defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Presence do @shortdoc "Generates a Presence tracker" @moduledoc """ Generates a Presence tracker. $ mix phx.gen.presence $ mix phx.gen.presence MyPresence The argument, which defaults to `Presence`, defines the module name of the Presence tracker. Generates a new file, `lib/my_app_web/channels/my_presence.ex`, where `my_presence` is the snake-cased version of the provided module name. """ use Mix.Task @doc false def run([]) do run(["Presence"]) end def run([alias_name]) do if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do Mix.raise "mix phx.gen.presence must be invoked from within your *_web application root directory" end context_app = Mix.Phoenix.context_app() otp_app = Mix.Phoenix.otp_app() web_prefix = Mix.Phoenix.web_path(context_app) inflections = Mix.Phoenix.inflect(alias_name) inflections = Keyword.put(inflections, :module, "#{inflections[:web_module]}.#{inflections[:scoped]}") binding = inflections ++ [ otp_app: otp_app, pubsub_server: Module.concat(inflections[:base], "PubSub") ] files = [ {:eex, "presence.ex", Path.join(web_prefix, "channels/#{binding[:path]}.ex")}, ] Mix.Phoenix.copy_from paths(), "priv/templates/phx.gen.presence", binding, files """ Add your new module to your supervision tree, in lib/#{otp_app}/application.ex: children = [ ... #{binding[:module]} ] You're all set! See the Phoenix.Presence docs for more details: """ end defp paths do [".", :phoenix] end end