866 lines
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866 lines
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defmodule Ecto.Integration.AssocTest do
use Ecto.Integration.Case, async: Application.compile_env(:ecto, :async_integration_tests, true)
alias Ecto.Integration.TestRepo
import Ecto.Query
alias Ecto.Integration.Custom
alias Ecto.Integration.Post
alias Ecto.Integration.User
alias Ecto.Integration.PostUser
alias Ecto.Integration.Comment
alias Ecto.Integration.Permalink
test "has_many assoc" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%Comment{id: cid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", post_id: p1.id})
%Comment{id: cid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", post_id: p1.id})
%Comment{id: cid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", post_id: p2.id})
[c1, c2] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc(p1, :comments)
assert c1.id == cid1
assert c2.id == cid2
[c1, c2, c3] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc([p1, p2], :comments)
assert c1.id == cid1
assert c2.id == cid2
assert c3.id == cid3
test "has_one assoc" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
%Permalink{id: lid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: p1.id})
%Permalink{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "2"})
%Permalink{id: lid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "3", post_id: p2.id})
[l1, l3] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc([p1, p2], :permalink)
assert l1.id == lid1
assert l3.id == lid3
test "belongs_to assoc" do
%Post{id: pid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
%Post{id: pid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
l1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1", post_id: pid1})
l2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "2"})
l3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "3", post_id: pid2})
assert [p1, p2] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc([l1, l2, l3], :post)
assert p1.id == pid1
assert p2.id == pid2
test "has_many through assoc" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "zzz"})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "aaa"})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u2.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p2.id, author_id: u2.id})
query = Ecto.assoc([p1, p2], :comments_authors) |> order_by([a], a.name)
assert [^u2, ^u1] = TestRepo.all(query)
# Dynamic through
query = Ecto.assoc([p1, p2], [:comments, :author]) |> order_by([a], a.name)
assert [^u2, ^u1] = TestRepo.all(query)
@tag :on_replace_nilify
test "has_many through-through assoc leading" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
pl1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{user_id: u1.id, url: "zzz"})
pl2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{user_id: u2.id, url: "aaa"})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u2.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p2.id, author_id: u2.id})
query = Ecto.assoc([p1, p2], :comments_authors_permalinks) |> order_by([p], p.url)
assert [^pl2, ^pl1] = TestRepo.all(query)
# Dynamic through
query = Ecto.assoc([p1, p2], [:comments, :author, :permalink]) |> order_by([p], p.url)
assert [^pl2, ^pl1] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "has_many through-through assoc trailing" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
pl1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{user_id: u1.id, post_id: p1.id})
%Comment{} = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: p1.id, author_id: u1.id})
query = Ecto.assoc([pl1], :post_comments_authors)
assert [^u1] = TestRepo.all(query)
# Dynamic through
query = Ecto.assoc([pl1], [:post, :comments, :author])
assert [^u1] = TestRepo.all(query)
test "has_many through has_many, many_to_many and has_many" do
user1 = %User{id: uid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Gabriel"})
%User{id: uid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Isadora"})
%User{id: uid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Joey Mush"})
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p1", author_id: uid1})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p2", author_id: uid2})
p3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p3", author_id: uid2})
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p4", author_id: uid3})
TestRepo.insert_all "posts_users", [[post_id: p1.id, user_id: uid1],
[post_id: p1.id, user_id: uid2],
[post_id: p2.id, user_id: uid3]]
[pid1, pid2, pid3] =
Ecto.assoc(user1, :related_2nd_order_posts)
|> TestRepo.all()
|> Enum.map(fn %Post{id: id} -> id end)
|> Enum.sort()
assert p1.id == pid1
assert p2.id == pid2
assert p3.id == pid3
test "has_many through has_many, belongs_to and a nested has through" do
user1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Gabriel"})
user2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Isadora"})
user3 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Joey"})
post1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p1"})
post2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p2"})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{author_id: user1.id, text: "c1", post_id: post1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{author_id: user2.id, text: "c2", post_id: post1.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{author_id: user3.id, text: "c3", post_id: post2.id})
[u1_id, u2_id] =
Ecto.assoc(user1, :co_commenters)
|> TestRepo.all()
|> Enum.map(fn %User{id: id} -> id end)
|> Enum.sort()
assert u1_id == user1.id
assert u2_id == user2.id
test "has_many through two many_to_many associations" do
user1 = %User{id: uid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Gabriel"})
%User{id: uid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Isadora"})
%User{id: uid3} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "Joey Mush"})
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p1", author_id: uid1})
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p2", author_id: uid2})
p3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p3", author_id: uid2})
p4 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p4", author_id: uid3})
TestRepo.insert_all "posts_users", [[post_id: p3.id, user_id: uid1],
[post_id: p3.id, user_id: uid2],
[post_id: p1.id, user_id: uid3]]
TestRepo.insert!(%PostUser{post_id: p1.id, user_id: uid2})
TestRepo.insert!(%PostUser{post_id: p3.id, user_id: uid1})
TestRepo.insert!(%PostUser{post_id: p3.id, user_id: uid2})
TestRepo.insert!(%PostUser{post_id: p4.id, user_id: uid3})
[u1, u2] =
Ecto.assoc(user1, :users_through_schema_posts)
|> TestRepo.all()
|> Enum.map(fn %User{id: id} -> id end)
|> Enum.sort()
assert uid1 == u1
assert uid2 == u2
test "has_many through with where" do
post1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p1"})
post2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p2"})
post3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "p3"})
author = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "john"})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1", lock_version: 1, post_id: post1.id, author_id: author.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "2", lock_version: 2, post_id: post2.id, author_id: author.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "3", lock_version: 2, post_id: post3.id, author_id: author.id})
[p2, p3] = Ecto.assoc(author, :v2_comments_posts) |> TestRepo.all() |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert p2.id == post2.id
assert p3.id == post3.id
test "many_to_many assoc" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1"})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2"})
p3 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "3"})
%User{id: uid1} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "john"})
%User{id: uid2} = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "mary"})
TestRepo.insert_all "posts_users", [[post_id: p1.id, user_id: uid1],
[post_id: p1.id, user_id: uid2],
[post_id: p2.id, user_id: uid2]]
[u1, u2] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc([p1], :users)
assert u1.id == uid1
assert u2.id == uid2
[u2] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc([p2], :users)
assert u2.id == uid2
[] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc([p3], :users)
[u1, u2, u2] = TestRepo.all Ecto.assoc([p1, p2, p3], :users)
assert u1.id == uid1
assert u2.id == uid2
## Changesets
test "has_one changeset assoc (on_replace: :delete)" do
# Insert new
changeset =
%Post{title: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, %Permalink{url: "1"})
post = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
assert post.permalink.id
assert post.permalink.post_id == post.id
assert post.permalink.url == "1"
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:permalink]), post.id)
assert post.permalink.url == "1"
# Replace with new
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, %Permalink{url: "2"})
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert post.permalink.id
assert post.permalink.post_id == post.id
assert post.permalink.url == "2"
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:permalink]), post.id)
assert post.permalink.url == "2"
# Replacing with existing
existing = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "3"})
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, existing)
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert post.permalink.id
assert post.permalink.post_id == post.id
assert post.permalink.url == "3"
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:permalink]), post.id)
assert post.permalink.url == "3"
# Replacing with nil (on_replace: :delete)
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, nil)
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
refute post.permalink
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:permalink]), post.id)
refute post.permalink
assert [0] == TestRepo.all(from(p in Permalink, select: count(p.id)))
test "has_one changeset assoc (on_replace: :delete_if_exists)" do
permalink = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "1"})
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1", permalink: permalink, force_permalink: permalink})
assert_raise Ecto.StaleEntryError, fn ->
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, nil)
|> TestRepo.update!()
post =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:force_permalink, nil)
|> TestRepo.update!()
assert post.force_permalink == nil
@tag :on_replace_nilify
test "has_one changeset assoc (on_replace: :nilify)" do
# Insert new
changeset =
%User{name: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, %Permalink{url: "1"})
user = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
assert user.permalink.id
assert user.permalink.user_id == user.id
assert user.permalink.url == "1"
user = TestRepo.get!(from(User, preload: [:permalink]), user.id)
assert user.permalink.url == "1"
# Replace with new
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, %Permalink{url: "2"})
user = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert user.permalink.id
assert user.permalink.user_id == user.id
assert user.permalink.url == "2"
user = TestRepo.get!(from(User, preload: [:permalink]), user.id)
assert user.permalink.url == "2"
# Replacing with nil (on_replace: :nilify)
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:permalink, nil)
user = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
refute user.permalink
user = TestRepo.get!(from(User, preload: [:permalink]), user.id)
refute user.permalink
assert [2] == TestRepo.all(from(p in Permalink, select: count(p.id)))
@tag :on_replace_update
test "has_one changeset assoc (on_replace: :update)" do
# Insert new
changeset =
%Post{title: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:update_permalink, %Permalink{url: "1"})
post = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
assert post.update_permalink.id
assert post.update_permalink.post_id == post.id
assert post.update_permalink.url == "1"
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:update_permalink]), post.id)
assert post.update_permalink.url == "1"
perma = post.update_permalink
# Put on update
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:update_permalink, %{url: "2"})
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert post.update_permalink.id == perma.id
assert post.update_permalink.post_id == post.id
assert post.update_permalink.url == "2"
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:update_permalink]), post.id)
assert post.update_permalink.url == "2"
# Cast on update
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{update_permalink: %{url: "3"}}, [])
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:update_permalink)
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert post.update_permalink.id == perma.id
assert post.update_permalink.post_id == post.id
assert post.update_permalink.url == "3"
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:update_permalink]), post.id)
assert post.update_permalink.url == "3"
# Replace with new struct
assert_raise RuntimeError, ~r"you are only allowed\sto update the existing entry", fn ->
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:update_permalink, %Permalink{url: "4"})
# Replace with existing struct
assert_raise RuntimeError, ~r"you are only allowed\sto update the existing entry", fn ->
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:update_permalink, TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "5"}))
# Replacing with nil (on_replace: :update)
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:update_permalink, nil)
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
refute post.update_permalink
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:update_permalink]), post.id)
refute post.update_permalink
assert [2] == TestRepo.all(from(p in Permalink, select: count(p.id)))
test "has_many changeset assoc (on_replace: :delete)" do
c1 = TestRepo.insert! %Comment{text: "1"}
c2 = %Comment{text: "2"}
# Inserting
changeset =
%Post{title: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [c2])
post = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
[c2] = post.comments
assert c2.id
assert c2.post_id == post.id
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:comments]), post.id)
[c2] = post.comments
assert c2.text == "2"
# Updating
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [Ecto.Changeset.change(c1, text: "11"),
Ecto.Changeset.change(c2, text: "22")])
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
[c1, _c2] = post.comments |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert c1.id
assert c1.post_id == post.id
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:comments]), post.id)
[c1, c2] = post.comments |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert c1.text == "11"
assert c2.text == "22"
# Replacing (on_replace: :delete)
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [])
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert post.comments == []
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:comments]), post.id)
assert post.comments == []
assert [0] == TestRepo.all(from(c in Comment, select: count(c.id)))
test "has_many changeset assoc (on_replace: :delete_if_exists)" do
comment = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "1"})
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1", comments: [comment], force_comments: [comment]})
assert_raise Ecto.StaleEntryError, fn ->
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [])
|> TestRepo.update!()
post =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:force_comments, [])
|> TestRepo.update!()
assert post.force_comments == []
test "has_many changeset assoc (on_replace: :nilify)" do
c1 = TestRepo.insert! %Comment{text: "1"}
c2 = %Comment{text: "2"}
# Inserting
changeset =
%User{name: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [c1, c2])
user = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
[c1, c2] = user.comments
assert c1.id
assert c1.author_id == user.id
assert c2.id
assert c2.author_id == user.id
user = TestRepo.get!(from(User, preload: [:comments]), user.id)
[c1, c2] = user.comments
assert c1.text == "1"
assert c2.text == "2"
# Replacing (on_replace: :nilify)
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [])
user = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert user.comments == []
user = TestRepo.get!(from(User, preload: [:comments]), user.id)
assert user.comments == []
assert [2] == TestRepo.all(from(c in Comment, select: count(c.id)))
test "many_to_many changeset assoc" do
u1 = TestRepo.insert! %User{name: "1"}
u2 = %User{name: "2"}
# Inserting
changeset =
%Post{title: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:users, [u2])
post = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
[u2] = post.users
assert u2.id
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:users]), post.id)
[u2] = post.users
assert u2.name == "2"
assert [1] == TestRepo.all(from(j in "posts_users", select: count(j.post_id)))
# Updating
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:users, [Ecto.Changeset.change(u1, name: "11"),
Ecto.Changeset.change(u2, name: "22")])
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
[u1, _u2] = post.users |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert u1.id
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:users]), post.id)
[u1, u2] = post.users |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert u1.name == "11"
assert u2.name == "22"
assert [2] == TestRepo.all(from(j in "posts_users", select: count(j.post_id)))
# Replacing (on_replace: :delete)
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:users, [])
post = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert post.users == []
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:users]), post.id)
assert post.users == []
assert [0] == TestRepo.all(from(j in "posts_users", select: count(j.post_id)))
assert [2] == TestRepo.all(from(c in User, select: count(c.id)))
test "many_to_many changeset assoc with schema" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert! %Post{title: "1"}
p2 = %Post{title: "2"}
# Inserting
changeset =
%User{name: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:schema_posts, [p2])
user = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
[p2] = user.schema_posts
assert p2.id
user = TestRepo.get!(from(User, preload: [:schema_posts]), user.id)
[p2] = user.schema_posts
assert p2.title == "2"
[up2] = TestRepo.all(PostUser) |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert up2.post_id == p2.id
assert up2.user_id == user.id
assert up2.inserted_at
assert up2.updated_at
# Updating
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:schema_posts, [Ecto.Changeset.change(p1, title: "11"),
Ecto.Changeset.change(p2, title: "22")])
user = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
[p1, _p2] = user.schema_posts |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert p1.id
user = TestRepo.get!(from(User, preload: [:schema_posts]), user.id)
[p1, p2] = user.schema_posts |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert p1.title == "11"
assert p2.title == "22"
[_up2, up1] = TestRepo.all(PostUser) |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.id))
assert up1.post_id == p1.id
assert up1.user_id == user.id
assert up1.inserted_at
assert up1.updated_at
test "many_to_many changeset assoc with self-referential binary_id" do
assoc_custom = TestRepo.insert!(%Custom{uuid: Ecto.UUID.generate()})
custom = TestRepo.insert!(%Custom{customs: [assoc_custom]})
custom = Custom |> TestRepo.get!(custom.bid) |> TestRepo.preload(:customs)
assert [_] = custom.customs
custom =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change(%{})
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:customs, [])
|> TestRepo.update!
assert [] = custom.customs
custom = Custom |> TestRepo.get!(custom.bid) |> TestRepo.preload(:customs)
assert [] = custom.customs
@tag :unique_constraint
test "has_many changeset assoc with constraints" do
author = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "john doe"})
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "hello", author_id: author.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "world", author_id: author.id})
# Asserts that `unique_constraint` for `uuid` exists
assert_raise Ecto.ConstraintError, fn ->
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "another", author_id: author.id, uuid: p1.uuid})
author = TestRepo.preload author, [:posts]
posts_params = Enum.map author.posts, fn %Post{uuid: u} ->
%{uuid: u, title: "fresh"}
# This will only work if we delete before performing inserts
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{"posts" => posts_params}, ~w())
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:posts)
author = TestRepo.update! changeset
assert Enum.map(author.posts, &(&1.title)) == ["fresh", "fresh"]
test "belongs_to changeset assoc" do
# Insert new
changeset =
%Permalink{url: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:post, %Post{title: "1"})
perma = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
post = perma.post
assert perma.post_id
assert perma.post_id == post.id
assert perma.post.title == "1"
# Replace with new
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:post, %Post{title: "2"})
perma = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert perma.post.id != post.id
post = perma.post
assert perma.post_id
assert perma.post_id == post.id
assert perma.post.title == "2"
# Replace with existing
existing = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "3"})
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:post, existing)
perma = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
post = perma.post
assert perma.post_id == post.id
assert perma.post_id == existing.id
assert perma.post.title == "3"
# Replace with nil
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:post, nil)
perma = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert perma.post == nil
assert perma.post_id == nil
test "belongs_to changeset assoc (on_replace: :update)" do
# Insert new
changeset =
%Permalink{url: "1"}
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:update_post, %Post{title: "1"})
perma = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
post = perma.update_post
assert perma.post_id
assert perma.post_id == post.id
assert perma.update_post.title == "1"
# Casting on update
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{update_post: %{title: "2"}}, [])
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:update_post)
perma = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert perma.update_post.id == post.id
post = perma.update_post
assert perma.post_id
assert perma.post_id == post.id
assert perma.update_post.title == "2"
# Replace with nil
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:update_post, nil)
perma = TestRepo.update!(changeset)
assert perma.update_post == nil
assert perma.post_id == nil
test "inserting struct with associations" do
tree = %Permalink{
url: "root",
post: %Post{
title: "belongs_to",
comments: [
%Comment{text: "child 1"},
%Comment{text: "child 2"},
tree = TestRepo.insert!(tree)
assert tree.id
assert tree.post.id
assert length(tree.post.comments) == 2
assert Enum.all?(tree.post.comments, & &1.id)
tree = TestRepo.get!(from(Permalink, preload: [post: :comments]), tree.id)
assert tree.id
assert tree.post.id
assert length(tree.post.comments) == 2
assert Enum.all?(tree.post.comments, & &1.id)
test "inserting struct with empty associations" do
permalink = TestRepo.insert!(%Permalink{url: "root", post: nil})
assert permalink.post == nil
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "empty", comments: []})
assert post.comments == []
test "inserting changeset with empty cast associations" do
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{url: "root", post: nil}, [:url])
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:post)
permalink = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
assert permalink.post == nil
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{title: "root", comments: []}, [:title])
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:comments)
post = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
assert post.comments == []
test "inserting changeset with empty put associations" do
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:post, nil)
permalink = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
assert permalink.post == nil
changeset =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [])
post = TestRepo.insert!(changeset)
assert post.comments == []
test "updating changeset with empty cast associations" do
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
c1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: post.id})
c2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: post.id})
assert TestRepo.all(Comment) == [c1, c2]
post = TestRepo.get!(from(Post, preload: [:comments]), post.id)
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [])
|> TestRepo.update!()
assert TestRepo.all(Comment) == []
## Dependent
test "has_many assoc on delete deletes all" do
post = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: post.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{post_id: post.id})
assert TestRepo.all(Comment) == []
refute Process.get(Comment)
test "has_many assoc on delete nilifies all" do
user = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{author_id: user.id})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{author_id: user.id})
author_ids = Comment |> TestRepo.all() |> Enum.map(fn(comment) -> comment.author_id end)
assert author_ids == [nil, nil]
refute Process.get(Comment)
test "has_many assoc on delete does nothing" do
user = TestRepo.insert!(%User{})
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{author_id: user.id})
assert Enum.count(TestRepo.all(Post)) == 1
test "many_to_many assoc on delete deletes all" do
p1 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "1", visits: 1})
p2 = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{title: "2", visits: 2})
u1 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "john"})
u2 = TestRepo.insert!(%User{name: "mary"})
TestRepo.insert_all "posts_users", [[post_id: p1.id, user_id: u1.id],
[post_id: p1.id, user_id: u1.id],
[post_id: p2.id, user_id: u2.id]]
[pid2] = TestRepo.all from(p in Post, select: p.id)
assert pid2 == p2.id
[[pid2, uid2]] = TestRepo.all from(j in "posts_users", select: [j.post_id, j.user_id])
assert pid2 == p2.id
assert uid2 == u2.id
[uid1, uid2] = TestRepo.all from(u in User, select: u.id)
assert uid1 == u1.id
assert uid2 == u2.id