defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Context do @shortdoc "Generates a context with functions around an Ecto schema" @moduledoc """ Generates a context with functions around an Ecto schema. $ mix phx.gen.context Accounts User users name:string age:integer The first argument is the context module followed by the schema module and its plural name (used as the schema table name). The context is an Elixir module that serves as an API boundary for the given resource. A context often holds many related resources. Therefore, if the context already exists, it will be augmented with functions for the given resource. > Note: A resource may also be split > over distinct contexts (such as Accounts.User and Payments.User). The schema is responsible for mapping the database fields into an Elixir struct. Overall, this generator will add the following files to `lib/your_app`: * a context module in `accounts.ex`, serving as the API boundary * a schema in `accounts/user.ex`, with a `users` table A migration file for the repository and test files for the context will also be generated. ## Generating without a schema In some cases, you may wish to bootstrap the context module and tests, but leave internal implementation of the context and schema to yourself. Use the `--no-schema` flags to accomplish this. ## table By default, the table name for the migration and schema will be the plural name provided for the resource. To customize this value, a `--table` option may be provided. For example: $ mix phx.gen.context Accounts User users --table cms_users ## binary_id Generated migration can use `binary_id` for schema's primary key and its references with option `--binary-id`. ## Default options This generator uses default options provided in the `:generators` configuration of your application. These are the defaults: config :your_app, :generators, migration: true, binary_id: false, sample_binary_id: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" You can override those options per invocation by providing corresponding switches, e.g. `--no-binary-id` to use normal ids despite the default configuration or `--migration` to force generation of the migration. Read the documentation for `phx.gen.schema` for more information on attributes. ## Skipping prompts This generator will prompt you if there is an existing context with the same name, in order to provide more instructions on how to correctly use phoenix contexts. You can skip this prompt and automatically merge the new schema access functions and tests into the existing context using `--merge-with-existing-context`. To prevent changes to the existing context and exit the generator, use `--no-merge-with-existing-context`. """ use Mix.Task alias Mix.Phoenix.{Context, Schema} alias Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen @switches [binary_id: :boolean, table: :string, web: :string, schema: :boolean, context: :boolean, context_app: :string, merge_with_existing_context: :boolean, prefix: :string] @default_opts [schema: true, context: true] @doc false def run(args) do if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do Mix.raise "mix phx.gen.context must be invoked from within your *_web application root directory" end {context, schema} = build(args) binding = [context: context, schema: schema] paths = Mix.Phoenix.generator_paths() prompt_for_conflicts(context) prompt_for_code_injection(context) context |> copy_new_files(paths, binding) |> print_shell_instructions() end defp prompt_for_conflicts(context) do context |> files_to_be_generated() |> Mix.Phoenix.prompt_for_conflicts() end @doc false def build(args, help \\ __MODULE__) do {opts, parsed, _} = parse_opts(args) [context_name, schema_name, plural | schema_args] = validate_args!(parsed, help) schema_module = inspect(Module.concat(context_name, schema_name)) schema =[schema_module, plural | schema_args], opts, help) context =, schema, opts) {context, schema} end defp parse_opts(args) do {opts, parsed, invalid} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: @switches) merged_opts = @default_opts |> Keyword.merge(opts) |> put_context_app(opts[:context_app]) {merged_opts, parsed, invalid} end defp put_context_app(opts, nil), do: opts defp put_context_app(opts, string) do Keyword.put(opts, :context_app, String.to_atom(string)) end @doc false def files_to_be_generated(%Context{schema: schema}) do if schema.generate? do Gen.Schema.files_to_be_generated(schema) else [] end end @doc false def copy_new_files(%Context{schema: schema} = context, paths, binding) do if schema.generate?, do: Gen.Schema.copy_new_files(schema, paths, binding) inject_schema_access(context, paths, binding) inject_tests(context, paths, binding) inject_test_fixture(context, paths, binding) context end @doc false def ensure_context_file_exists(%Context{file: file} = context, paths, binding) do unless Context.pre_existing?(context) do Mix.Generator.create_file(file, Mix.Phoenix.eval_from(paths, "priv/templates/phx.gen.context/context.ex", binding)) end end defp inject_schema_access(%Context{file: file} = context, paths, binding) do ensure_context_file_exists(context, paths, binding) paths |> Mix.Phoenix.eval_from("priv/templates/phx.gen.context/#{schema_access_template(context)}", binding) |> inject_eex_before_final_end(file, binding) end defp write_file(content, file) do File.write!(file, content) end @doc false def ensure_test_file_exists(%Context{test_file: test_file} = context, paths, binding) do unless Context.pre_existing_tests?(context) do Mix.Generator.create_file(test_file, Mix.Phoenix.eval_from(paths, "priv/templates/phx.gen.context/context_test.exs", binding)) end end defp inject_tests(%Context{test_file: test_file} = context, paths, binding) do ensure_test_file_exists(context, paths, binding) paths |> Mix.Phoenix.eval_from("priv/templates/phx.gen.context/test_cases.exs", binding) |> inject_eex_before_final_end(test_file, binding) end @doc false def ensure_test_fixtures_file_exists(%Context{test_fixtures_file: test_fixtures_file} = context, paths, binding) do unless Context.pre_existing_test_fixtures?(context) do Mix.Generator.create_file(test_fixtures_file, Mix.Phoenix.eval_from(paths, "priv/templates/phx.gen.context/fixtures_module.ex", binding)) end end defp inject_test_fixture(%Context{test_fixtures_file: test_fixtures_file} = context, paths, binding) do ensure_test_fixtures_file_exists(context, paths, binding) paths |> Mix.Phoenix.eval_from("priv/templates/phx.gen.context/fixtures.ex", binding) |> Mix.Phoenix.prepend_newline() |> inject_eex_before_final_end(test_fixtures_file, binding) maybe_print_unimplemented_fixture_functions(context) end defp maybe_print_unimplemented_fixture_functions(%Context{} = context) do fixture_functions_needing_implementations = Enum.flat_map( context.schema.fixture_unique_functions, fn {_field, {_function_name, function_def, true}} -> [function_def] {_field, {_function_name, _function_def, false}} -> [] end ) if Enum.any?(fixture_functions_needing_implementations) do """ Some of the generated database columns are unique. Please provide unique implementations for the following fixture function(s) in #{context.test_fixtures_file}: #{ fixture_functions_needing_implementations |> Enum.map_join(&indent(&1, 2)) |> String.trim_trailing() } """ ) end end defp indent(string, spaces) do indent_string = String.duplicate(" ", spaces) string |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.map_join(fn line -> if String.trim(line) == "" do "\n" else indent_string <> line <> "\n" end end) end defp inject_eex_before_final_end(content_to_inject, file_path, binding) do file =!(file_path) if String.contains?(file, content_to_inject) do :ok else[:green, "* injecting ", :reset, Path.relative_to_cwd(file_path)]) file |> String.trim_trailing() |> String.trim_trailing("end") |> EEx.eval_string(binding) |> Kernel.<>(content_to_inject) |> Kernel.<>("end\n") |> write_file(file_path) end end @doc false def print_shell_instructions(%Context{schema: schema}) do if schema.generate? do Gen.Schema.print_shell_instructions(schema) else :ok end end defp schema_access_template(%Context{schema: schema}) do if schema.generate? do "schema_access.ex" else "access_no_schema.ex" end end defp validate_args!([context, schema, _plural | _] = args, help) do cond do not Context.valid?(context) -> help.raise_with_help "Expected the context, #{inspect context}, to be a valid module name" not Schema.valid?(schema) -> help.raise_with_help "Expected the schema, #{inspect schema}, to be a valid module name" context == schema -> help.raise_with_help "The context and schema should have different names" context == Mix.Phoenix.base() -> help.raise_with_help "Cannot generate context #{context} because it has the same name as the application" schema == Mix.Phoenix.base() -> help.raise_with_help "Cannot generate schema #{schema} because it has the same name as the application" true -> args end end defp validate_args!(_, help) do help.raise_with_help "Invalid arguments" end @doc false def raise_with_help(msg) do Mix.raise """ #{msg} mix phx.gen.html, phx.gen.json,, and phx.gen.context expect a context module name, followed by singular and plural names of the generated resource, ending with any number of attributes. For example: mix phx.gen.html Accounts User users name:string mix phx.gen.json Accounts User users name:string mix Accounts User users name:string mix phx.gen.context Accounts User users name:string The context serves as the API boundary for the given resource. Multiple resources may belong to a context and a resource may be split over distinct contexts (such as Accounts.User and Payments.User). """ end @doc false def prompt_for_code_injection(%Context{generate?: false}), do: :ok def prompt_for_code_injection(%Context{} = context) do if Context.pre_existing?(context) && !merge_with_existing_context?(context) do System.halt() end end defp merge_with_existing_context?(%Context{} = context) do Keyword.get_lazy(context.opts, :merge_with_existing_context, fn -> function_count = Context.function_count(context) file_count = Context.file_count(context)""" You are generating into an existing context. The #{inspect(context.module)} context currently has #{singularize(function_count, "functions")} and \ #{singularize(file_count, "files")} in its directory. * It's OK to have multiple resources in the same context as \ long as they are closely related. But if a context grows too \ large, consider breaking it apart * If they are not closely related, another context probably works better The fact two entities are related in the database does not mean they belong \ to the same context. If you are not sure, prefer creating a new context over adding to the existing one. """)"Would you like to proceed?") end) end defp singularize(1, plural), do: "1 " <> String.trim_trailing(plural, "s") defp singularize(amount, plural), do: "#{amount} #{plural}" end