defmodule <%= inspect context.web_module %>.<%= inspect Module.concat(schema.web_namespace, schema.alias) %>Controller do use <%= inspect context.web_module %>, :controller alias <%= inspect context.module %> alias <%= inspect schema.module %> action_fallback <%= inspect context.web_module %>.FallbackController def index(conn, _params) do <%= schema.plural %> = <%= inspect context.alias %>.list_<%= schema.plural %>() render(conn, "index.json", <%= schema.plural %>: <%= schema.plural %>) end def create(conn, %{<%= inspect schema.singular %> => <%= schema.singular %>_params}) do with {:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{} = <%= schema.singular %>} <- <%= inspect context.alias %>.create_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>_params) do conn |> put_status(:created) |> put_resp_header("location", Routes.<%= schema.route_helper %>_path(conn, :show, <%= schema.singular %>)) |> render("show.json", <%= schema.singular %>: <%= schema.singular %>) end end def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= inspect context.alias %>.get_<%= schema.singular %>!(id) render(conn, "show.json", <%= schema.singular %>: <%= schema.singular %>) end def update(conn, %{"id" => id, <%= inspect schema.singular %> => <%= schema.singular %>_params}) do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= inspect context.alias %>.get_<%= schema.singular %>!(id) with {:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{} = <%= schema.singular %>} <- <%= inspect context.alias %>.update_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>, <%= schema.singular %>_params) do render(conn, "show.json", <%= schema.singular %>: <%= schema.singular %>) end end def delete(conn, %{"id" => id}) do <%= schema.singular %> = <%= inspect context.alias %>.get_<%= schema.singular %>!(id) with {:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{}} <- <%= inspect context.alias %>.delete_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>) do send_resp(conn, :no_content, "") end end end