defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Cert do @shortdoc "Generates a self-signed certificate for HTTPS testing" @default_path "priv/cert/selfsigned" @default_name "Self-signed test certificate" @default_hostnames ["localhost"] @warning """ WARNING: only use the generated certificate for testing in a closed network environment, such as running a development server on `localhost`. For production, staging, or testing servers on the public internet, obtain a proper certificate, for example from [Let's Encrypt]( NOTE: when using Google Chrome, open chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost to enable the use of self-signed certificates on `localhost`. """ @moduledoc """ Generates a self-signed certificate for HTTPS testing. $ mix phx.gen.cert $ mix phx.gen.cert my-app my-app.local Creates a private key and a self-signed certificate in PEM format. These files can be referenced in the `certfile` and `keyfile` parameters of an HTTPS Endpoint. #{@warning} ## Arguments The list of hostnames, if none are specified, defaults to: * #{Enum.join(@default_hostnames, "\n * ")} Other (optional) arguments: * `--output` (`-o`): the path and base filename for the certificate and key (default: #{@default_path}) * `--name` (`-n`): the Common Name value in certificate's subject (default: "#{@default_name}") Requires OTP 21.3 or later. """ use Mix.Task import Mix.Generator @doc false def run(all_args) do if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do Mix.raise("mix phx.gen.cert must be invoked from within your *_web application root directory") end {opts, args} = OptionParser.parse!( all_args, aliases: [n: :name, o: :output], strict: [name: :string, output: :string] ) path = opts[:output] || @default_path name = opts[:name] || @default_name hostnames = case args do [] -> @default_hostnames list -> list end {certificate, private_key} = certificate_and_key(2048, name, hostnames) keyfile = path <> "_key.pem" certfile = path <> ".pem" create_file( keyfile, :public_key.pem_encode([:public_key.pem_entry_encode(:RSAPrivateKey, private_key)]) ) create_file( certfile, :public_key.pem_encode([{:Certificate, certificate, :not_encrypted}]) ) print_shell_instructions(keyfile, certfile) end @doc false def certificate_and_key(key_size, name, hostnames) do private_key = case generate_rsa_key(key_size, 65537) do {:ok, key} -> key {:error, :not_supported} -> Mix.raise(""" Failed to generate an RSA key pair. This Mix task requires Erlang/OTP 20 or later. Please upgrade to a newer version, or use another tool, such as OpenSSL, to generate a certificate. """) end public_key = extract_public_key(private_key) certificate = public_key |> new_cert(name, hostnames) |> :public_key.pkix_sign(private_key) {certificate, private_key} end defp print_shell_instructions(keyfile, certfile) do app = Mix.Phoenix.otp_app() base = Mix.Phoenix.base()""" If you have not already done so, please update your HTTPS Endpoint configuration in config/dev.exs: config #{inspect(app)}, #{inspect(Mix.Phoenix.web_module(base))}.Endpoint, http: [port: 4000], https: [ port: 4001, cipher_suite: :strong, certfile: "#{certfile}", keyfile: "#{keyfile}" ], ... #{@warning} """) end require Record # RSA key pairs Record.defrecordp( :rsa_private_key, :RSAPrivateKey, Record.extract(:RSAPrivateKey, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :rsa_public_key, :RSAPublicKey, Record.extract(:RSAPublicKey, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) defp generate_rsa_key(keysize, e) do private_key = :public_key.generate_key({:rsa, keysize, e}) {:ok, private_key} rescue FunctionClauseError -> {:error, :not_supported} end defp extract_public_key(rsa_private_key(modulus: m, publicExponent: e)) do rsa_public_key(modulus: m, publicExponent: e) end # Certificates Record.defrecordp( :otp_tbs_certificate, :OTPTBSCertificate, Record.extract(:OTPTBSCertificate, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :signature_algorithm, :SignatureAlgorithm, Record.extract(:SignatureAlgorithm, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :validity, :Validity, Record.extract(:Validity, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :otp_subject_public_key_info, :OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo, Record.extract(:OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :public_key_algorithm, :PublicKeyAlgorithm, Record.extract(:PublicKeyAlgorithm, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :extension, :Extension, Record.extract(:Extension, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :basic_constraints, :BasicConstraints, Record.extract(:BasicConstraints, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) Record.defrecordp( :attr, :AttributeTypeAndValue, Record.extract(:AttributeTypeAndValue, from_lib: "public_key/include/OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl") ) # OID values @rsaEncryption {1, 2, 840, 113_549, 1, 1, 1} @sha256WithRSAEncryption {1, 2, 840, 113_549, 1, 1, 11} @basicConstraints {2, 5, 29, 19} @keyUsage {2, 5, 29, 15} @extendedKeyUsage {2, 5, 29, 37} @subjectKeyIdentifier {2, 5, 29, 14} @subjectAlternativeName {2, 5, 29, 17} @organizationName {2, 5, 4, 10} @commonName {2, 5, 4, 3} @serverAuth {1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 1} @clientAuth {1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 2} defp new_cert(public_key, common_name, hostnames) do <> = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8) # Dates must be in 'YYMMDD' format {{year, month, day}, _} = :erlang.timestamp() |> :calendar.now_to_datetime() yy = year |> Integer.to_string() |> String.slice(2, 2) mm = month |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(2, "0") dd = day |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(2, "0") not_before = yy <> mm <> dd yy2 = (year + 1) |> Integer.to_string() |> String.slice(2, 2) not_after = yy2 <> mm <> dd otp_tbs_certificate( version: :v3, serialNumber: serial, signature: signature_algorithm(algorithm: @sha256WithRSAEncryption, parameters: :NULL), issuer: rdn(common_name), validity: validity( notBefore: {:utcTime, '#{not_before}000000Z'}, notAfter: {:utcTime, '#{not_after}000000Z'} ), subject: rdn(common_name), subjectPublicKeyInfo: otp_subject_public_key_info( algorithm: public_key_algorithm(algorithm: @rsaEncryption, parameters: :NULL), subjectPublicKey: public_key ), extensions: extensions(public_key, hostnames) ) end defp rdn(common_name) do {:rdnSequence, [ [attr(type: @organizationName, value: {:utf8String, "Phoenix Framework"})], [attr(type: @commonName, value: {:utf8String, common_name})] ]} end defp extensions(public_key, hostnames) do [ extension( extnID: @basicConstraints, critical: true, extnValue: basic_constraints(cA: false) ), extension( extnID: @keyUsage, critical: true, extnValue: [:digitalSignature, :keyEncipherment] ), extension( extnID: @extendedKeyUsage, critical: false, extnValue: [@serverAuth, @clientAuth] ), extension( extnID: @subjectKeyIdentifier, critical: false, extnValue: key_identifier(public_key) ), extension( extnID: @subjectAlternativeName, critical: false, extnValue:, &{:dNSName, String.to_charlist(&1)}) ) ] end defp key_identifier(public_key) do :crypto.hash(:sha, :public_key.der_encode(:RSAPublicKey, public_key)) end end