defmodule FileSystem.MixProject do use Mix.Project @source_url "" @version "1.0.0" def project do [ app: :file_system, version: @version, elixir: "~> 1.3", deps: deps(), description: description(), package: package(), consolidate_protocols: Mix.env() != :test, compilers: [:file_system | Mix.compilers()], aliases: ["compile.file_system": &file_system/1], docs: [ extras: [""], main: "readme", source_url: @source_url, source_ref: "v#{@version}" ] ] end def application do [ extra_applications: [:logger] ] end defp description do """ An Elixir file system change watcher wrapper based on FS, the native file system listener. """ end defp deps do [ {:ex_doc, ">= 0.0.0", only: :docs} ] end defp file_system(_args) do case :os.type() do {:unix, :darwin} -> compile_mac() _ -> :ok end end defp compile_mac do require Logger source = "c_src/mac/*.c" target = "priv/mac_listener" if Mix.Utils.stale?(Path.wildcard(source), [target]) do"Compiling file system watcher for Mac...") cflags = System.get_env("CFLAGS", "") ldflags = System.get_env("LDFLAGS", "") cmd = "clang #{cflags} #{ldflags} -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices -Wno-deprecated-declarations #{source} -o #{target}" if > 0 do Logger.error( "Could not compile file system watcher for Mac, try to run #{inspect(cmd)} manually inside the dependency." ) else"Done.") end :ok else :noop end end defp package do %{ maintainers: ["Xiangrong Hao", "Max Veytsman"], files: [ "lib", "", "mix.exs", "c_src/mac/cli.c", "c_src/mac/cli.h", "c_src/mac/common.h", "c_src/mac/compat.c", "c_src/mac/compat.h", "c_src/mac/main.c", "priv/inotifywait.exe" ], licenses: ["Apache-2.0"], links: %{"GitHub" => @source_url} } end end