defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Embedded do @shortdoc "Generates an embedded Ecto schema file" @moduledoc """ Generates an embedded Ecto schema for casting/validating data outside the DB. mix phx.gen.embedded Blog.Post title:string views:integer The first argument is the schema module followed by the schema attributes. The generated schema above will contain: * an embedded schema file in `lib/my_app/blog/post.ex` ## Attributes The resource fields are given using `name:type` syntax where type are the types supported by Ecto. Omitting the type makes it default to `:string`: mix phx.gen.embedded Blog.Post title views:integer The following types are supported: #{for attr <- Mix.Phoenix.Schema.valid_types(), do: " * `#{inspect attr}`\n"} * `:datetime` - An alias for `:naive_datetime` """ use Mix.Task alias Mix.Phoenix.Schema @switches [binary_id: :boolean, web: :string] @doc false def run(args) do if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do Mix.raise "mix phx.gen.embedded must be invoked from within your *_web application root directory" end schema = build(args) paths = Mix.Phoenix.generator_paths() prompt_for_conflicts(schema) copy_new_files(schema, paths, schema: schema) end @doc false def build(args) do {schema_opts, parsed, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: @switches) [schema_name | attrs] = validate_args!(parsed) opts = schema_opts |> Keyword.put(:embedded, true) |> Keyword.put(:migration, false) schema =, nil, attrs, opts) schema end @doc false def validate_args!([schema | _] = args) do if Schema.valid?(schema) do args else raise_with_help "Expected the schema argument, #{inspect schema}, to be a valid module name" end end def validate_args!(_) do raise_with_help "Invalid arguments" end @doc false @spec raise_with_help(String.t) :: no_return() def raise_with_help(msg) do Mix.raise """ #{msg} mix phx.gen.embedded expects a module name followed by any number of attributes: mix phx.gen.embedded Blog.Post title:string """ end defp prompt_for_conflicts(schema) do schema |> files_to_be_generated() |> Mix.Phoenix.prompt_for_conflicts() end @doc false def files_to_be_generated(%Schema{} = schema) do [{:eex, "embedded_schema.ex", schema.file}] end @doc false def copy_new_files(%Schema{} = schema, paths, binding) do files = files_to_be_generated(schema) Mix.Phoenix.copy_from(paths, "priv/templates/phx.gen.embedded", binding, files) schema end end