defmodule Ecto.Migration.Runner do @moduledoc false use Agent, restart: :temporary require Logger alias Ecto.Migration.Table alias Ecto.Migration.Index alias Ecto.Migration.Constraint alias Ecto.Migration.Command @doc """ Runs the given migration. """ def run(repo, config, version, module, direction, operation, migrator_direction, opts) do level = Keyword.get(opts, :log, :info) sql = Keyword.get(opts, :log_migrations_sql, false) log = %{level: level, sql: sql} args = {self(), repo, config, module, direction, migrator_direction, log} {:ok, runner} = DynamicSupervisor.start_child(Ecto.MigratorSupervisor, {__MODULE__, args}) metadata(runner, opts) log(level, "== Running #{version} #{inspect(module)}.#{operation}/0 #{direction}") {time, _} = -> perform_operation(repo, module, operation) end) log(level, "== Migrated #{version} in #{inspect(div(time, 100_000) / 10)}s") after stop() end @doc """ Stores the runner metadata. """ def metadata(runner, opts) do prefix = opts[:prefix] Process.put(:ecto_migration, %{runner: runner, prefix: prefix && to_string(prefix)}) end @doc """ Starts the runner for the specified repo. """ def start_link({parent, repo, config, module, direction, migrator_direction, log}) do Agent.start_link(fn -> %{ direction: direction, repo: repo, migration: module, migrator_direction: migrator_direction, command: nil, subcommands: [], log: log, commands: [], config: config } end) end @doc """ Stops the runner. """ def stop() do Agent.stop(runner()) end @doc """ Accesses the given repository configuration. """ def repo_config(key, default) do Agent.get(runner(), &Keyword.get(&1.config, key, default)) end @doc """ Returns the migrator command (up or down). * forward + up: up * forward + down: down * forward + change: up * backward + change: down """ def migrator_direction do Agent.get(runner(), & &1.migrator_direction) end @doc """ Gets the repo for this migration """ def repo do Agent.get(runner(), & &1.repo) end @doc """ Gets the prefix for this migration """ def prefix do case Process.get(:ecto_migration) do %{prefix: prefix} -> prefix _ -> raise "could not find migration runner process for #{inspect(self())}" end end @doc """ Executes queue migration commands. Reverses the order commands are executed when doing a rollback on a change/0 function and resets commands queue. """ def flush do %{commands: commands, direction: direction, repo: repo, log: log, migration: migration} = Agent.get_and_update(runner(), fn state -> {state, %{state | commands: []}} end) commands = if direction == :backward, do: commands, else: Enum.reverse(commands) for command <- commands do execute_in_direction(repo, migration, direction, log, command) end end @doc """ Queues command tuples or strings for execution. Ecto.MigrationError will be raised when the server is in `:backward` direction and `command` is irreversible. """ def execute(command) do reply = Agent.get_and_update(runner(), fn %{command: nil} = state -> {:ok, %{state | subcommands: [], commands: [command | state.commands]}} %{command: _} = state -> {:error, %{state | command: nil}} end) case reply do :ok -> :ok :error -> raise Ecto.MigrationError, "cannot execute nested commands" end end @doc """ Starts a command. """ def start_command(command) do reply = Agent.get_and_update(runner(), fn %{command: nil} = state -> {:ok, %{state | command: command}} %{command: _} = state -> {:error, %{state | command: command}} end) case reply do :ok -> :ok :error -> raise Ecto.MigrationError, "cannot execute nested commands" end end @doc """ Queues and clears current command. Must call `start_command/1` first. """ def end_command do Agent.update(runner(), fn state -> {operation, object} = state.command command = {operation, object, Enum.reverse(state.subcommands)} %{state | command: nil, subcommands: [], commands: [command | state.commands]} end) end @doc """ Adds a subcommand to the current command. Must call `start_command/1` first. """ def subcommand(subcommand) do reply = Agent.get_and_update(runner(), fn %{command: nil} = state -> {:error, state} state -> {:ok, update_in(state.subcommands, &[subcommand | &1])} end) case reply do :ok -> :ok :error -> raise Ecto.MigrationError, message: "cannot execute command outside of block" end end ## Execute defp execute_in_direction(repo, migration, :forward, log, %Command{up: up}) do log_and_execute_ddl(repo, migration, log, up) end defp execute_in_direction(repo, migration, :forward, log, command) do log_and_execute_ddl(repo, migration, log, command) end defp execute_in_direction(repo, migration, :backward, log, %Command{down: down}) do log_and_execute_ddl(repo, migration, log, down) end defp execute_in_direction(repo, migration, :backward, log, command) do if reversed = reverse(command) do log_and_execute_ddl(repo, migration, log, reversed) else raise Ecto.MigrationError, message: "cannot reverse migration command: #{command(command)}. " <> "You will need to explicitly define up/0 and down/0 in your migration" end end defp reverse({:create, %Index{} = index}), do: {:drop, index, :restrict} defp reverse({:create_if_not_exists, %Index{} = index}), do: {:drop_if_exists, index, :restrict} defp reverse({:drop, %Index{} = index, _}), do: {:create, index} defp reverse({:drop_if_exists, %Index{} = index, _}), do: {:create_if_not_exists, index} defp reverse({:rename, %Index{} = index, new_name}), do: {:rename, %{index | name: new_name},} defp reverse({:create, %Table{} = table, _columns}), do: {:drop, table, :restrict} defp reverse({:create_if_not_exists, %Table{} = table, _columns}), do: {:drop_if_exists, table, :restrict} defp reverse({:rename, %Table{} = table_current, %Table{} = table_new}), do: {:rename, table_new, table_current} defp reverse({:rename, %Table{} = table, current_column, new_column}), do: {:rename, table, new_column, current_column} defp reverse({:alter, %Table{} = table, changes}) do if reversed = table_reverse(changes, []) do {:alter, table, reversed} end end # It is not a good idea to reverse constraints because # we can't guarantee data integrity when applying them back. defp reverse({:create_if_not_exists, %Constraint{} = constraint}), do: {:drop_if_exists, constraint, :restrict} defp reverse({:create, %Constraint{} = constraint}), do: {:drop, constraint, :restrict} defp reverse(_command), do: false defp table_reverse([{:remove, name, type, opts} | t], acc) do table_reverse(t, [{:add, name, type, opts} | acc]) end defp table_reverse([{:modify, name, type, opts} | t], acc) do case opts[:from] do nil -> false {reverse_type, from_opts} when is_list(from_opts) -> reverse_from = {type, Keyword.delete(opts, :from)} reverse_opts = Keyword.put(from_opts, :from, reverse_from) table_reverse(t, [{:modify, name, reverse_type, reverse_opts} | acc]) reverse_type -> reverse_opts = Keyword.put(opts, :from, type) table_reverse(t, [{:modify, name, reverse_type, reverse_opts} | acc]) end end defp table_reverse([{:add, name, type, _opts} | t], acc) do table_reverse(t, [{:remove, name, type, []} | acc]) end defp table_reverse([_ | _], _acc) do false end defp table_reverse([], acc) do acc end ## Helpers defp perform_operation(repo, module, operation) do if function_exported?(repo, :in_transaction?, 0) and repo.in_transaction?() do if function_exported?(module, :after_begin, 0) do module.after_begin() flush() end apply(module, operation, []) flush() if function_exported?(module, :before_commit, 0) do module.before_commit() flush() end else apply(module, operation, []) flush() end end defp runner do case Process.get(:ecto_migration) do %{runner: runner} -> runner _ -> raise "could not find migration runner process for #{inspect(self())}" end end defp log_and_execute_ddl(repo, migration, log, {instruction, %Index{} = index}) do maybe_warn_index_ddl_transaction(index, migration) maybe_warn_index_migration_lock(index, repo, migration) log_and_execute_ddl(repo, log, {instruction, index}) end defp log_and_execute_ddl(repo, _migration, log, command) do log_and_execute_ddl(repo, log, command) end defp log_and_execute_ddl(_repo, _log, func) when is_function(func, 0) do func.() :ok end defp log_and_execute_ddl(repo, %{level: level, sql: sql}, command) do log(level, command(command)) meta = Ecto.Adapter.lookup_meta(repo.get_dynamic_repo()) {:ok, logs} = repo.__adapter__().execute_ddl(meta, command, timeout: :infinity, log: sql) Enum.each(logs, fn {ddl_log_level, message, metadata} -> ddl_log(ddl_log_level, level, message, metadata) end) :ok end defp ddl_log(_level, false, _msg, _metadata), do: :ok defp ddl_log(level, _, msg, metadata), do: log(level, msg, metadata) defp log(level, msg, metadata \\ []) defp log(false, _msg, _metadata), do: :ok defp log(true, msg, metadata), do: Logger.log(:info, msg, metadata) defp log(level, msg, metadata), do: Logger.log(level, msg, metadata) defp maybe_warn_index_ddl_transaction(%{concurrently: true} = index, migration) do migration_config = migration.__migration__() if not migration_config[:disable_ddl_transaction] do IO.warn( """ Migration #{inspect(migration)} has set index `#{}` on table \ `#{index.table}` to concurrently but did not disable ddl transaction. \ Please set: use Ecto.Migration @disable_ddl_transaction true """, [] ) end end defp maybe_warn_index_ddl_transaction(_index, _migration), do: :ok defp maybe_warn_index_migration_lock(%{concurrently: true} = index, repo, migration) do migration_lock_disabled = migration.__migration__()[:disable_migration_lock] lock_strategy = repo.config()[:migration_lock] adapter = repo.__adapter__() case {migration_lock_disabled, adapter, lock_strategy} do {false, Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, :pg_advisory_lock} -> :ok {false, Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, _} -> IO.warn( """ Migration #{inspect(migration)} has set index `#{}` on table \ `#{index.table}` to concurrently but did not disable migration lock. \ Please set: use Ecto.Migration @disable_migration_lock true Alternatively, consider using advisory locks during migrations in the \ repo configuration: config #{inspect(repo)}, migration_lock: :pg_advisory_lock """, [] ) {false, _adapter, _migration_lock} -> IO.warn( """ Migration #{inspect(migration)} has set index `#{}` on table \ `#{index.table}` to concurrently but did not disable migration lock. \ Please set: use Ecto.Migration @disable_migration_lock true """, [] ) _ -> :ok end end defp maybe_warn_index_migration_lock(_index, _repo, _migration), do: :ok defp command(ddl) when is_binary(ddl) or is_list(ddl), do: "execute #{inspect(ddl)}" defp command({:create, %Table{} = table, _}), do: "create table #{quote_name(table.prefix,}" defp command({:create_if_not_exists, %Table{} = table, _}), do: "create table if not exists #{quote_name(table.prefix,}" defp command({:alter, %Table{} = table, _}), do: "alter table #{quote_name(table.prefix,}" defp command({:drop, %Table{} = table, mode}), do: "drop table #{quote_name(table.prefix,}#{drop_mode(mode)}" defp command({:drop_if_exists, %Table{} = table, mode}), do: "drop table if exists #{quote_name(table.prefix,}#{drop_mode(mode)}" defp command({:create, %Index{} = index}), do: "create index #{quote_name(index.prefix,}" defp command({:create_if_not_exists, %Index{} = index}), do: "create index if not exists #{quote_name(index.prefix,}" defp command({:drop, %Index{} = index, mode}), do: "drop index #{quote_name(index.prefix,}#{drop_mode(mode)}" defp command({:drop_if_exists, %Index{} = index, mode}), do: "drop index if exists #{quote_name(index.prefix,}#{drop_mode(mode)}" defp command({:rename, %Index{} = index_current, new_name}), do: "rename index #{quote_name(index_current.prefix,} to #{new_name}" defp command({:rename, %Table{} = current_table, %Table{} = new_table}), do: "rename table #{quote_name(current_table.prefix,} to #{quote_name(new_table.prefix,}" defp command({:rename, %Table{} = table, current_column, new_column}), do: "rename column #{current_column} to #{new_column} on table #{quote_name(table.prefix,}" defp command({:create, %Constraint{check: nil, exclude: nil}}), do: raise(ArgumentError, "a constraint must have either a check or exclude option") defp command({:create, %Constraint{check: check, exclude: exclude}}) when is_binary(check) and is_binary(exclude), do: raise(ArgumentError, "a constraint must not have both check and exclude options") defp command({:create, %Constraint{check: check} = constraint}) when is_binary(check), do: "create check constraint #{} on table #{quote_name(constraint.prefix, constraint.table)}" defp command({:create, %Constraint{exclude: exclude} = constraint}) when is_binary(exclude), do: "create exclude constraint #{} on table #{quote_name(constraint.prefix, constraint.table)}" defp command({:drop, %Constraint{} = constraint, _}), do: "drop constraint #{} from table #{quote_name(constraint.prefix, constraint.table)}" defp command({:drop_if_exists, %Constraint{} = constraint, _}), do: "drop constraint if exists #{} from table #{quote_name(constraint.prefix, constraint.table)}" defp drop_mode(:restrict), do: "" defp drop_mode(:cascade), do: " cascade" defp quote_name(nil, name), do: quote_name(name) defp quote_name(prefix, name), do: quote_name(prefix) <> "." <> quote_name(name) defp quote_name(name) when is_atom(name), do: quote_name(Atom.to_string(name)) defp quote_name(name), do: name end