defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Socket do @shortdoc "Generates a Phoenix socket handler" @moduledoc """ Generates a Phoenix socket handler. $ mix phx.gen.socket User Accepts the module name for the socket The generated files will contain: For a regular application: * a client in `assets/js` * a socket in `lib/my_app_web/channels` For an umbrella application: * a client in `apps/my_app_web/assets/js` * a socket in `apps/my_app_web/lib/app_name_web/channels` You can then generated channels with `mix`. """ use Mix.Task @doc false def run(args) do if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do Mix.raise( "mix phx.gen.socket must be invoked from within your *_web application root directory" ) end [socket_name, pre_existing_channel] = validate_args!(args) context_app = Mix.Phoenix.context_app() web_prefix = Mix.Phoenix.web_path(context_app) binding = Mix.Phoenix.inflect(socket_name) existing_channel = if pre_existing_channel do channel_binding = Mix.Phoenix.inflect(pre_existing_channel) Keyword.put( channel_binding, :module, "#{channel_binding[:web_module]}.#{channel_binding[:scoped]}" ) end binding = binding |> Keyword.put(:module, "#{binding[:web_module]}.#{binding[:scoped]}") |> Keyword.put(:endpoint_module, Module.concat([binding[:web_module], Endpoint])) |> Keyword.put(:web_prefix, web_prefix) |> Keyword.put(:existing_channel, existing_channel) Mix.Phoenix.check_module_name_availability!(binding[:module] <> "Socket") Mix.Phoenix.copy_from(paths(), "priv/templates/phx.gen.socket", binding, [ {:eex, "socket.ex", Path.join(web_prefix, "channels/#{binding[:path]}_socket.ex")}, {:eex, "socket.js", "assets/js/#{binding[:path]}_socket.js"} ])""" Add the socket handler to your `#{Mix.Phoenix.web_path(context_app, "endpoint.ex")}`, for example: socket "/socket", #{binding[:module]}Socket, websocket: true, longpoll: false For the front-end integration, you need to import the `#{binding[:path]}_socket.js` in your `assets/js/app.js` file: import "./#{binding[:path]}_socket.js" """) end @spec raise_with_help() :: no_return() defp raise_with_help do Mix.raise(""" mix phx.gen.socket expects the module name: mix phx.gen.socket User """) end defp validate_args!([name, "--from-channel", pre_existing_channel]) do unless valid_name?(name) and valid_name?(pre_existing_channel) do raise_with_help() end [name, pre_existing_channel] end defp validate_args!([name]) do unless valid_name?(name) do raise_with_help() end [name, nil] end defp validate_args!(_), do: raise_with_help() defp valid_name?(name) do name =~ ~r/^[A-Z]\w*(\.[A-Z]\w*)*$/ end defp paths do [".", :phoenix] end end