defmodule Phoenix.Tracker.State do @moduledoc false alias Phoenix.Tracker.{State, Clock} @type name :: term @type topic :: String.t @type key :: term @type meta :: map @type ets_id :: :ets.tid @type clock :: pos_integer @type tag :: {name, clock} @type cloud :: MapSet.t @type clouds :: %{name => cloud} @type context :: %{name => clock} @type values :: ets_id | :extracted | %{tag => {pid, topic, key, meta}} @type value :: {{topic, pid, key}, meta, tag} @type key_meta :: {key, meta} @type delta :: %State{mode: :delta} @type pid_lookup :: {pid, topic, key} @type t :: %State{ replica: name, context: context, clouds: clouds, values: values, pids: ets_id, mode: :unset | :delta | :normal, delta: :unset | delta, replicas: %{name => :up | :down}, range: {context, context} } defstruct replica: nil, context: %{}, clouds: %{}, values: nil, pids: nil, mode: :unset, delta: :unset, replicas: %{}, range: {%{}, %{}} @compile {:inline, tag: 1, clock: 1, put_tag: 2, delete_tag: 2, remove_delta_tag: 2} @doc """ Creates a new set for the replica. ## Examples iex> %Phoenix.Tracker.State{...} """ @spec new(name, atom) :: t def new(replica, shard_name) do reset_delta(%State{ replica: replica, context: %{replica => 0}, mode: :normal, values:, [:named_table, :protected, :ordered_set]), pids:, [:duplicate_bag]), replicas: %{replica => :up}}) end @doc """ Returns the causal context for the set. """ @spec clocks(t) :: {name, context} def clocks(%State{replica: rep, context: ctx} = state) do # Exclude down replicas from clocks as they are also not included in # deltas. Otherwise if this node knows of a down node X in permdown grace # period, another node Y which came up after X went down will keep # requesting full state from this node as the clock of Y will be dominated # by the clock of this node. {rep, Map.drop(ctx, down_replicas(state))} end @doc """ Adds a new element to the set. """ @spec join(t, pid, topic, key, meta) :: t def join(%State{} = state, pid, topic, key, meta \\ %{}) do add(state, pid, topic, key, meta) end @doc """ Updates an element via leave and join. Atomically updates ETS local entry. """ @spec leave_join(t, pid, topic, key, meta) :: t def leave_join(state, pid, topic, key, meta) do # Produce remove-like delta [{{^topic, ^pid, ^key}, _meta, tag}] = :ets.lookup(state.values, {topic, pid, key}) pruned_clouds = delete_tag(state.clouds, tag) new_delta = remove_delta_tag(, tag) state = bump_clock(%State{state | clouds: pruned_clouds, delta: new_delta}) # Update ETS entry and produce add-like delta state = bump_clock(state) tag = tag(state) true = :ets.insert(state.values, {{topic, pid, key}, meta, tag}) new_delta = %State{ | values: Map.put(, tag, {pid, topic, key, meta})} %State{state | delta: new_delta} end @doc """ Removes an element from the set. """ @spec leave(t, pid, topic, key) :: t def leave(%State{pids: pids} = state, pid, topic, key) do pids |> :ets.match_object({pid, topic, key}) |> case do [{^pid, ^topic, ^key}] -> remove(state, pid, topic, key) [] -> state end end @doc """ Removes all elements from the set for the given pid. """ @spec leave(t, pid) :: t def leave(%State{pids: pids} = state, pid) do pids |> :ets.lookup(pid) |> Enum.reduce(state, fn {^pid, topic, key}, acc -> remove(acc, pid, topic, key) end) end @doc """ Returns a list of elements in the set belonging to an online replica. """ @spec online_list(t) :: [value] def online_list(%State{values: values} = state) do replicas = down_replicas(state), [{ {:_, :_, {:"$1", :_}}, not_in(:"$1", replicas), [:"$_"]}]) end @doc """ Returns a list of elements for the topic who belong to an online replica. """ @spec get_by_topic(t, topic) :: [key_meta] def get_by_topic(%State{values: values} = state, topic) do tracked_values(values, topic, down_replicas(state)) end @doc """ Returns a list of elements for the topic who belong to an online replica. """ @spec get_by_key(t, topic, key) :: [key_meta] def get_by_key(%State{values: values} = state, topic, key) do case tracked_key(values, topic, key, down_replicas(state)) do [] -> [] [_|_] = metas -> metas end end @doc """ Performs table lookup for tracked elements in the topic. Filters out those present on downed replicas. """ def tracked_values(table, topic, down_replicas) do, [{{{topic, :_, :"$1"}, :"$2", {:"$3", :_}}, not_in(:"$3", down_replicas), [{{:"$1", :"$2"}}]}]) end @doc """ Performs table lookup for tracked key in the topic. Filters out those present on downed replicas. """ def tracked_key(table, topic, key, down_replicas) do, [{{{topic, :"$1", key}, :"$2", {:"$3", :_}}, not_in(:"$3", down_replicas), [{{:"$1", :"$2"}}]}]) end defp not_in(_pos, []), do: [] defp not_in(pos, replicas), do: [not: ors(pos, replicas)] defp ors(pos, [rep]), do: {:"=:=", pos, {rep}} defp ors(pos, [rep | rest]), do: {:or, {:"=:=", pos, {rep}}, ors(pos, rest)} @doc """ Returns the element matching the pid, topic, and key. """ @spec get_by_pid(t, pid, topic, key) :: value | nil def get_by_pid(%State{values: values}, pid, topic, key) do case :ets.lookup(values, {topic, pid, key}) do [] -> nil [one] -> one end end @doc """ Returns all elements for the pid. """ @spec get_by_pid(t, pid) :: [value] def get_by_pid(%State{pids: pids, values: values}, pid) do case :ets.lookup(pids, pid) do [] -> [] matches ->,, fn {^pid, topic, key} -> {{{topic, pid, key}, :_, :_}, [], [:"$_"]} end)) end end @doc """ Checks if set has a non-empty delta. """ @spec has_delta?(t) :: boolean def has_delta?(%State{delta: %State{clouds: clouds}}) do Enum.find(clouds, fn {_name, cloud} -> MapSet.size(cloud) != 0 end) end @doc """ Resets the set's delta. """ @spec reset_delta(t) :: t def reset_delta(%State{context: ctx, replica: replica} = state) do delta_ctx = Map.take(ctx, [replica]) delta = %State{replica: replica, values: %{}, range: {delta_ctx, delta_ctx}, mode: :delta} %State{state | delta: delta} end @doc """ Extracts the set's elements from ets into a mergeable list. Used when merging two sets. """ @spec extract(t, remote_ref :: name, context) :: t | {t, values} def extract(%State{mode: :delta, values: values, clouds: clouds} = state, remote_ref, remote_context) do {start_ctx, end_ctx} = state.range known_keys = Map.keys(remote_context) pruned_clouds = Map.take(clouds, known_keys) pruned_start = Map.take(start_ctx, known_keys) pruned_end = Map.take(end_ctx, known_keys) map = Enum.reduce(values, [], fn {{^remote_ref, _clock}, _data}, acc -> acc {{replica, _clock} = tag, data}, acc -> if Map.has_key?(remote_context, replica) do [{tag, data} | acc] else acc end end) |> :maps.from_list() %State{state | values: map, clouds: pruned_clouds, range: {pruned_start, pruned_end}} end def extract(%State{mode: :normal, values: values, clouds: clouds} = state, remote_ref, remote_context) do known_keys = Map.keys(remote_context) pruned_clouds = Map.take(clouds, known_keys) pruned_context = Map.take(state.context, known_keys) # fn {{topic, pid, key}, meta, {replica, clock}} when replica !== remote_ref -> # {{replica, clock}, {pid, topic, key, meta}} # end ms = [{ {{:"$1", :"$2", :"$3"}, :"$4", {:"$5", :"$6"}}, [{:"=/=", :"$5", {:const, remote_ref}}], [{{{{:"$5", :"$6"}}, {{:"$2", :"$1", :"$3", :"$4"}}}}] }] data = foldl(values, [], ms, fn {{replica, _} = tag, data}, acc -> if match?(%{^replica => _}, remote_context) do [{tag, data} | acc] else acc end end) {%State{state | clouds: pruned_clouds, context: pruned_context, pids: nil, values: nil, delta: :unset},} end @doc """ Merges two sets, or a delta into a set. Returns a 3-tuple of the updated set, and the joined and left elements. ## Examples iex> {s1, joined, left} = Phoenix.Tracker.State.merge(s1, Phoenix.Tracker.State.extract(s2)) {%Phoenix.Tracker.State{}, [...], [...]} """ @spec merge(local :: t, {remote :: t, values} | delta) :: {new_local :: t, joins :: [value], leaves :: [value]} def merge(%State{} = local, %State{mode: :delta, values: remote_map} = remote) do merge(local, remote, remote_map) end def merge(%State{} = local, {%State{} = remote, remote_map}) do merge(local, remote, remote_map) end defp merge(local, remote, remote_map) do {added_pids, joins} = accumulate_joins(local, remote_map) {clouds, delta, leaves, removed_pids} = observe_removes(local, remote, remote_map) # We diff ETS deletes and inserts, this way if there is an update # operation (leave + join) we handle it atomically via insert into # the :ordered_set table added_value_keys = for {value_key, _meta, _tag} <- joins, do: value_key removed_value_keys = for {value_key, _meta, _tag} <- leaves, do: value_key value_keys_to_remove = removed_value_keys -- added_value_keys pids_to_remove = removed_pids -- added_pids pids_to_add = added_pids -- removed_pids for value_key <- value_keys_to_remove do :ets.delete(local.values, value_key) end for pid <- pids_to_remove do :ets.match_delete(local.pids, pid) end true = :ets.insert(local.values, joins) true = :ets.insert(local.pids, pids_to_add) known_remote_context = Map.take(remote.context, Map.keys(local.context)) ctx = Clock.upperbound(local.context, known_remote_context) new_state = %State{local | clouds: clouds, delta: delta} |> put_context(ctx) |> compact() {new_state, joins, leaves} end @spec accumulate_joins(t, values) :: joins :: {[pid_lookup], [values]} defp accumulate_joins(local, remote_map) do %State{context: context, clouds: clouds} = local Enum.reduce(remote_map, {[], []}, fn {{replica, _} = tag, {pid, topic, key, meta}}, {pids, adds} -> if not match?(%{^replica => _}, context) or in?(context, clouds, tag) do {pids, adds} else {[{pid, topic, key} | pids], [{{topic, pid, key}, meta, tag} | adds]} end end) end @spec observe_removes(t, t, map) :: {clouds, delta, leaves :: [value], removed_pids :: [pid_lookup]} defp observe_removes(%State{values: values, delta: delta} = local, remote, remote_map) do unioned_clouds = union_clouds(local, remote) %State{context: remote_context, clouds: remote_clouds} = remote init = {unioned_clouds, delta, [], []} local_replica = local.replica # fn {_, _, {replica, _}} = result when replica != local_replica -> result end ms = [{ {:_, :_, {:"$1", :_}}, [{:"/=", :"$1", {:const, local_replica}}], [:"$_"] }] foldl(values, init, ms, fn {{topic, pid, key}, _, tag} = el, {clouds, delta, leaves, removed_pids} -> if not match?(%{^tag => _}, remote_map) and in?(remote_context, remote_clouds, tag) do {delete_tag(clouds, tag), remove_delta_tag(delta, tag), [el | leaves], [{pid, topic, key} | removed_pids]} else {clouds, delta, leaves, removed_pids} end end) end defp put_tag(clouds, {name, _clock} = tag) do case clouds do %{^name => cloud} -> %{clouds | name => MapSet.put(cloud, tag)} _ -> Map.put(clouds, name,[tag])) end end defp delete_tag(clouds, {name, _clock} = tag) do case clouds do %{^name => cloud} -> %{clouds | name => MapSet.delete(cloud, tag)} _ -> clouds end end defp union_clouds(%State{mode: :delta} = local, %State{} = remote) do Enum.reduce(remote.clouds, local.clouds, fn {name, remote_cloud}, acc -> Map.update(acc, name, remote_cloud, &MapSet.union(&1, remote_cloud)) end) end defp union_clouds(%State{mode: :normal, context: local_ctx} = local, %State{} = remote) do Enum.reduce(remote.clouds, local.clouds, fn {name, remote_cloud}, acc -> if Map.has_key?(local_ctx, name) do Map.update(acc, name, remote_cloud, &MapSet.union(&1, remote_cloud)) else acc end end) end def merge_deltas(%State{mode: :delta} = local, %State{mode: :delta, values: remote_values} = remote) do %{values: local_values, range: {local_start, local_end}, context: local_context, clouds: local_clouds} = local %{range: {remote_start, remote_end}, context: remote_context, clouds: remote_clouds} = remote if (Clock.dominates_or_equal?(remote_end, local_start) and Clock.dominates_or_equal?(local_end, remote_start)) or (Clock.dominates_or_equal?(local_end, remote_start) and Clock.dominates_or_equal?(remote_end, local_start)) do new_start = Clock.lowerbound(local_start, remote_start) new_end = Clock.upperbound(local_end, remote_end) clouds = union_clouds(local, remote) filtered_locals = for {tag, value} <- local_values, match?(%{^tag => _}, remote_values) or not in?(remote_context, remote_clouds, tag), do: {tag, value} merged_vals = for {tag, value} <- remote_values, not match?(%{^tag => _}, local_values) and not in?(local_context, local_clouds, tag), do: {tag, value} all_vals = filtered_locals ++ merged_vals {:ok, %State{local | clouds: clouds, values:, range: {new_start, new_end}}} else {:error, :not_contiguous} end end @doc """ Marks a replica as up in the set and returns rejoined users. """ @spec replica_up(t, name) :: {t, joins :: [values], leaves :: []} def replica_up(%State{replicas: replicas, context: ctx} = state, replica) do {%State{state | context: Map.put_new(ctx, replica, 0), replicas: Map.put(replicas, replica, :up)}, replica_users(state, replica), []} end @doc """ Marks a replica as down in the set and returns left users. """ @spec replica_down(t, name) :: {t, joins:: [], leaves :: [values]} def replica_down(%State{replicas: replicas} = state, replica) do {%State{state | replicas: Map.put(replicas, replica, :down)}, [], replica_users(state, replica)} end @doc """ Removes all elements for replicas that are permanently gone. """ @spec remove_down_replicas(t, name) :: t def remove_down_replicas(%State{mode: :normal, context: ctx, values: values, pids: pids} = state, replica) do new_ctx = Map.delete(ctx, replica) # fn {key, _, {^replica, _}} -> key end ms = [{{:"$1", :_, {replica, :_}}, [], [:"$1"]}] foldl(values, nil, ms, fn {topic, pid, key} = values_key, _ -> :ets.delete(values, values_key) :ets.match_delete(pids, {pid, topic, key}) nil end) new_clouds = Map.delete(state.clouds, replica) new_delta = remove_down_replicas(, replica) %State{state | context: new_ctx, clouds: new_clouds, delta: new_delta} end def remove_down_replicas(%State{mode: :delta, range: range} = delta, replica) do {start_ctx, end_ctx} = range new_start = Map.delete(start_ctx, replica) new_end = Map.delete(end_ctx, replica) new_clouds = Map.delete(delta.clouds, replica) new_vals = Enum.reduce(delta.values, delta.values, fn {{^replica, _clock} = tag, {_pid, _topic, _key, _meta}}, vals -> Map.delete(vals, tag) {{_replica, _clock} = _tag, {_pid, _topic, _key, _meta}}, vals -> vals end) %State{delta | range: {new_start, new_end}, clouds: new_clouds, values: new_vals} end @doc """ Returns the dize of the delta. """ @spec delta_size(delta) :: pos_integer def delta_size(%State{mode: :delta, clouds: clouds, values: values}) do Enum.reduce(clouds, map_size(values), fn {_name, cloud}, sum -> sum + MapSet.size(cloud) end) end @spec add(t, pid, topic, key, meta) :: t defp add(%State{} = state, pid, topic, key, meta) do state |> bump_clock() |> do_add(pid, topic, key, meta) end defp do_add(%State{delta: delta} = state, pid, topic, key, meta) do tag = tag(state) true = :ets.insert(state.values, {{topic, pid, key}, meta, tag}) true = :ets.insert(state.pids, {pid, topic, key}) new_delta = %State{delta | values: Map.put(delta.values, tag, {pid, topic, key, meta})} %State{state | delta: new_delta} end @spec remove(t, pid, topic, key) :: t defp remove(%State{pids: pids, values: values} = state, pid, topic, key) do [{{^topic, ^pid, ^key}, _meta, tag}] = :ets.lookup(values, {topic, pid, key}) 1 = :ets.select_delete(values, [{{{topic, pid, key}, :_, :_}, [], [true]}]) 1 = :ets.select_delete(pids, [{{pid, topic, key}, [], [true]}]) pruned_clouds = delete_tag(state.clouds, tag) new_delta = remove_delta_tag(, tag) bump_clock(%State{state | clouds: pruned_clouds, delta: new_delta}) end @spec remove_delta_tag(delta, tag) :: delta defp remove_delta_tag(%{mode: :delta, values: values, clouds: clouds} = delta, tag) do %{delta | clouds: put_tag(clouds, tag), values: Map.delete(values, tag)} end @doc """ Compacts a sets causal history. Called as needed and after merges. """ @spec compact(t) :: t def compact(%State{context: ctx, clouds: clouds} = state) do {new_ctx, new_clouds} = Enum.reduce(clouds, {ctx, clouds}, fn {name, cloud}, {ctx_acc, clouds_acc} -> {new_ctx, new_cloud} = do_compact(ctx_acc, Enum.sort(MapSet.to_list(cloud))) {new_ctx, Map.put(clouds_acc, name,} end) put_context(%State{state | clouds: new_clouds}, new_ctx) end @spec do_compact(context, sorted_cloud_list :: list) :: {context, cloud} defp do_compact(ctx, cloud) do Enum.reduce(cloud, {ctx, []}, fn {replica, clock} = tag, {ctx_acc, cloud_acc} -> case ctx_acc do %{^replica => ctx_clock} when ctx_clock + 1 == clock -> {%{ctx_acc | replica => clock}, cloud_acc} %{^replica => ctx_clock} when ctx_clock >= clock -> {ctx_acc, cloud_acc} _ when clock == 1 -> {Map.put(ctx_acc, replica, clock), cloud_acc} _ -> {ctx_acc, [tag | cloud_acc]} end end) end @compile {:inline, in?: 3, in_ctx?: 3, in_clouds?: 3} defp in?(context, clouds, {replica, clock} = tag) do in_ctx?(context, replica, clock) or in_clouds?(clouds, replica, tag) end defp in_ctx?(ctx, replica, clock) do case ctx do %{^replica => replica_clock} -> replica_clock >= clock _ -> false end end defp in_clouds?(clouds, replica, tag) do case clouds do %{^replica => cloud} -> MapSet.member?(cloud, tag) _ -> false end end @spec tag(t) :: tag defp tag(%State{replica: rep} = state), do: {rep, clock(state)} @spec clock(t) :: clock defp clock(%State{replica: rep, context: ctx}), do: Map.get(ctx, rep, 0) @spec bump_clock(t) :: t defp bump_clock(%State{mode: :normal, replica: rep, clouds: clouds, context: ctx, delta: delta} = state) do new_clock = clock(state) + 1 new_ctx = Map.put(ctx, rep, new_clock) %State{state | clouds: put_tag(clouds, {rep, new_clock}), delta: %State{delta | clouds: put_tag(delta.clouds, {rep, new_clock})}} |> put_context(new_ctx) end defp put_context(%State{delta: delta, replica: rep} = state, new_ctx) do {start_clock, end_clock} = delta.range new_end = Map.put(end_clock, rep, Map.get(new_ctx, rep, 0)) %State{state | context: new_ctx, delta: %State{delta | range: {start_clock, new_end}}} end @spec down_replicas(t) :: [name] defp down_replicas(%State{replicas: replicas}) do for {replica, :down} <- replicas, do: replica end @spec replica_users(t, name) :: [value] defp replica_users(%State{values: values}, replica) do :ets.match_object(values, {:_, :_, {replica, :_}}) end @fold_batch_size 1000 defp foldl(table, initial, ms, func) do foldl(, ms, @fold_batch_size), initial, func) end defp foldl(:"$end_of_table", acc, _func), do: acc defp foldl({objects, cont}, acc, func) do foldl(, Enum.reduce(objects, acc, func), func) end end