defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Digest.Clean do use Mix.Task @default_output_path "priv/static" @default_age 3600 @default_keep 2 @shortdoc "Removes old versions of static assets." @recursive true @moduledoc """ Removes old versions of compiled assets. By default, it will keep the latest version and 2 previous versions as well as any digest created in the last hour. $ mix phx.digest.clean $ mix phx.digest.clean -o /www/public $ mix phx.digest.clean --age 600 --keep 3 $ mix phx.digest.clean --all ## Options * `-o, --output` - indicates the path to your compiled assets directory. Defaults to `priv/static` * `--age` - specifies a maximum age (in seconds) for assets. Files older than age that are not in the last `--keep` versions will be removed. Defaults to 3600 (1 hour) * `--keep` - specifies how many previous versions of assets to keep. Defaults to 2 previous versions * `--all` - specifies that all compiled assets (including the manifest) will be removed. Note this overrides the age and keep switches. """ @doc false def run(args) do switches = [output: :string, age: :integer, keep: :integer, all: :boolean] {opts, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: switches, aliases: [o: :output]) output_path = opts[:output] || @default_output_path age = opts[:age] || @default_age keep = opts[:keep] || @default_keep all? = opts[:all] || false {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:phoenix) result = if all?, do: Phoenix.Digester.clean_all(output_path), else: Phoenix.Digester.clean(output_path, age, keep) case result do :ok -> # We need to call build structure so everything we have cleaned from # priv is removed from _build in case we have build_embedded set to # true. In case it's not true, build structure is mostly a no-op, so we # are fine. Mix.Project.build_structure() [:green, "Clean complete for #{inspect output_path}"] {:error, :invalid_path} -> "The output path #{inspect output_path} does not exist" end end end