to_many :customs, Ecto.Integration.Custom, join_through: "customs_customs", join_keys: [custom_id1: :bid, custom_id2: :bid], on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Barebone do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * A schema without primary keys """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema @primary_key false schema "barebones" do field :num, :integer end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Tag do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * The array type * Embedding many schemas (uses array) """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "tags" do field :ints, {:array, :integer} field :uuids, {:array, Ecto.Integration.TestRepo.uuid()} embeds_many :items, Ecto.Integration.Item end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Item do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Embedding * Preloading associations in embedded schemas """ use Ecto.Schema embedded_schema do field :reference, PrefixedString field :price, :integer field :valid_at, :date embeds_one :primary_color, Ecto.Integration.ItemColor embeds_many :secondary_colors, Ecto.Integration.ItemColor belongs_to :user, Ecto.Integration.User end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.ItemColor do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Nested embeds """ use Ecto.Schema embedded_schema do field :name, :string end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Order do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Text columns * Embedding one schema * Preloading items inside embeds_many * Preloading items inside embeds_one * Field source with json_extract_path """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "orders" do field :metadata, :map, source: :meta embeds_one :item, Ecto.Integration.Item embeds_many :items, Ecto.Integration.Item belongs_to :permalink, Ecto.Integration.Permalink end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.CompositePk do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Composite primary keys """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema import Ecto.Changeset @primary_key false schema "composite_pk" do field :a, :integer, primary_key: true field :b, :integer, primary_key: true field :name, :string end def changeset(schema, params) do cast(schema, params, ~w(a b name)a) end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.CorruptedPk do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Primary keys that is not unique on a DB side """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema @primary_key false schema "corrupted_pk" do field :a, :string, primary_key: true end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.PostUserCompositePk do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Composite primary keys for 2 belongs_to fields """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema @primary_key false schema "posts_users_composite_pk" do belongs_to :user, Ecto.Integration.User, primary_key: true belongs_to :post, Ecto.Integration.Post, primary_key: true timestamps() end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Usec do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * usec datetime types """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "usecs" do field :naive_datetime_usec, :naive_datetime_usec field :utc_datetime_usec, :utc_datetime_usec end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.Logging do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Logging the casted version of parameters without array types """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema @primary_key {:bid, :binary_id, autogenerate: true} schema "loggings" do field :int, :integer field :uuid, Ecto.Integration.TestRepo.uuid() timestamps() end end defmodule Ecto.Integration.ArrayLogging do @moduledoc """ This module is used to test: * Logging the casted version of parameters with array types """ use Ecto.Integration.Schema schema "array_loggings" do field :uuids, {:array, Ecto.Integration.TestRepo.uuid()} timestamps() end end