defmodule Mix.Tasks.Gettext.Merge do use Mix.Task @recursive true @shortdoc "Merge template files into message files" @moduledoc """ Merges PO/POT files with PO files. This task is used when messages in the source code change: when they do, `mix gettext.extract` is usually used to extract the new messages to POT files. At this point, developers or translators can use this task to "sync" the newly-updated POT files with the existing locale-specific PO files. All the metadata for each message (like position in the source code, comments, and so on) is taken from the newly-updated POT file; the only things taken from the PO file are the actual translated strings. #### Fuzzy Matching Messages in the updated PO/POT file that have an exact match (a message with the same `msgid`) in the old PO file are merged as described above. When a message in the updated PO/POT files has no match in the old PO file, Gettext attemps a **fuzzy match** for that message. For example, imagine we have this POT file: msgid "hello, world!" msgstr "" and we merge it with this PO file: # No exclamation point here in the msgid msgid "hello, world" msgstr "ciao, mondo" Since the two messages are similar, Gettext takes the `msgstr` from the existing message over to the new message, which it however marks as *fuzzy*: #, fuzzy msgid "hello, world!" msgstr "ciao, mondo" Generally, a `fuzzy` flag calls for review from a translator. Fuzzy matching can be configured (for example, the threshold for message similarity can be tweaked) or disabled entirely. Look at the ["Options" section](#module-options). ## Usage ```bash mix gettext.merge OLD_FILE UPDATED_FILE [OPTIONS] mix gettext.merge DIR [OPTIONS] ``` If two files are given as arguments, `OLD_FILE` must be a `.po` file and `UPDATE_FILE` must be a `.po`/`.pot` file. The first one is the old PO file, while the second one is the last generated one. They are merged and written over the first file. For example: ```bash mix gettext.merge priv/gettext/en/LC_MESSAGES/default.po priv/gettext/default.pot ``` If only one argument is given, then that argument must be a directory containing Gettext messages (with `.pot` files at the root level alongside locale directories - this is usually a "backend" directory used by a Gettext backend, see `Gettext.Backend`). For example: ```bash mix gettext.merge priv/gettext ``` If the `--locale LOCALE` option is given, then only the PO files in `//LC_MESSAGES` will be merged with the POT files in `DIR`. If no options are given, then all the PO files for all locales under `DIR` are merged with the POT files in `DIR`. ## Plural Forms By default, Gettext will determine the number of plural forms for newly-generated messages by checking the value of `nplurals` in the `Plural-Forms` header in the existing `.po` file. If a `.po` file doesn't already exist and Gettext is creating a new one or if the `Plural-Forms` header is not in the `.po` file, Gettext will use the number of plural forms that the plural module (see `Gettext.Plural`) returns for the locale of the file being created. The content of the `Plural-Forms` header can be forced through the `--plural-forms-header` option (see below). ## Options * `--locale` - a string representing a locale. If this is provided, then only the PO files in `//LC_MESSAGES` will be merged with the POT files in `DIR`. This option can only be given when a single argument is passed to the task (a directory). * `--no-fuzzy` - don't perform fuzzy matching when merging files. * `--fuzzy-threshold` - a float between `0` and `1` which represents the minimum Jaro distance needed for two messages to be considered a fuzzy match. Overrides the global `:fuzzy_threshold` option (see the docs for `Gettext` for more information on this option). * `--plural-forms` - (**deprecated in v0.22.0**) an integer strictly greater than `0`. If this is passed, new messages in the target PO files will have this number of empty plural forms. This is deprecated in favor of passing the `--plural-forms-header`, which contains the whole plural-forms specification. See the "Plural forms" section above. * `--plural-forms-header` - the content of the `Plural-Forms` header as a string. If this is passed, new messages in the target PO files will use this content to determine the number of plurals. See the ["Plural Forms" section](#module-plural-forms). * `--on-obsolete` - controls what happens when **obsolete** messages are found. If `mark_as_obsolete`, messages are kept and marked as obsolete. If `delete`, obsolete messages are deleted. Defaults to `delete`. * `--store-previous-message-on-fuzzy-match` - controls if the previous messages are recorded on fuzzy matches. Is off by default. """ alias Expo.PO alias Gettext.Merger @default_fuzzy_threshold 0.8 @switches [ locale: :string, fuzzy: :boolean, fuzzy_threshold: :float, plural_forms_header: :string, on_obsolete: :string, store_previous_message_on_fuzzy_match: :boolean, # TODO: remove in v0.24.0 plural_forms: :integer ] @impl true def run(args) do"loadpaths") _ = Mix.Project.get!() gettext_config = Mix.Project.config()[:gettext] || [] case OptionParser.parse!(args, switches: @switches) do {opts, [po_file, reference_file]} -> merge_two_files(po_file, reference_file, opts, gettext_config) {opts, [messages_dir]} -> merge_messages_dir(messages_dir, opts, gettext_config) {_opts, _args} -> Mix.raise( "You can only pass one or two arguments to the \"gettext.merge\" task. " <> "Use `mix help gettext.merge` to see the usage of this task" ) end Mix.Task.reenable("gettext.merge") end defp merge_two_files(po_file, reference_file, opts, gettext_config) do merging_opts = validate_merging_opts!(opts, gettext_config) if Path.extname(po_file) == ".po" and Path.extname(reference_file) in [".po", ".pot"] do ensure_file_exists!(po_file) ensure_file_exists!(reference_file) locale = locale_from_path(po_file) {contents, stats} = merge_files(po_file, reference_file, locale, merging_opts, gettext_config) write_file(po_file, contents, stats) else Mix.raise("Arguments must be a PO file and a PO/POT file") end end defp merge_messages_dir(dir, opts, gettext_config) do ensure_dir_exists!(dir) merging_opts = validate_merging_opts!(opts, gettext_config) if locale = opts[:locale] do merge_locale_dir(dir, locale, merging_opts, gettext_config) else merge_all_locale_dirs(dir, merging_opts, gettext_config) end end defp merge_locale_dir(pot_dir, locale, opts, gettext_config) do locale_dir = locale_dir(pot_dir, locale) create_missing_locale_dir(locale_dir) merge_dirs(locale_dir, pot_dir, locale, opts, gettext_config) end defp merge_all_locale_dirs(pot_dir, opts, gettext_config) do for locale <-!(pot_dir), File.dir?(Path.join(pot_dir, locale)) do merge_dirs(locale_dir(pot_dir, locale), pot_dir, locale, opts, gettext_config) end end def locale_dir(pot_dir, locale) do Path.join([pot_dir, locale, "LC_MESSAGES"]) end defp merge_dirs(po_dir, pot_dir, locale, opts, gettext_config) do merger = fn pot_file -> po_file = find_matching_po(pot_file, po_dir) {contents, stats} = merge_or_create(pot_file, po_file, locale, opts, gettext_config) write_file(po_file, contents, stats) end pot_dir |> Path.join("*.pot") |> Path.wildcard() |> Task.async_stream(merger, ordered: false, timeout: :infinity) |> warn_for_po_without_pot(po_dir, pot_dir) end defp find_matching_po(pot_file, po_dir) do domain = Path.basename(pot_file, ".pot") Path.join(po_dir, "#{domain}.po") end defp merge_or_create(pot_file, po_file, locale, opts, gettext_config) do if File.regular?(po_file) do merge_files(po_file, pot_file, locale, opts, gettext_config) else {new_po, stats} = Merger.new_po_file(po_file, pot_file, locale, opts) {new_po |> Merger.prune_references(gettext_config) |> PO.compose(), stats} end end defp merge_files(po_file, pot_file, locale, opts, gettext_config) do {merged, stats} = Merger.merge( PO.parse_file!(po_file), PO.parse_file!(pot_file), locale, opts, gettext_config ) {merged |> Merger.prune_references(gettext_config) |> PO.compose(), stats} end defp write_file(path, contents, stats) do File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(path)) File.write!(path, contents)"Wrote #{path} (#{format_stats(stats)})") end # Warns for every PO file that has no matching POT file. defp warn_for_po_without_pot(po_dir, pot_dir) do po_dir |> Path.join("*.po") |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.reject(&po_has_matching_pot?(&1, pot_dir)) |> Enum.each(fn po_file ->"Warning: PO file #{po_file} has no matching POT file in #{pot_dir}") end) end defp po_has_matching_pot?(po_file, pot_dir) do domain = Path.basename(po_file, ".po") pot_path = Path.join(pot_dir, "#{domain}.pot") File.exists?(pot_path) end defp ensure_file_exists!(path) do unless File.regular?(path), do: Mix.raise("No such file: #{path}") end defp ensure_dir_exists!(path) do unless File.dir?(path), do: Mix.raise("No such directory: #{path}") end defp create_missing_locale_dir(dir) do unless File.dir?(dir) do File.mkdir_p!(dir)"Created directory #{dir}") end end defp validate_merging_opts!(opts, gettext_config) do opts = opts |> Keyword.take([ :fuzzy, :fuzzy_threshold, :plural_forms, :plural_forms_header, :on_obsolete, :store_previous_message_on_fuzzy_match ]) |> Keyword.put_new(:store_previous_message_on_fuzzy_match, false) |> Keyword.put_new(:fuzzy, true) |> Keyword.put_new_lazy(:fuzzy_threshold, fn -> gettext_config[:fuzzy_threshold] || @default_fuzzy_threshold end) |> Keyword.update(:on_obsolete, :delete, &cast_on_obsolete/1) threshold = opts[:fuzzy_threshold] unless threshold >= 0.0 and threshold <= 1.0 do Mix.raise("The :fuzzy_threshold option must be a float >= 0.0 and <= 1.0") end opts end defp locale_from_path(path) do parts = Path.split(path) index = Enum.find_index(parts, &(&1 == "LC_MESSAGES")), index - 1) end defp format_stats(stats) do pluralized = if == 1, do: "message", else: "messages" "#{} new #{pluralized}, #{stats.removed} removed, " <> "#{stats.exact_matches} unchanged, #{stats.fuzzy_matches} reworded (fuzzy), " <> "#{stats.marked_as_obsolete} marked as obsolete" end defp cast_on_obsolete("delete" = _on_obsolete), do: :delete defp cast_on_obsolete("mark_as_obsolete" = _on_obsolete), do: :mark_as_obsolete defp cast_on_obsolete(on_obsolete) do Mix.raise(""" An invalid value was provided for the option `on_obsolete`. Value: #{inspect(on_obsolete)} Valid Choices: "delete" / "mark_as_obsolete" """) end end