defmodule Connection do @moduledoc """ A behaviour module for implementing connection processes. The `Connection` behaviour is a superset of the `GenServer` behaviour. The additional return values and callbacks are designed to aid building a connection process that can handle a peer being (temporarily) unavailable. An example `Connection` process: defmodule TCPConnection do use Connection def start_link(host, port, opts, timeout \\\\ 5000) do Connection.start_link(__MODULE__, {host, port, opts, timeout}) end def send(conn, data), do:, {:send, data}) def recv(conn, bytes, timeout \\\\ 3000) do, {:recv, bytes, timeout}) end def close(conn), do:, :close) def init({host, port, opts, timeout}) do s = %{host: host, port: port, opts: opts, timeout: timeout, sock: nil} {:connect, :init, s} end def connect(_, %{sock: nil, host: host, port: port, opts: opts, timeout: timeout} = s) do case :gen_tcp.connect(host, port, [active: false] ++ opts, timeout) do {:ok, sock} -> {:ok, %{s | sock: sock}} {:error, _} -> {:backoff, 1000, s} end end def disconnect(info, %{sock: sock} = s) do :ok = :gen_tcp.close(sock) case info do {:close, from} -> Connection.reply(from, :ok) {:error, :closed} -> :error_logger.format("Connection closed~n", []) {:error, reason} -> reason = :inet.format_error(reason) :error_logger.format("Connection error: ~s~n", [reason]) end {:connect, :reconnect, %{s | sock: nil}} end def handle_call(_, _, %{sock: nil} = s) do {:reply, {:error, :closed}, s} end def handle_call({:send, data}, _, %{sock: sock} = s) do case :gen_tcp.send(sock, data) do :ok -> {:reply, :ok, s} {:error, _} = error -> {:disconnect, error, error, s} end end def handle_call({:recv, bytes, timeout}, _, %{sock: sock} = s) do case :gen_tcp.recv(sock, bytes, timeout) do {:ok, _} = ok -> {:reply, ok, s} {:error, :timeout} = timeout -> {:reply, timeout, s} {:error, _} = error -> {:disconnect, error, error, s} end end def handle_call(:close, from, s) do {:disconnect, {:close, from}, s} end end The example above follows a common pattern. Try to connect immediately, if that fails backoff and retry after a delay. If a retry fails make another attempt after another delay. If the process disconnects a reconnection attempt is made immediately, if that fails backoff begins. Importantly when backing off requests will still be received by the process, which will need to be handled. In the above example the process replies with `{:error, :closed}` when it is disconnected. """ @behaviour :gen_server @doc """ Called when the connection process is first started. `start_link/3` will block until it returns. Returning `{:ok, state}` will cause `start_link/3` to return `{:ok, pid}` and the process to enter its loop with state `state` without calling `connect/2`. This return value is useful when the process connects inside `init/1` so that `start_link/3` blocks until a connection is established. Returning `{:ok, state, timeout}` is similar to `{:ok, state}` except `handle_info(:timeout, state)` will be called after `timeout` if no message arrives. Returning `{:ok, state, :hibernate}` is similar to `{:ok, state}` except the process is hibernated awaiting a message. Returning `{:connect, info, state}` will cause `start_link/3` to return `{:ok, pid}` and `connect(info, state)` will be called immediately - even if messages are in the processes message queue. `state` contains the state of the process and `info` should contain any information not contained in the state that is needed to connect. This return value is very useful because connecting in `connect/2` will not block the parent process and a connection attempt is guaranteed to occur before any messages are handled, which is not possible when using a `GenServer`. Returning `{:backoff, timeout, state}` will cause `start_link/3` to return `{:ok, pid}` and the process to enter its normal loop with state `state`. `connect(:backoff, state)` is called after `timeout` if `connect/2` or `disconnect/2` is not called within the timeout. This return value can be used to delay or stagger the initial connection attempt. Returning `{:backoff, timeout, state, timeout2}` is similar to `{:backoff, timeout, state}` except `handle_info(:timeout, state)` will be called after `timeout2` if no message arrives. Returning `{:backoff, timeout, state, :hibernate}` is similar to `{:backoff, timeout, state}` except the process hibernates. Returning `:ignore` will cause `start_link/3` to return `:ignore` and the process will exit normally without entering the loop or calling `terminate/2`. Returning `{:stop, reason}` will cause `start_link/3` to return `{:error, reason}` and the process to exit with reason `reason` without entering the loop or calling `terminate/2`. """ @callback init(any) :: {:ok, any} | {:ok, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:connect, any, any} | {:backoff, timeout, any} | {:backoff, timeout, any, timeout | :hibernate} | :ignore | {:stop, any} @doc """ Called when the process should try to connect. The first argument will either be the `info` term from `{:connect, info, state}` or `{:connect, info, reply, state}`, or `:backoff` if the connection attempt is triggered by backing off. It might be beneficial to do handshaking in this callback if connecting is successful. Returning `{:ok, state}` or `{:ok, state, timeout | :hibernate}` will cause the process to continue its loop. This should be returned when the connection attempt was successful. In the later case `handle_info(:timeout, state)` is called after `timeout` if no message has been received, if the third element is a timeout. Otherwise if the third element is `:hibernate` the process hibernates. Returning `{:backoff, timeout, state}` will cause the process to continue its loop but `connect(:backoff, state)` will be called after `timeout` if `connect/2` or `disconnect/2` is not called before that point. This return value is used when a connection attempt fails but another attempt should be made after a delay. It might be beneficial to increase the delay up to a maximum if successive attempts fail to prevent unnecessary work. If several connection processes are connecting to the same peer it may also be beneficial to add some jitter (randomness) to the delays. This spreads out the connection attempts and helps prevent many attempts occurring at the same time. Returning `{:backoff, timeout, state, timeout2 | :hibernate}` is similar to `{:backoff, timeout, state}` except `handle_info(:timeout, state)` is called after `timeout2` if no message has been received, or if `:hibernate`, the process hibernates. Returning `{:stop, reason, state}` will terminate the loop and call `terminate(reason, state)` before the process exits with reason `reason`. """ @callback connect(any, any) :: {:ok, any} | {:ok, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:backoff, timeout, any} | {:backoff, timeout, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:stop, any, any} @doc """ Called when the process should disconnect. The first argument will either be the `info` term from `{:disconnect, info, state}` or `{:disconnect, info, reply, state}`. This callback should do any cleaning up required to disconnect the connection and update the state of the process. Returning `{:connect, info, state}` will call `connect(info, state)` immediately - even if there are messages in the message queue. Returning `{:backoff, timeout, state}` or `{:backoff, timeout, state, timeout2 | :hibernate}` starts a backoff timer and behaves the same as when returned from `connect/2`. See the `connect/2` callback for more information. Returning `{:noconnect, state}` or `{:noconnect, state, timeout | :hibernate}` will cause the process to continue is loop (and NOT call `connect/2` to try to reconnect). In the later case a timeout is started or the process hibernates. Returning `{:stop, reason, state}` will terminate the loop and call `terminate(reason, state)` before the process exits with reason `reason`. """ @callback disconnect(any, any) :: {:connect, any, any} | {:backoff, timeout, any} | {:backoff, timeout, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:noconnect, any} | {:noconnect, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:stop, any, any} @doc """ Called when the process receives a call message sent by `call/3`. This callback has the same arguments as the `GenServer` equivalent and the `:reply`, `:noreply` and `:stop` return tuples behave the same. However there are a few additional return values: Returning `{:connect, info, reply, state}` will reply to the call with `reply` and immediately call `connect(info, state)`. Similarly for `{:disconnect, info, reply, state}`, except `disconnect/2` is called. Returning `{:connect, info, state}` or `{:disconnect, info, state}` will call the relevant callback immediately without replying to the call. This might be useful when the call should block until the process has connected, failed to connect or disconnected. The second argument passed to this callback can be included in the `info` or `state` terms and a reply sent in the next or a later callback using `reply/2`. """ @callback handle_call(any, {pid, any}, any) :: {:reply, any, any} | {:reply, any, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:noreply, any} | {:noreply, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:disconnect | :connect, any, any, any} | {:disconnect | :connect, any, any} | {:stop, any, any} | {:stop, any, any, any} @doc """ Called when the process receives a cast message sent by `cast/3`. This callback has the same arguments as the `GenServer` equivalent and the `:noreply` and `:stop` return tuples behave the same. However there are two additional return values: Returning `{:connect, info, state}` will immediately call `connect(info, state)`. Similarly for `{:disconnect, info, state}`, except `disconnect/2` is called. """ @callback handle_cast(any, any) :: {:noreply, any} | {:noreply, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:disconnect | :connect, any, any} | {:stop, any, any} @doc """ Called when the process receives a message that is not a call or cast. This callback has the same arguments as the `GenServer` equivalent and the `:noreply` and `:stop` return tuples behave the same. However there are two additional return values: Returning `{:connect, info, state}` will immediately call `connect(info, state)`. Similarly for `{:disconnect, info, state}`, except `disconnect/2` is called. """ @callback handle_info(any, any) :: {:noreply, any} | {:noreply, any, timeout | :hibernate} | {:disconnect | :connect, any, any} | {:stop, any, any} @doc """ This callback is the same as the `GenServer` equivalent and is used to change the state when loading a different version of the callback module. """ @callback code_change(any, any, any) :: {:ok, any} @doc """ This callback is the same as the `GenServer` equivalent and is called when the process terminates. The first argument is the reason the process is about to exit with. """ @callback terminate(any, any) :: any defmacro __using__(_) do quote location: :keep do @behaviour Connection # The default implementations of init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, # handle_cast/2, terminate/2 and code_change/3 have been taken verbatim # from Elixir's GenServer default implementation. @doc false def init(args) do {:ok, args} end @doc false def handle_call(msg, _from, state) do # We do this to trick dialyzer to not complain about non-local returns. reason = {:bad_call, msg} case :erlang.phash2(1, 1) do 0 -> exit(reason) 1 -> {:stop, reason, state} end end @doc false def handle_info(_msg, state) do {:noreply, state} end @doc false def handle_cast(msg, state) do # We do this to trick dialyzer to not complain about non-local returns. reason = {:bad_cast, msg} case :erlang.phash2(1, 1) do 0 -> exit(reason) 1 -> {:stop, reason, state} end end @doc false def terminate(_reason, _state) do :ok end @doc false def code_change(_old, state, _extra) do {:ok, state} end @doc false def connect(info, state) do reason = {:bad_connect, info} case :erlang.phash2(1, 1) do 0 -> exit(reason) 1 -> {:stop, reason, state} end end @doc false def disconnect(info, state) do reason = {:bad_disconnect, info} case :erlang.phash2(1, 1) do 0 -> exit(reason) 1 -> {:stop, reason, state} end end defoverridable [init: 1, handle_call: 3, handle_info: 2, handle_cast: 2, terminate: 2, code_change: 3, connect: 2, disconnect: 2] end end @doc """ Starts a `Connection` process linked to the current process. This function is used to start a `Connection` process in a supervision tree. The process will be started by calling `init/1` in the callback module with the given argument. This function will return after `init/1` has returned in the spawned process. The return values are controlled by the `init/1` callback. See `GenServer.start_link/3` for more information. """ @spec start_link(module, any, GenServer.options) :: GenServer.on_start def start_link(mod, args, opts \\ []) do start(mod, args, opts, :link) end @doc """ Starts a `Connection` process without links (outside of a supervision tree). See `start_link/3` for more information. """ @spec start(module, any, GenServer.options) :: GenServer.on_start def start(mod, args, opts \\ []) do start(mod, args, opts, :nolink) end @doc """ Sends a synchronous call to the `Connection` process and waits for a reply. See `` for more information. """ defdelegate call(conn, req), to: :gen_server @doc """ Sends a synchronous request to the `Connection` process and waits for a reply. See `` for more information. """ defdelegate call(conn, req, timeout), to: :gen_server @doc """ Sends a asynchronous request to the `Connection` process. See `GenServer.cast/2` for more information. """ defdelegate cast(conn, req), to: GenServer @doc """ Sends a reply to a request sent by `call/3`. See `GenServer.reply/2` for more information. """ defdelegate reply(from, response), to: :gen_server defstruct [:mod, :backoff, :raise, :mod_state] ## :gen callback @doc false def init_it(starter, _, name, mod, args, opts) do Process.put(:"$initial_call", {mod, :init, 1}) try do apply(mod, :init, [args]) catch :exit, reason -> init_stop(starter, name, reason) :error, reason -> init_stop(starter, name, {reason, __STACKTRACE__}) :throw, value -> reason = {{:nocatch, value}, __STACKTRACE__} init_stop(starter, name, reason) else {:ok, mod_state} -> :proc_lib.init_ack(starter, {:ok, self()}) enter_loop(mod, nil, mod_state, name, opts, :infinity) {:ok, mod_state, timeout} -> :proc_lib.init_ack(starter, {:ok, self()}) enter_loop(mod, nil, mod_state, name, opts, timeout) {:connect, info, mod_state} -> :proc_lib.init_ack(starter, {:ok, self()}) enter_connect(mod, info, mod_state, name, opts) {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) :proc_lib.init_ack(starter, {:ok, self()}) enter_loop(mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, :infinity) {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state, timeout} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) :proc_lib.init_ack(starter, {:ok, self()}) enter_loop(mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, timeout) :ignore -> _ = unregister(name) :proc_lib.init_ack(starter, :ignore) exit(:normal) {:stop, reason} -> init_stop(starter, name, reason) other -> init_stop(starter, name, {:bad_return_value, other}) end end ## :proc_lib callback @doc false def enter_loop(mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, :hibernate) do args = [mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, :infinity] :proc_lib.hibernate(__MODULE__, :enter_loop, args) end def enter_loop(mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, timeout) when name === self() do s = %Connection{mod: mod, backoff: backoff, mod_state: mod_state, raise: nil} :gen_server.enter_loop(__MODULE__, opts, s, timeout) end def enter_loop(mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, timeout) do s = %Connection{mod: mod, backoff: backoff, mod_state: mod_state, raise: nil} :gen_server.enter_loop(__MODULE__, opts, s, name, timeout) end @doc false def init(_) do {:stop, __MODULE__} end @doc false def handle_call(request, from, %{mod: mod, mod_state: mod_state} = s) do try do apply(mod, :handle_call, [request, from, mod_state]) catch :throw, value -> :erlang.raise(:error, {:nocatch, value}, __STACKTRACE__) else {:noreply, mod_state} = noreply -> put_elem(noreply, 1, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) {:noreply, mod_state, _} = noreply -> put_elem(noreply, 1, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) {:reply, _, mod_state} = reply -> put_elem(reply, 2, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) {:reply, _, mod_state, _} = reply -> put_elem(reply, 2, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) {:connect, info, mod_state} -> connect(info, mod_state, s) {:connect, info, reply, mod_state} -> reply(from, reply) connect(info, mod_state, s) {:disconnect, info, mod_state} -> disconnect(info, mod_state, s) {:disconnect, info, reply, mod_state} -> reply(from, reply) disconnect(info, mod_state, s) {:stop, _, mod_state} = stop -> put_elem(stop, 2, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) {:stop, _, _, mod_state} = stop -> put_elem(stop, 3, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) other -> {:stop, {:bad_return_value, other}, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}} end end @doc false def handle_cast(request, s) do handle_async(:handle_cast, request, s) end @doc false def handle_info({:timeout, backoff, __MODULE__}, %{backoff: backoff, mod_state: mod_state} = s) do connect(:backoff, mod_state, %{s | backoff: nil}) end def handle_info(msg, s) do handle_async(:handle_info, msg, s) end @doc false def code_change(old_vsn, %{mod: mod, mod_state: mod_state} = s, extra) do try do apply(mod, :code_change, [old_vsn, mod_state, extra]) catch :throw, value -> exit({{:nocatch, value}, __STACKTRACE__}) else {:ok, mod_state} -> {:ok, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}} end end @doc false def format_status(:normal, [pdict, %{mod: mod, mod_state: mod_state}]) do try do apply(mod, :format_status, [:normal, [pdict, mod_state]]) catch _, _ -> [{:data, [{'State', mod_state}]}] else mod_status -> mod_status end end def format_status(:terminate, [pdict, %{mod: mod, mod_state: mod_state}]) do try do apply(mod, :format_status, [:terminate, [pdict, mod_state]]) catch _, _ -> mod_state else mod_state -> mod_state end end @doc false def terminate(reason, %{mod: mod, mod_state: mod_state, raise: nil}) do apply(mod, :terminate, [reason, mod_state]) end def terminate(stop, %{raise: {class, reason, stack}} = s) do %{mod: mod, mod_state: mod_state} = s try do apply(mod, :terminate, [stop, mod_state]) catch :throw, value -> :erlang.raise(:error, {:nocatch, value}, __STACKTRACE__) else _ when stop in [:normal, :shutdown] -> :ok _ when tuple_size(stop) == 2 and elem(stop, 0) == :shutdown -> :ok _ -> :erlang.raise(class, reason, stack) end end # start helpers defp start(mod, args, options, link) do case Keyword.pop(options, :name) do {nil, opts} -> :gen.start(__MODULE__, link, mod, args, opts) {atom, opts} when is_atom(atom) -> :gen.start(__MODULE__, link, {:local, atom}, mod, args, opts) {{:global, _} = name, opts} -> :gen.start(__MODULE__, link, name, mod, args, opts) {{:via, _, _} = name, opts} -> :gen.start(__MODULE__, link, name, mod, args, opts) end end # init helpers defp init_stop(starter, name, reason) do _ = unregister(name) :proc_lib.init_ack(starter, {:error, reason}) exit(reason) end defp unregister(name) when name === self(), do: :ok defp unregister({:local, name}), do: Process.unregister(name) defp unregister({:global, name}), do: :global.unregister_name(name) defp unregister({:via, mod, name}), do: apply(mod, :unregister_name, [name]) defp enter_connect(mod, info, mod_state, name, opts) do try do apply(mod, :connect, [info, mod_state]) catch :exit, reason -> report_reason = {:EXIT, {reason, __STACKTRACE__}} enter_terminate(mod, mod_state, name, reason, report_reason) :error, reason -> reason = {reason, __STACKTRACE__} enter_terminate(mod, mod_state, name, reason, {:EXIT, reason}) :throw, value -> reason = {{:nocatch, value}, __STACKTRACE__} enter_terminate(mod, mod_state, name, reason, {:EXIT, reason}) else {:ok, mod_state} -> enter_loop(mod, nil, mod_state, name, opts, :infinity) {:ok, mod_state, timeout} -> enter_loop(mod, nil, mod_state, name, opts, timeout) {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) enter_loop(mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, :infinity) {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state, timeout} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) enter_loop(mod, backoff, mod_state, name, opts, timeout) {:stop, reason, mod_state} -> enter_terminate(mod, mod_state, name, reason, {:stop, reason}) other -> reason = {:bad_return_value, other} enter_terminate(mod, mod_state, name, reason, {:stop, reason}) end end defp enter_terminate(mod, mod_state, name, reason, report_reason) do try do apply(mod, :terminate, [reason, mod_state]) catch :exit, reason -> report_reason = {:EXIT, {reason, __STACKTRACE__}} enter_stop(mod, mod_state, name, reason, report_reason) :error, reason -> reason = {reason, __STACKTRACE__} enter_stop(mod, mod_state, name, reason, {:EXIT, reason}) :throw, value -> reason = {{:nocatch, value}, __STACKTRACE__} enter_stop(mod, mod_state, name, reason, {:EXIT, reason}) else _ -> enter_stop(mod, mod_state, name, reason, report_reason) end end defp enter_stop(_, _, _, :normal, {:stop, :normal}), do: exit(:normal) defp enter_stop(_, _, _, :shutdown, {:stop, :shutdown}), do: exit(:shutdown) defp enter_stop(_, _, _, {:shutdown, reason} = shutdown, {:stop, {:shutdown, reason}}) do exit(shutdown) end defp enter_stop(mod, mod_state, name, reason, {_, reason2}) do s = %{mod: mod, backoff: nil, mod_state: mod_state} mod_state = format_status(:terminate, [Process.get(), s]) format = '** Generic server ~p terminating \n' ++ '** Last message in was ~p~n' ++ ## No last message '** When Server state == ~p~n' ++ '** Reason for termination == ~n** ~p~n' args = [report_name(name), nil, mod_state, report_reason(reason2)] :error_logger.format(format, args) exit(reason) end defp report_name(name) when name === self(), do: name defp report_name({:local, name}), do: name defp report_name({:global, name}), do: name defp report_name({:via, _, name}), do: name defp report_reason({:undef, [{mod, fun, args, _} | _] = stack} = reason) do cond do :code.is_loaded(mod) === false -> {:"module could not be loaded", stack} not function_exported?(mod, fun, length(args)) -> {:"function not exported", stack} true -> reason end end defp report_reason(reason) do reason end ## backoff helpers defp start_backoff(:infinity), do: nil defp start_backoff(timeout) do :erlang.start_timer(timeout, self(), __MODULE__) end defp cancel_backoff(%{backoff: nil} = s), do: s defp cancel_backoff(%{backoff: backoff} = s) do case :erlang.cancel_timer(backoff) do false -> flush_backoff(backoff) _ -> :ok end %{s | backoff: nil} end defp flush_backoff(backoff) do receive do {:timeout, ^backoff, __MODULE__} -> :ok after 0 -> :ok end end ## GenServer helpers defp connect(info, mod_state, %{mod: mod} = s) do s = cancel_backoff(s) try do apply(mod, :connect, [info, mod_state]) catch class, reason -> stack = __STACKTRACE__ callback_stop(class, reason, stack, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) else {:ok, mod_state} -> {:noreply, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}} {:ok, mod_state, timeout} -> {:noreply, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}, timeout} {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) {:noreply, %{s | backoff: backoff, mod_state: mod_state}} {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state, timeout} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) {:noreply, %{s | backoff: backoff, mod_state: mod_state}, timeout} {:stop, _, mod_state} = stop -> put_elem(stop, 2, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) other -> {:stop, {:bad_return_value, other}, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}} end end defp disconnect(info, mod_state, %{mod: mod} = s) do s = cancel_backoff(s) try do apply(mod, :disconnect, [info, mod_state]) catch class, reason -> stack = __STACKTRACE__ callback_stop(class, reason, stack, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) else {:connect, info, mod_state} -> connect(info, mod_state, s) {:noconnect, mod_state} -> {:noreply, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}} {:noconnect, mod_state, timeout} -> {:noreply, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}, timeout} {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) {:noreply, %{s | backoff: backoff, mod_state: mod_state}} {:backoff, backoff_timeout, mod_state, timeout} -> backoff = start_backoff(backoff_timeout) {:noreply, %{s | backoff: backoff, mod_state: mod_state}, timeout} {:stop, _, mod_state} = stop -> put_elem(stop, 2, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) other -> {:stop, {:bad_return_value, other}, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}} end end # In order to have new mod_state in terminate/2 must return the exit reason. # However to get the correct GenServer report (exit with stacktrace), # include stacktrace in reason and re-raise after calling mod.terminate/2 if # it does not raise. defp callback_stop(:throw, value, stack, s) do callback_stop(:error, {:nocatch, value}, stack, s) end defp callback_stop(class, reason, stack, s) do raise = {class, reason, stack} {:stop, stop_reason(class, reason, stack), %{s | raise: raise}} end defp stop_reason(:error, reason, stack), do: {reason, stack} defp stop_reason(:exit, reason, _), do: reason defp handle_async(fun, msg, %{mod: mod, mod_state: mod_state} = s) do try do apply(mod, fun, [msg, mod_state]) catch :throw, value -> :erlang.raise(:error, {:nocatch, value}, __STACKTRACE__) else {:noreply, mod_state} = noreply -> put_elem(noreply, 1, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) {:noreply, mod_state, _} = noreply -> put_elem(noreply, 1, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) {:connect, info, mod_state} -> connect(info, mod_state, s) {:disconnect, info, mod_state} -> disconnect(info, mod_state, s) {:stop, _, mod_state} = stop -> put_elem(stop, 2, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}) other -> {:stop, {:bad_return_value, other}, %{s | mod_state: mod_state}} end end end