defmodule Ecto.Adapters.MyXQL do @moduledoc """ Adapter module for MySQL. It uses `MyXQL` for communicating to the database. ## Options MySQL options split in different categories described below. All options can be given via the repository configuration: ### Connection options * `:protocol` - Set to `:socket` for using UNIX domain socket, or `:tcp` for TCP (default: `:socket`) * `:socket` - Connect to MySQL via UNIX sockets in the given path. * `:hostname` - Server hostname * `:port` - Server port (default: 3306) * `:username` - Username * `:password` - User password * `:database` - the database to connect to * `:pool` - The connection pool module, may be set to `Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox` * `:ssl` - Set to true if ssl should be used (default: false) * `:ssl_opts` - A list of ssl options, see Erlang's `ssl` docs * `:connect_timeout` - The timeout for establishing new connections (default: 5000) * `:cli_protocol` - The protocol used for the mysql client connection (default: `"tcp"`). This option is only used for `mix ecto.load` and `mix ecto.dump`, via the `mysql` command. For more information, please check [MySQL docs]( * `:socket_options` - Specifies socket configuration * `:show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error` - show connection data and configuration whenever there is an error attempting to connect to the database The `:socket_options` are particularly useful when configuring the size of both send and receive buffers. For example, when Ecto starts with a pool of 20 connections, the memory usage may quickly grow from 20MB to 50MB based on the operating system default values for TCP buffers. It is advised to stick with the operating system defaults but they can be tweaked if desired: socket_options: [recbuf: 8192, sndbuf: 8192] We also recommend developers to consult the `MyXQL.start_link/1` documentation for a complete listing of all supported options. ### Storage options * `:charset` - the database encoding (default: "utf8mb4") * `:collation` - the collation order * `:dump_path` - where to place dumped structures * `:dump_prefixes` - list of prefixes that will be included in the structure dump. For MySQL, this list must be of length 1. Multiple prefixes are not supported. When specified, the prefixes will have their definitions dumped along with the data in their migration table. When it is not specified, only the configured database and its migration table are dumped. ### After connect callback If you want to execute a callback as soon as connection is established to the database, you can use the `:after_connect` configuration. For example, in your repository configuration you can add: after_connect: {MyXQL, :query!, ["SET variable = value", []]} You can also specify your own module that will receive the MyXQL connection as argument. ## Limitations There are some limitations when using Ecto with MySQL that one needs to be aware of. ### Engine Tables created by Ecto are guaranteed to use InnoDB, regardless of the MySQL version. ### UUIDs MySQL does not support UUID types. Ecto emulates them by using `binary(16)`. ### Read after writes Because MySQL does not support RETURNING clauses in INSERT and UPDATE, it does not support the `:read_after_writes` option of `Ecto.Schema.field/3`. ### DDL Transaction MySQL does not support migrations inside transactions as it automatically commits after some commands like CREATE TABLE. Therefore MySQL migrations does not run inside transactions. ## Old MySQL versions ### JSON support MySQL introduced a native JSON type in v5.7.8, if your server is using this version or higher, you may use `:map` type for your column in migration: add :some_field, :map If you're using older server versions, use a `TEXT` field instead: add :some_field, :text in either case, the adapter will automatically encode/decode the value from JSON. ### usec in datetime Old MySQL versions did not support usec in datetime while more recent versions would round or truncate the usec value. Therefore, in case the user decides to use microseconds in datetimes and timestamps with MySQL, be aware of such differences and consult the documentation for your MySQL version. If your version of MySQL supports microsecond precision, you will be able to utilize Ecto's usec types. ## Multiple Result Support MyXQL supports the execution of queries that return multiple results, such as text queries with multiple statements separated by semicolons or stored procedures. These can be executed with `Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query_many/4` or the `YourRepo.query_many/3` shortcut. Be default, these queries will be executed with the `:query_type` option set to `:text`. To take advantage of prepared statements when executing a stored procedure, set the `:query_type` option to `:binary`. """ # Inherit all behaviour from Ecto.Adapters.SQL use Ecto.Adapters.SQL, driver: :myxql # And provide a custom storage implementation @behaviour Ecto.Adapter.Storage @behaviour Ecto.Adapter.Structure ## Custom MySQL types @impl true def loaders({:map, _}, type), do: [&json_decode/1, &Ecto.Type.embedded_load(type, &1, :json)] def loaders(:map, type), do: [&json_decode/1, type] def loaders(:float, type), do: [&float_decode/1, type] def loaders(:boolean, type), do: [&bool_decode/1, type] def loaders(:binary_id, type), do: [Ecto.UUID, type] def loaders(_, type), do: [type] defp bool_decode(<<0>>), do: {:ok, false} defp bool_decode(<<1>>), do: {:ok, true} defp bool_decode(<<0::size(1)>>), do: {:ok, false} defp bool_decode(<<1::size(1)>>), do: {:ok, true} defp bool_decode(0), do: {:ok, false} defp bool_decode(1), do: {:ok, true} defp bool_decode(x), do: {:ok, x} defp float_decode(%Decimal{} = decimal), do: {:ok, Decimal.to_float(decimal)} defp float_decode(x), do: {:ok, x} defp json_decode(x) when is_binary(x), do: {:ok, MyXQL.json_library().decode!(x)} defp json_decode(x), do: {:ok, x} ## Storage API @impl true def storage_up(opts) do database = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :database) || raise ":database is nil in repository configuration" opts = Keyword.delete(opts, :database) charset = opts[:charset] || "utf8mb4" check_existence_command = "SELECT TRUE FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '#{database}'" case run_query(check_existence_command, opts) do {:ok, %{num_rows: 1}} -> {:error, :already_up} _ -> create_command = ~s(CREATE DATABASE `#{database}` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = #{charset}) |> concat_if(opts[:collation], &"DEFAULT COLLATE = #{&1}") case run_query(create_command, opts) do {:ok, _} -> :ok {:error, %{mysql: %{name: :ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS}}} -> {:error, :already_up} {:error, error} -> {:error, Exception.message(error)} {:exit, exit} -> {:error, exit_to_exception(exit)} end end end defp concat_if(content, nil, _fun), do: content defp concat_if(content, value, fun), do: content <> " " <> fun.(value) @impl true def storage_down(opts) do database = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :database) || raise ":database is nil in repository configuration" opts = Keyword.delete(opts, :database) command = "DROP DATABASE `#{database}`" case run_query(command, opts) do {:ok, _} -> :ok {:error, %{mysql: %{name: :ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS}}} -> {:error, :already_down} {:error, %{mysql: %{name: :ER_BAD_DB_ERROR}}} -> {:error, :already_down} {:error, error} -> {:error, Exception.message(error)} {:exit, :killed} -> {:error, :already_down} {:exit, exit} -> {:error, exit_to_exception(exit)} end end @impl Ecto.Adapter.Storage def storage_status(opts) do database = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :database) || raise ":database is nil in repository configuration" opts = Keyword.delete(opts, :database) check_database_query = "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '#{database}'" case run_query(check_database_query, opts) do {:ok, %{num_rows: 0}} -> :down {:ok, %{num_rows: _num_rows}} -> :up other -> {:error, other} end end @impl true def supports_ddl_transaction? do false end @impl true def lock_for_migrations(meta, opts, fun) do %{opts: adapter_opts, repo: repo} = meta if Keyword.fetch(adapter_opts, :pool_size) == {:ok, 1} do Ecto.Adapters.SQL.raise_migration_pool_size_error() end opts = Keyword.merge(opts, timeout: :infinity, telemetry_options: [schema_migration: true]) {:ok, result} = transaction(meta, opts, fn -> lock_name = "\'ecto_#{inspect(repo)}\'" try do {:ok, _} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(meta, "SELECT GET_LOCK(#{lock_name}, -1)", [], opts) fun.() after {:ok, _} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(meta, "SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(#{lock_name})", [], opts) end end) result end @impl true def insert(adapter_meta, schema_meta, params, on_conflict, returning, opts) do %{source: source, prefix: prefix} = schema_meta {_, query_params, _} = on_conflict key = primary_key!(schema_meta, returning) {fields, values} = :lists.unzip(params) sql = @conn.insert(prefix, source, fields, [fields], on_conflict, [], []) opts = if is_nil(Keyword.get(opts, :cache_statement)) do [{:cache_statement, "ecto_insert_#{source}_#{length(fields)}"} | opts] else opts end case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(adapter_meta, sql, values ++ query_params, opts) do {:ok, %{num_rows: 0}} -> raise "insert operation failed to insert any row in the database. " <> "This may happen if you have trigger or other database conditions rejecting operations. " <> "The emitted SQL was: #{sql}" # We were used to check if num_rows was 1 or 2 (in case of upserts) # but MariaDB supports tables with System Versioning, and in those # cases num_rows can be more than 2. {:ok, %{last_insert_id: last_insert_id}} -> {:ok, last_insert_id(key, last_insert_id)} {:error, err} -> case @conn.to_constraints(err, source: source) do [] -> raise err constraints -> {:invalid, constraints} end end end defp primary_key!(%{autogenerate_id: {_, key, _type}}, [key]), do: key defp primary_key!(_, []), do: nil defp primary_key!(%{schema: schema}, returning) do raise ArgumentError, "MySQL does not support :read_after_writes in schemas for non-primary keys. " <> "The following fields in #{inspect(schema)} are tagged as such: #{inspect(returning)}" end defp last_insert_id(nil, _last_insert_id), do: [] defp last_insert_id(_key, 0), do: [] defp last_insert_id(key, last_insert_id), do: [{key, last_insert_id}] @impl true def structure_dump(default, config) do table = config[:migration_source] || "schema_migrations" path = config[:dump_path] || Path.join(default, "structure.sql") database = dump_database!(config[:dump_prefixes], config[:database]) with {:ok, versions} <- select_versions(database, table, config), {:ok, contents} <- mysql_dump(database, config), {:ok, contents} <- append_versions(table, versions, contents) do File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(path)) File.write!(path, contents) {:ok, path} end end defp dump_database!([prefix], _), do: prefix defp dump_database!(nil, config_database), do: config_database defp dump_database!(_, _) do raise ArgumentError, "cannot dump multiple prefixes with MySQL. Please run the command separately for each prefix." end defp select_versions(database, table, config) do case run_query(~s[SELECT version FROM `#{database}`.`#{table}` ORDER BY version], config) do {:ok, %{rows: rows}} -> {:ok,, &hd/1)} {:error, %{mysql: %{name: :ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE}}} -> {:ok, []} {:error, _} = error -> error {:exit, exit} -> {:error, exit_to_exception(exit)} end end defp mysql_dump(database, config) do args = ["--no-data", "--routines", "--no-create-db", database] case run_with_cmd("mysqldump", config, args) do {output, 0} -> {:ok, output} {output, _} -> {:error, output} end end defp append_versions(_table, [], contents) do {:ok, contents} end defp append_versions(table, versions, contents) do {:ok, contents <> Enum.map_join(versions, &~s[INSERT INTO `#{table}` (version) VALUES (#{&1});\n])} end @impl true def structure_load(default, config) do path = config[:dump_path] || Path.join(default, "structure.sql") args = [ "--execute", "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; SOURCE #{path}; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1", "--database", config[:database] ] case run_with_cmd("mysql", config, args) do {_output, 0} -> {:ok, path} {output, _} -> {:error, output} end end @impl true def dump_cmd(args, opts \\ [], config) when is_list(config) and is_list(args) do args = if database = config[:database] do args ++ [database] else args end run_with_cmd("mysqldump", config, args, opts) end ## Helpers defp run_query(sql, opts) do {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:ecto_sql) {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:myxql) opts = opts |> Keyword.drop([:name, :log, :pool, :pool_size]) |> Keyword.put(:backoff_type, :stop) |> Keyword.put(:max_restarts, 0) task = Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(Ecto.Adapters.SQL.StorageSupervisor, fn -> {:ok, conn} = MyXQL.start_link(opts) value = MyXQL.query(conn, sql, [], opts) GenServer.stop(conn) value end) timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :timeout, 15_000) case Task.yield(task, timeout) || Task.shutdown(task) do {:ok, {:ok, result}} -> {:ok, result} {:ok, {:error, error}} -> {:error, error} {:exit, exit} -> {:exit, exit} nil -> {:error, RuntimeError.exception("command timed out")} end end defp exit_to_exception({%{__struct__: struct} = error, _}) when struct in [MyXQL.Error, DBConnection.Error], do: error defp exit_to_exception(reason), do: RuntimeError.exception(Exception.format_exit(reason)) defp run_with_cmd(cmd, opts, opt_args, cmd_opts \\ []) do unless System.find_executable(cmd) do raise "could not find executable `#{cmd}` in path, " <> "please guarantee it is available before running ecto commands" end env = if password = opts[:password] do [{"MYSQL_PWD", password}] else [] end host = opts[:hostname] || System.get_env("MYSQL_HOST") || "localhost" port = opts[:port] || System.get_env("MYSQL_TCP_PORT") || "3306" protocol = opts[:cli_protocol] || System.get_env("MYSQL_CLI_PROTOCOL") || "tcp" user_args = if username = opts[:username] do ["--user", username] else [] end args = [ "--host", host, "--port", to_string(port), "--protocol", protocol ] ++ user_args ++ opt_args cmd_opts = cmd_opts |> Keyword.put_new(:stderr_to_stdout, true) |> Keyword.update(:env, env, &Enum.concat(env, &1)) System.cmd(cmd, args, cmd_opts) end end