defmodule <%= inspect auth_module %> do import Plug.Conn import Phoenix.Controller alias <%= inspect context.module %> alias <%= inspect context.web_module %>.Router.Helpers, as: Routes # Make the remember me cookie valid for 60 days. # If you want bump or reduce this value, also change # the token expiry itself in <%= inspect schema.alias %>Token. @max_age 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 @remember_me_cookie "_<%= web_app_name %>_<%= schema.singular %>_remember_me" @remember_me_options [sign: true, max_age: @max_age, same_site: "Lax"] @doc """ Logs the <%= schema.singular %> in. It renews the session ID and clears the whole session to avoid fixation attacks. See the renew_session function to customize this behaviour. It also sets a `:live_socket_id` key in the session, so LiveView sessions are identified and automatically disconnected on log out. The line can be safely removed if you are not using LiveView. """ def log_in_<%= schema.singular %>(conn, <%= schema.singular %>, params \\ %{}) do token = <%= inspect context.alias %>.generate_<%= schema.singular %>_session_token(<%= schema.singular %>) <%= schema.singular %>_return_to = get_session(conn, :<%= schema.singular %>_return_to) conn |> renew_session() |> put_session(:<%= schema.singular %>_token, token) |> put_session(:live_socket_id, "<%= schema.plural %>_sessions:#{Base.url_encode64(token)}") |> maybe_write_remember_me_cookie(token, params) |> redirect(to: <%= schema.singular %>_return_to || signed_in_path(conn)) end defp maybe_write_remember_me_cookie(conn, token, %{"remember_me" => "true"}) do put_resp_cookie(conn, @remember_me_cookie, token, @remember_me_options) end defp maybe_write_remember_me_cookie(conn, _token, _params) do conn end # This function renews the session ID and erases the whole # session to avoid fixation attacks. If there is any data # in the session you may want to preserve after log in/log out, # you must explicitly fetch the session data before clearing # and then immediately set it after clearing, for example: # # defp renew_session(conn) do # preferred_locale = get_session(conn, :preferred_locale) # # conn # |> configure_session(renew: true) # |> clear_session() # |> put_session(:preferred_locale, preferred_locale) # end # defp renew_session(conn) do conn |> configure_session(renew: true) |> clear_session() end @doc """ Logs the <%= schema.singular %> out. It clears all session data for safety. See renew_session. """ def log_out_<%= schema.singular %>(conn) do <%= schema.singular %>_token = get_session(conn, :<%= schema.singular %>_token) <%= schema.singular %>_token && <%= inspect context.alias %>.delete_session_token(<%= schema.singular %>_token) if live_socket_id = get_session(conn, :live_socket_id) do <%= inspect(endpoint_module) %>.broadcast(live_socket_id, "disconnect", %{}) end conn |> renew_session() |> delete_resp_cookie(@remember_me_cookie) |> redirect(to: "/") end @doc """ Authenticates the <%= schema.singular %> by looking into the session and remember me token. """ def fetch_current_<%= schema.singular %>(conn, _opts) do {<%= schema.singular %>_token, conn} = ensure_<%= schema.singular %>_token(conn) <%= schema.singular %> = <%= schema.singular %>_token && <%= inspect context.alias %>.get_<%= schema.singular %>_by_session_token(<%= schema.singular %>_token) assign(conn, :current_<%= schema.singular %>, <%= schema.singular %>) end defp ensure_<%= schema.singular %>_token(conn) do if <%= schema.singular %>_token = get_session(conn, :<%= schema.singular %>_token) do {<%= schema.singular %>_token, conn} else conn = fetch_cookies(conn, signed: [@remember_me_cookie]) if <%= schema.singular %>_token = conn.cookies[@remember_me_cookie] do {<%= schema.singular %>_token, put_session(conn, :<%= schema.singular %>_token, <%= schema.singular %>_token)} else {nil, conn} end end end @doc """ Used for routes that require the <%= schema.singular %> to not be authenticated. """ def redirect_if_<%= schema.singular %>_is_authenticated(conn, _opts) do if conn.assigns[:current_<%= schema.singular %>] do conn |> redirect(to: signed_in_path(conn)) |> halt() else conn end end @doc """ Used for routes that require the <%= schema.singular %> to be authenticated. If you want to enforce the <%= schema.singular %> email is confirmed before they use the application at all, here would be a good place. """ def require_authenticated_<%= schema.singular %>(conn, _opts) do if conn.assigns[:current_<%= schema.singular %>] do conn else conn |> put_flash(:error, "You must log in to access this page.") |> maybe_store_return_to() |> redirect(to: Routes.<%= schema.route_helper %>_session_path(conn, :new)) |> halt() end end defp maybe_store_return_to(%{method: "GET"} = conn) do put_session(conn, :<%= schema.singular %>_return_to, current_path(conn)) end defp maybe_store_return_to(conn), do: conn defp signed_in_path(_conn), do: "/" end