defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Gen.Repo do use Mix.Task import Mix.Ecto import Mix.Generator @shortdoc "Generates a new repository" @switches [ repo: [:string, :keep], ] @aliases [ r: :repo, ] @moduledoc """ Generates a new repository. The repository will be placed in the `lib` directory. ## Examples $ mix ecto.gen.repo -r Custom.Repo This generator will automatically open the config/config.exs after generation if you have `ECTO_EDITOR` set in your environment variable. ## Command line options * `-r`, `--repo` - the repo to generate """ @impl true def run(args) do no_umbrella!("ecto.gen.repo") {opts, _} = OptionParser.parse!(args, strict: @switches, aliases: @aliases) repo = case Keyword.get_values(opts, :repo) do [] -> Mix.raise "ecto.gen.repo expects the repository to be given as -r MyApp.Repo" [repo] -> Module.concat([repo]) [_ | _] -> Mix.raise "ecto.gen.repo expects a single repository to be given" end config = Mix.Project.config() underscored = Macro.underscore(inspect(repo)) base = Path.basename(underscored) file = Path.join("lib", underscored) <> ".ex" app = config[:app] || :YOUR_APP_NAME opts = [mod: repo, app: app, base: base] create_directory Path.dirname(file) create_file file, repo_template(opts) config_path = config[:config_path] || "config/config.exs" case do {:ok, contents} -> check = String.contains?(contents, "import Config") config_first_line = get_first_config_line(check) <> "\n" new_contents = config_first_line <> "\n" <> config_template(opts) [:green, "* updating ", :reset, config_path] File.write! config_path, String.replace(contents, config_first_line, new_contents) {:error, _} -> create_file config_path, "import Config\n\n" <> config_template(opts) end open?(config_path, 3) """ Don't forget to add your new repo to your supervision tree (typically in lib/#{app}/application.ex): def start(_type, _args) do children = [ #{inspect repo}, ] And to add it to the list of Ecto repositories in your configuration files (so Ecto tasks work as expected): config #{inspect app}, ecto_repos: [#{inspect repo}] """ end defp get_first_config_line(true), do: "import Config" defp get_first_config_line(false), do: "use Mix.Config" embed_template :repo, """ defmodule <%= inspect @mod %> do use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: <%= inspect @app %>, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres end """ embed_template :config, """ config <%= inspect @app %>, <%= inspect @mod %>, database: "<%= @app %>_<%= @base %>", username: "user", password: "pass", hostname: "localhost" """ end