defmodule Jason.Sigil do @doc ~S""" Handles the sigil `~j` for JSON strings. Calls `Jason.decode!/2` with modifiers mapped to options. Given a string literal without interpolations, decodes the string at compile-time. ## Modifiers See `Jason.decode/2` for detailed descriptions. * `a` - equivalent to `{:keys, :atoms}` option * `A` - equivalent to `{:keys, :atoms!}` option * `r` - equivalent to `{:strings, :reference}` option * `c` - equivalent to `{:strings, :copy}` option ## Examples iex> ~j"0" 0 iex> ~j"[1, 2, 3]" [1, 2, 3] iex> ~j'"string"'r "string" iex> ~j"{}" %{} iex> ~j'{"atom": "value"}'a %{atom: "value"} iex> ~j'{"#{:j}": #{'"j"'}}'A %{j: "j"} """ defmacro sigil_j(term, modifiers) defmacro sigil_j({:<<>>, _meta, [string]}, modifiers) when is_binary(string) do Macro.escape(Jason.decode!(string, mods_to_opts(modifiers))) end defmacro sigil_j(term, modifiers) do quote(do: Jason.decode!(unquote(term), unquote(mods_to_opts(modifiers)))) end @doc ~S""" Handles the sigil `~J` for raw JSON strings. Decodes a raw string ignoring Elixir interpolations and escape characters at compile-time. ## Examples iex> ~J'"#{string}"' "\#{string}" iex> ~J'"\u0078\\y"' "x\\y" iex> ~J'{"#{key}": "#{}"}'a %{"\#{key}": "\#{}"} """ defmacro sigil_J(term, modifiers) defmacro sigil_J({:<<>>, _meta, [string]}, modifiers) when is_binary(string) do Macro.escape(Jason.decode!(string, mods_to_opts(modifiers))) end @spec mods_to_opts(charlist) :: [Jason.decode_opt()] defp mods_to_opts(modifiers) do modifiers |> ?a -> {:keys, :atoms} ?A -> {:keys, :atoms!} ?r -> {:strings, :reference} ?c -> {:strings, :copy} m -> raise ArgumentError, "unknown sigil modifier #{<>}" end) end end