defmodule BookmarkerWeb.APIController do use BookmarkerWeb, :controller alias Bookmarker.{Repo, Bookmark} import Ecto.Query @doc """ A quicker way to return a JSON object with the key "error" and the given message """ defp error(conn, message) do json(conn, %{"error" => message}) end @doc """ Takes a Bookmark struct and removes all the bits that aren't easily turned into JSON """ defp sanitized_bookmark(bookmark) do %{ id:, creator: bookmark.creator, category: bookmark.category, remote_id: bookmark.remote_id, notes: bookmark.notes } end @doc """ POST /api/v1/bookmark - Create a new bookmark. This just builds a %Bookmark{} and then inserts it into the database, returning the ID of the newly created resource. """ def create(conn, _params) do record = %Bookmark{ creator: conn.assigns[:user_id], category: conn.body_params["category"], remote_id: conn.body_params["remote_id"], notes: conn.body_params["notes"] } {:ok, result} = Repo.insert(record) # Return the new bookmark's ID json(conn, %{ id: }) end @doc """ GET /api/v1/bookmark - Returns a list of bookmarks created by the user. Repo.all returns a list of, in this case, %Bookmark{} results, so each of these must be sanitized with and our private function for sanitizing the structs. """ def index(conn, _params) do records = Repo.all(from b in Bookmark, where: b.creator == ^conn.assigns[:user_id], select: b) |> b -> sanitized_bookmark(b) end) json(conn, records) end @doc """ GET /api/v1/bookmark/single/:id - Returns a single bookmark by ID. If Repo.get/2 returns `nil` here, then the bookmark can't be found and we return 404. Otherwise, we sanitize the struct and return it as a JSON string. If the bookmark doesn't belong to the user, then the server returns 403. """ def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do case Repo.get(Bookmark, id) do nil -> conn |> put_status(404) |> error("Bookmark not found") bookmark -> if bookmark.creator == conn.assigns[:user_id] do conn |> json(sanitized_bookmark(bookmark)) else conn |> put_status(403) |> error("You do not have access to this bookmark") end end end @doc """ DELETE /api/v1/bookmark/:id - Gets the bookmark and then deletes it from the database. If the bookmark doesn't belong to the user trying to delete it, then the server returns 403. This assumes that there won't be any malformed requests, which is not ideal, especially if we're not the only ones developing clients """ def delete(conn, %{"id" => id}) do case Repo.get(Bookmark, id) do nil -> conn |> put_status(404) |> error("Bookmark not found") bookmark -> if bookmark.creator == conn.assigns[:user_id] do Repo.delete!(bookmark) json(conn, %{"id" =>}) else conn |> put_status(403) |> error("Cannot delete others' bookmarks") end end end @doc """ GET /api/v1/bookmark/category/:category - Get all of the given category """ def index_category(conn, %{"category" => category}) do user_id = conn.assigns[:user_id] records = Repo.all(from b in Bookmark, where: b.creator == ^user_id and b.category == ^category, select: b) |> b -> sanitized_bookmark(b) end) json(conn, records) end @doc """ GET /api/v1/bookmark/categories - Returns a list of all categories used in bookmarks by a user. To do this, we fetch all records, select only their categories and then deduplicate the list. """ def index_categories(conn, _params) do user_id = conn.assigns.user_id categories = Repo.all(from b in Bookmark, where: b.creator == ^user_id, select: b.category) |> Enum.uniq() json(conn, categories) end end