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2024-03-10 18:52:04 +00:00
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Html do
@shortdoc "Generates controller, views, and context for an HTML resource"
@moduledoc """
Generates controller, views, and context for an HTML resource.
mix phx.gen.html Accounts User users name:string age:integer
The first argument is the context module followed by the schema module
and its plural name (used as the schema table name).
The context is an Elixir module that serves as an API boundary for
the given resource. A context often holds many related resources.
Therefore, if the context already exists, it will be augmented with
functions for the given resource.
> Note: A resource may also be split
> over distinct contexts (such as `Accounts.User` and `Payments.User`).
The schema is responsible for mapping the database fields into an
Elixir struct. It is followed by an optional list of attributes,
with their respective names and types. See `mix phx.gen.schema`
for more information on attributes.
Overall, this generator will add the following files to `lib/`:
* a context module in `lib/app/accounts.ex` for the accounts API
* a schema in `lib/app/accounts/user.ex`, with an `users` table
* a view in `lib/app_web/views/user_view.ex`
* a controller in `lib/app_web/controllers/user_controller.ex`
* default CRUD templates in `lib/app_web/templates/user`
## The context app
A migration file for the repository and test files for the context and
controller features will also be generated.
The location of the web files (controllers, views, templates, etc) in an
umbrella application will vary based on the `:context_app` config located
in your applications `:generators` configuration. When set, the Phoenix
generators will generate web files directly in your lib and test folders
since the application is assumed to be isolated to web specific functionality.
If `:context_app` is not set, the generators will place web related lib
and test files in a `web/` directory since the application is assumed
to be handling both web and domain specific functionality.
Example configuration:
config :my_app_web, :generators, context_app: :my_app
Alternatively, the `--context-app` option may be supplied to the generator:
mix phx.gen.html Sales User users --context-app warehouse
## Web namespace
By default, the controller and view will be namespaced by the schema name.
You can customize the web module namespace by passing the `--web` flag with a
module name, for example:
mix phx.gen.html Sales User users --web Sales
Which would generate a `lib/app_web/controllers/sales/user_controller.ex` and
## Customizing the context, schema, tables and migrations
In some cases, you may wish to bootstrap HTML templates, controllers,
and controller tests, but leave internal implementation of the context
or schema to yourself. You can use the `--no-context` and `--no-schema`
flags for file generation control.
You can also change the table name or configure the migrations to
use binary ids for primary keys, see `mix phx.gen.schema` for more
use Mix.Task
alias Mix.Phoenix.{Context, Schema}
alias Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen
@doc false
def run(args) do
if Mix.Project.umbrella?() do
Mix.raise "mix phx.gen.html must be invoked from within your *_web application root directory"
{context, schema} =
binding = [context: context, schema: schema, inputs: inputs(schema)]
paths = Mix.Phoenix.generator_paths()
|> copy_new_files(paths, binding)
|> print_shell_instructions()
defp prompt_for_conflicts(context) do
|> files_to_be_generated()
|> Kernel.++(context_files(context))
|> Mix.Phoenix.prompt_for_conflicts()
defp context_files(%Context{generate?: true} = context) do
defp context_files(%Context{generate?: false}) do
@doc false
def files_to_be_generated(%Context{schema: schema, context_app: context_app}) do
web_prefix = Mix.Phoenix.web_path(context_app)
test_prefix = Mix.Phoenix.web_test_path(context_app)
web_path = to_string(schema.web_path)
{:eex, "controller.ex", Path.join([web_prefix, "controllers", web_path, "#{schema.singular}_controller.ex"])},
{:eex, "edit.html.heex", Path.join([web_prefix, "templates", web_path, schema.singular, "edit.html.heex"])},
{:eex, "form.html.heex", Path.join([web_prefix, "templates", web_path, schema.singular, "form.html.heex"])},
{:eex, "index.html.heex", Path.join([web_prefix, "templates", web_path, schema.singular, "index.html.heex"])},
{:eex, "new.html.heex", Path.join([web_prefix, "templates", web_path, schema.singular, "new.html.heex"])},
{:eex, "show.html.heex", Path.join([web_prefix, "templates", web_path, schema.singular, "show.html.heex"])},
{:eex, "view.ex", Path.join([web_prefix, "views", web_path, "#{schema.singular}_view.ex"])},
{:eex, "controller_test.exs", Path.join([test_prefix, "controllers", web_path, "#{schema.singular}_controller_test.exs"])},
@doc false
def copy_new_files(%Context{} = context, paths, binding) do
files = files_to_be_generated(context)
Mix.Phoenix.copy_from(paths, "priv/templates/phx.gen.html", binding, files)
if context.generate?, do: Gen.Context.copy_new_files(context, paths, binding)
@doc false
def print_shell_instructions(%Context{schema: schema, context_app: ctx_app} = context) do
if schema.web_namespace do """
Add the resource to your #{schema.web_namespace} :browser scope in #{Mix.Phoenix.web_path(ctx_app)}/router.ex:
scope "/#{schema.web_path}", #{inspect Module.concat(context.web_module, schema.web_namespace)}, as: :#{schema.web_path} do
pipe_through :browser
resources "/#{schema.plural}", #{inspect schema.alias}Controller
else """
Add the resource to your browser scope in #{Mix.Phoenix.web_path(ctx_app)}/router.ex:
resources "/#{schema.plural}", #{inspect schema.alias}Controller
if context.generate?, do: Gen.Context.print_shell_instructions(context)
@doc false
def inputs(%Schema{} = schema) do, fn
{_, {:references, _}} ->
{nil, nil, nil}
{key, :integer} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= number_input f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
{key, :float} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= number_input f, #{inspect(key)}, step: "any" %>), error(key)}
{key, :decimal} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= number_input f, #{inspect(key)}, step: "any" %>), error(key)}
{key, :boolean} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= checkbox f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
{key, :text} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= textarea f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
{key, :date} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= date_select f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
{key, :time} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= time_select f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
{key, :utc_datetime} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= datetime_select f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
{key, :naive_datetime} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= datetime_select f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
{key, {:array, :integer}} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= multiple_select f, #{inspect(key)}, ["1": 1, "2": 2] %>), error(key)}
{key, {:array, _}} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= multiple_select f, #{inspect(key)}, ["Option 1": "option1", "Option 2": "option2"] %>), error(key)}
{key, {:enum, _}} ->
{label(key), ~s|<%= select f, #{inspect(key)}, Ecto.Enum.values(#{inspect(schema.module)}, #{inspect(key)}), prompt: "Choose a value" %>|, error(key)}
{key, _} ->
{label(key), ~s(<%= text_input f, #{inspect(key)} %>), error(key)}
defp label(key) do
~s(<%= label f, #{inspect(key)} %>)
defp error(field) do
~s(<%= error_tag f, #{inspect(field)} %>)