defmodule Mix.Tasks.Gettext.Extract do use Mix.Task @recursive true @shortdoc "Extracts messages from source code" @moduledoc """ Extracts messages by recompiling the Elixir source code. ```bash mix gettext.extract [OPTIONS] ``` messages are extracted into POT (Portable Object Template) files with a `.pot` extension. The location of these files is determined by the `:otp_app` and `:priv` options given by Gettext modules when they call `use Gettext`. One POT file is generated for each message domain. All automatically-extracted messages are assigned the `elixir-autogen` flag. If a message from the POT is no longer present and has the `elixir-autogen` flag, the message is removed. Before `v0.19.0`, the `elixir-format` flag was used to detect automatically extracted messages. This has been deprecated in `v0.19.0`. When extracting with the newest version, the new `elixir-autogen` flag is added to all automatically extracted messages. All messages are assigned a format flag. When using the default interpolation module, that flag is `elixir-format`. With other interpolation modules, the flag name is defined by that implementation (see `c:Gettext.Interpolation.message_format/0`). If you would like to verify that your POT files are up to date with the current state of the codebase, you can provide the `--check-up-to-date` flag. This is particularly useful for automated checks and in CI systems. This validation will fail even when the same calls to Gettext only change location in the codebase: ```bash mix gettext.extract --check-up-to-date ``` It is possible to pass the `--merge` option to perform merging for every Gettext backend updated during merge: ```bash mix gettext.extract --merge ``` All other options passed to `gettext.extract` are forwarded to the `gettext.merge` task (`Mix.Tasks.Gettext.Merge`), which is called internally by this task. For example: ```bash mix gettext.extract --merge --no-fuzzy ``` """ @switches [merge: :boolean, check_up_to_date: :boolean] @impl true def run(args) do Application.ensure_all_started(:gettext) _ = Mix.Project.get!() mix_config = Mix.Project.config() {opts, _} = OptionParser.parse!(args, switches: @switches) pot_files = extract(mix_config[:app], mix_config[:gettext] || []) if opts[:check_up_to_date] do run_up_to_date_check(pot_files) else run_message_extraction(pot_files, opts, args) end end defp run_message_extraction(pot_files, opts, args) do for {path, contents} <- pot_files do File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(path)) File.write!(path, contents)"Extracted #{Path.relative_to_cwd(path)}") end if opts[:merge] do run_merge(pot_files, args) end :ok end defp run_up_to_date_check(pot_files) do not_extracted_paths = for {path, _contents} <- pot_files, do: path if pot_files == [] do :ok else Mix.raise(""" mix gettext.extract failed due to --check-up-to-date. The following POT files were not extracted or are out of date: #{Enum.map_join(not_extracted_paths, "\n", &" * #{&1 |> Path.relative_to_cwd()}")} """) end end defp extract(app, gettext_config) do Gettext.Extractor.enable() force_compile() Gettext.Extractor.pot_files(app, gettext_config) after Gettext.Extractor.disable() end defp force_compile do Mix.Tasks.Compile.Elixir.clean() Enum.each(Mix.Tasks.Compile.Elixir.manifests(), &File.rm/1) # If "compile" was never called, the reenabling is a no-op and # "compile.elixir" is a no-op as well (because it wasn't reenabled after # running "compile"). If "compile" was already called, then running # "compile" is a no-op and running "compile.elixir" will work because we # manually reenabled it. Mix.Task.reenable("compile.elixir")"compile")"compile.elixir", ["--force"]) end defp run_merge(pot_files, argv) do pot_files |> {path, _} -> Path.dirname(path) end) |> Enum.uniq() |> Task.async_stream(&[&1 | argv]), ordered: false) |> end end