defmodule MIME do @moduledoc """ Maps MIME types to its file extensions and vice versa. MIME types can be extended in your application configuration as follows: config :mime, :types, %{ "application/vnd.api+json" => ["json-api"] } Note that defining a new type will completely override all previous extensions. You can use `MIME.extensions/1` to get the existing extension to keep when redefining. You can also customize the extensions for suffixes. For example, the mime type "application/custom+gzip" returns the extension `".gz"` because the suffix "gzip" maps to `["gz"]`: config :mime, :suffixes, %{ "gzip" => ["gz"] } After adding the configuration, MIME needs to be recompiled if you are using an Elixir version earlier than v1.15. In such cases, it can be done with: $ mix deps.clean mime --build """ types = %{ "application/atom+xml" => ["atom"], "application/epub+zip" => ["epub"], "application/gzip" => ["gz"], "application/java-archive" => ["jar"], "application/javascript" => ["js"], "application/json" => ["json"], "application/json-patch+json" => ["json-patch"], "application/ld+json" => ["jsonld"], "application/manifest+json" => ["webmanifest"], "application/msword" => ["doc"], "application/octet-stream" => ["bin"], "application/ogg" => ["ogx"], "application/pdf" => ["pdf"], "application/postscript" => ["ps", "eps", "ai"], "application/rss+xml" => ["rss"], "application/rtf" => ["rtf"], "application/" => ["azw"], "application/vnd.api+json" => ["json-api"], "application/" => ["mpkg"], "application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip" => ["asice", "sce"], "application/vnd.etsi.asic-s+zip" => ["asics", "scs"], "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml" => ["xul"], "application/" => ["xls"], "application/" => ["eot"], "application/" => ["ppt"], "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" => ["odp"], "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet" => ["ods"], "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" => ["odt"], "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" => ["pptx"], "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" => ["xlsx"], "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" => ["docx"], "application/vnd.rar" => ["rar"], "application/vnd.visio" => ["vsd"], "application/wasm" => ["wasm"], "application/x-7z-compressed" => ["7z"], "application/x-abiword" => ["abw"], "application/x-bzip" => ["bz"], "application/x-bzip2" => ["bz2"], "application/x-cdf" => ["cda"], "application/x-csh" => ["csh"], "application/x-freearc" => ["arc"], "application/x-httpd-php" => ["php"], "application/x-msaccess" => ["mdb"], "application/x-sh" => ["sh"], "application/x-shockwave-flash" => ["swf"], "application/x-tar" => ["tar"], "application/xhtml+xml" => ["xhtml"], "application/xml" => ["xml"], "application/zip" => ["zip"], "audio/3gpp" => ["3gp"], "audio/3gpp2" => ["3g2"], "audio/aac" => ["aac"], "audio/midi" => ["mid", "midi"], "audio/mpeg" => ["mp3"], "audio/ogg" => ["oga"], "audio/opus" => ["opus"], "audio/wav" => ["wav"], "audio/webm" => ["weba"], "font/otf" => ["otf"], "font/ttf" => ["ttf"], "font/woff" => ["woff"], "font/woff2" => ["woff2"], "image/avif" => ["avif"], "image/bmp" => ["bmp"], "image/gif" => ["gif"], "image/heic" => ["heic"], "image/heif" => ["heif"], "image/jpeg" => ["jpg", "jpeg"], "image/jxl" => ["jxl"], "image/png" => ["png"], "image/svg+xml" => ["svg", "svgz"], "image/tiff" => ["tiff", "tif"], "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop" => ["psd"], "image/" => ["ico"], "image/webp" => ["webp"], "text/calendar" => ["ics"], "text/css" => ["css"], "text/csv" => ["csv"], "text/html" => ["html", "htm"], "text/javascript" => ["js", "mjs"], "text/markdown" => ["md", "markdown"], "text/plain" => ["txt", "text"], "text/xml" => ["xml"], "video/3gpp" => ["3gp"], "video/3gpp2" => ["3g2"], "video/mp2t" => ["ts"], "video/mp4" => ["mp4"], "video/mpeg" => ["mpeg", "mpg"], "video/ogg" => ["ogv"], "video/quicktime" => ["mov"], "video/webm" => ["webm"], "video/x-ms-wmv" => ["wmv"], "video/x-msvideo" => ["avi"] } require Application custom_types = Application.compile_env(:mime, :types, %{}) to_exts = fn map -> for {media, exts} <- map, ext <- exts, reduce: %{} do acc -> Map.update(acc, ext, media, &[media | List.wrap(&1)]) end end all_types = Map.merge(types, custom_types) default_exts = %{ "3g2" => "video/3gpp2", "3gp" => "video/3gpp", "js" => "text/javascript", "xml" => "text/xml" } custom_exts = Application.compile_env(:mime, :extensions, %{}) all_exts = Map.merge(to_exts.(all_types), Map.merge(default_exts, custom_exts)) # default_suffixes = %{ "gzip" => ["gz"], "json" => ["json"], "xml" => ["xml"], "zip" => ["zip"] } custom_suffixes = Application.compile_env(:mime, :suffixes, %{}) suffixes = Map.merge(default_suffixes, custom_suffixes) @doc """ Returns the custom types compiled into the MIME module. """ def compiled_custom_types do unquote(Macro.escape(custom_types)) end @doc """ Returns the extensions associated with a given MIME type. ## Examples iex> MIME.extensions("text/html") ["html", "htm"] iex> MIME.extensions("application/json") ["json"] iex> MIME.extensions("application/vnd.custom+xml") ["xml"] iex> MIME.extensions("foo/bar") [] """ @spec extensions(String.t()) :: [String.t()] def extensions(type) do mime = type |> strip_params() |> downcase("") mime_to_ext(mime) || suffix(mime) || [] end defp suffix(type) do case String.split(type, "+") do [_type_subtype_without_suffix, suffix] -> suffix_to_ext(suffix) _ -> nil end end @default_type "application/octet-stream" @doc """ Returns the MIME type associated with a file extension. If no MIME type is known for `file_extension`, `#{inspect(@default_type)}` is returned. ## Examples iex> MIME.type("html") "text/html" iex> MIME.type("foobarbaz") #{inspect(@default_type)} """ @spec type(String.t()) :: String.t() def type(file_extension) do ext_to_mime(file_extension) || @default_type end @doc """ Returns whether an extension has a MIME type registered. ## Examples iex> MIME.has_type?("html") true iex> MIME.has_type?("foobarbaz") false """ @spec has_type?(String.t()) :: boolean def has_type?(file_extension) do is_binary(ext_to_mime(file_extension)) end @doc """ Guesses the MIME type based on the path's extension. See `type/1`. ## Examples iex> MIME.from_path("index.html") "text/html" """ @spec from_path(Path.t()) :: String.t() def from_path(path) do case Path.extname(path) do "." <> ext -> type(downcase(ext, "")) _ -> @default_type end end defp strip_params(string) do string |> :binary.split(";") |> hd() end defp downcase(<>, acc) when h in ?A..?Z, do: downcase(t, <>) defp downcase(<>, acc), do: downcase(t, <>) defp downcase(<<>>, acc), do: acc @spec ext_to_mime(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil defp ext_to_mime(type) for {ext, mimes} <- all_exts do case mimes do [first | _] -> raise """ extension .#{ext} currently maps to different mime-types: #{inspect(mimes)} You must tell us which mime-type is preferred by defining the :extensions \ configuration. For example: config :mime, :extensions, %{ #{inspect(ext)} => #{inspect(first)} } """ mime -> defp ext_to_mime(unquote(ext)), do: unquote(mime) end end defp ext_to_mime(_ext), do: nil @spec mime_to_ext(String.t()) :: list(String.t()) | nil defp mime_to_ext(type) for {type, exts} <- all_types do defp mime_to_ext(unquote(type)), do: unquote(List.wrap(exts)) end defp mime_to_ext(_type), do: nil @spec suffix_to_ext(String.t()) :: list(String.t()) | nil defp suffix_to_ext(suffix) for {suffix, exts} <- suffixes do defp suffix_to_ext(unquote(suffix)), do: unquote(List.wrap(exts)) end defp suffix_to_ext(_suffix), do: nil end