defmodule Ecto.Integration.SQLTest do use Ecto.Integration.Case, async: Application.compile_env(:ecto, :async_integration_tests, true) alias Ecto.Integration.PoolRepo alias Ecto.Integration.TestRepo alias Ecto.Integration.Barebone alias Ecto.Integration.Post alias Ecto.Integration.CorruptedPk alias Ecto.Integration.Tag import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2] test "fragmented types" do datetime = ~N[2014-01-16 20:26:51] TestRepo.insert!(%Post{inserted_at: datetime}) query = from p in Post, where: fragment("? >= ?", p.inserted_at, ^datetime), select: p.inserted_at assert [^datetime] = TestRepo.all(query) end test "fragmented schemaless types" do TestRepo.insert!(%Post{visits: 123}) assert [123] = TestRepo.all(from p in "posts", select: type(fragment("visits"), :integer)) end @tag :array_type test "fragment array types" do text1 = "foo" text2 = "bar" result = TestRepo.query!("SELECT $1::text[]", [[text1, text2]]) assert result.rows == [[[text1, text2]]] end @tag :array_type test "Converts empty array correctly" do result = TestRepo.query!("SELECT array[1,2,3] = $1", [[]]) assert result.rows == [[false]] result = TestRepo.query!("SELECT array[]::integer[] = $1", [[]]) assert result.rows == [[true]] %{id: tag_id} = TestRepo.insert!(%Tag{uuids: []}) query = from t in Tag, where: t.uuids == [] assert [%{id: ^tag_id}] = TestRepo.all(query) end test "query!/4 with dynamic repo" do TestRepo.put_dynamic_repo(:unknown) assert_raise RuntimeError, ~r/:unknown/, fn -> TestRepo.query!("SELECT 1") end end test "query!/4" do result = TestRepo.query!("SELECT 1") assert result.rows == [[1]] end test "query!/4 with iodata" do result = TestRepo.query!(["SELECT", ?\s, ?1]) assert result.rows == [[1]] end test "disconnect_all/2" do assert :ok = PoolRepo.disconnect_all(0) end test "to_sql/3" do {sql, []} = TestRepo.to_sql(:all, Barebone) assert sql =~ "SELECT" assert sql =~ "barebones" {sql, [0]} = TestRepo.to_sql(:update_all, from(b in Barebone, update: [set: [num: ^0]])) assert sql =~ "UPDATE" assert sql =~ "barebones" assert sql =~ "SET" {sql, []} = TestRepo.to_sql(:delete_all, Barebone) assert sql =~ "DELETE" assert sql =~ "barebones" end test "raises when primary key is not unique on struct operation" do schema = %CorruptedPk{a: "abc"} TestRepo.insert!(schema) TestRepo.insert!(schema) TestRepo.insert!(schema) assert_raise Ecto.MultiplePrimaryKeyError, ~r|expected delete on corrupted_pk to return at most one entry but got 3 entries|, fn -> TestRepo.delete!(schema) end end test "Repo.insert! escape" do TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "'"}) query = from(p in Post, select: p.title) assert ["'"] == TestRepo.all(query) end test "Repo.update! escape" do p = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "hello"}) TestRepo.update!(Ecto.Changeset.change(p, title: "'")) query = from(p in Post, select: p.title) assert ["'"] == TestRepo.all(query) end @tag :insert_cell_wise_defaults test "Repo.insert_all escape" do TestRepo.insert_all(Post, [%{title: "'"}]) query = from(p in Post, select: p.title) assert ["'"] == TestRepo.all(query) end test "Repo.update_all escape" do TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "hello"}) TestRepo.update_all(Post, set: [title: "'"]) reader = from(p in Post, select: p.title) assert ["'"] == TestRepo.all(reader) query = from(Post, where: "'" != "") TestRepo.update_all(query, set: [title: "''"]) assert ["''"] == TestRepo.all(reader) end test "Repo.delete_all escape" do TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "hello"}) assert [_] = TestRepo.all(Post) TestRepo.delete_all(from(Post, where: "'" == "'")) assert [] == TestRepo.all(Post) end test "load" do inserted_at = ~N[2016-01-01 09:00:00] TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "title1", inserted_at: inserted_at, public: false}) result = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(TestRepo, "SELECT * FROM posts", []) posts =, &TestRepo.load(Post, {result.columns, &1})) assert [%Post{title: "title1", inserted_at: ^inserted_at, public: false}] = posts end test "returns true when table exists" do assert Ecto.Adapters.SQL.table_exists?(TestRepo, "posts") end test "returns false table doesn't exists" do refute Ecto.Adapters.SQL.table_exists?(TestRepo, "unknown") end test "returns result as a formatted table" do TestRepo.insert_all(Post, [%{title: "my post title", counter: 1, public: nil}]) # resolve correct query for each adapter query = from(p in Post, select: [p.title, p.counter, p.public]) {query, _} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, TestRepo, query) table = query |> TestRepo.query!() |> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.format_table() assert table == "+---------------+---------+--------+\n| title | counter | public |\n+---------------+---------+--------+\n| my post title | 1 | NULL |\n+---------------+---------+--------+" end test "format_table edge cases" do assert Ecto.Adapters.SQL.format_table(nil) == "" assert Ecto.Adapters.SQL.format_table(%{columns: nil, rows: nil}) == "" assert Ecto.Adapters.SQL.format_table(%{columns: [], rows: []}) == "" assert Ecto.Adapters.SQL.format_table(%{columns: [], rows: [["test"]]}) == "" assert Ecto.Adapters.SQL.format_table(%{columns: ["test"], rows: []}) == "+------+\n| test |\n+------+\n+------+" assert Ecto.Adapters.SQL.format_table(%{columns: ["test"], rows: nil}) == "+------+\n| test |\n+------+\n+------+" end end