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2024-03-10 18:52:04 +00:00
# Changelog
## v1.15.3 (2024-01-16)
### Enhancements
* Allow setting the port on the connection in tests
* Allow returning `{:ok, payload}` on inform
* Allow custom exceptions in `validate_utf8` option
* Allow skipping sent body on chunked replies
## v1.15.2 (2023-11-14)
### Enhancements
* Add `:assign_as` option to `Plug.RequestId`
* Improve performance of `Plug.RequestId`
* Avoid clashes between Plug nodes
* Add specs to `Plug.BasicAuth`
* Fix a bug with non-string `_method` body parameters in `Plug.MethodOverride`
## v1.15.1 (2023-10-06)
### Enhancements
* Relax requirement on `plug_crypto`
## v1.15.0 (2023-10-01)
### Enhancements
* Add `Plug.Conn.get_session/3` for default value
* Allow `Plug.SSL.configure/1` to accept all :ssl options
* Optimize query decoding by 15% to 45% - this removes the previously deprecated `:limit` MFA and `:include_unnamed_parts_at` from MULTIPART. This may be backwards incompatible for applications that were relying on ambiguous arguments, such as `user[][key]=1&user[][key]=2`, which has unspecified parsing behaviour
## v1.14.2 (2023-03-23)
### Bug fixes
* Properly deprecate `Plug.Adapters.Cowboy` before removal
## v1.14.1 (2023-03-17)
### Enhancements
* Add `nest_all_json` option to JSON parser
* Make action on Plug.Debugger page look like a button
* Better formatting of exceptions on the error page
* Provide stronger response header validation
## v1.14.0 (2022-10-31)
Require Elixir v1.10+.
### Enhancements
* Add `Plug.Conn.prepend_req_headers/2` and `Plug.Conn.merge_req_headers/2`
* Support adapter upgrades with `Plug.Conn.upgrade_adapter/3`
* Add "Copy to Markdown" button in exception page
* Support exclusive use of tlsv1.3
### Bug fixes
* Make sure last parameter works within maps
### Deprecations
* Deprecate server pushes as they are no longer supported by browsers
## v1.13.6 (2022-04-14)
### Bug fixes
* Fix compile-time dependencies in Plug.Builder
## v1.13.5 (2022-04-11)
### Enhancements
* Support `:via` in `Plug.Router.forward/2`
### Bug fixes
* Fix compile-time deps in Plug.Builder
* Do not require routes to be compile-time binaries in `Plug.Router.forward/2`
## v1.13.4 (2022-03-10)
### Bug fixes
* Improve deprecation warnings
## v1.13.3 (2022-02-12)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.Builder] Introduce `:copy_opts_to_assign` instead of `builder_opts/0`
* [Plug.Router] Do not introduce compile-time dependencies in `Plug.Router`
## v1.13.2 (2022-02-04)
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Router] Properly fix regression on Plug.Router helper function accidentally renamed
## v1.13.1 (2022-02-03)
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Router] Fix regression on Plug.Router helper function accidentally renamed
## v1.13.0 (2022-02-02)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.Builder] Do not add compile-time deps to literal options in function plugs
* [Plug.Parsers.MULTIPART] Allow custom conversion of multipart to parameters
* [Plug.Router] Allow suffix matches in the router (such as `/feeds/:name.atom`)
* [Plug.Session] Allow a list of `:rotating_options` for rotating session cookies
* [Plug.Static] Allow a list of `:encodings` to be given for handling static assets
* [Plug.Test] Raise an error when providing path not starting with "/"
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Upload] Normalize paths coming from environment variables
### Deprecations
* [Plug.Router] Mixing prefix matches with globs is deprecated
* [Plug.Parsers.MULTIPART] Deprecate `:include_unnamed_parts_at`
## v1.12.1 (2021-08-01)
### Bug fixes
* [Plug] Make sure module plugs are compile time dependencies if init mode is compile-time
## v1.12.0 (2021-07-22)
### Enhancements
* [Plug] Accept mime v2.0
* [Plug] Accept telemetry v1.0
* [Plug.Conn] Improve performance of UTF-8 validation
* [Plug.Conn.Adapter] Add API for creating a connection
* [Plug.Static] Allow MFA in `:from`
## v1.11.1 (2021-03-08)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.Upload] Allow transfer of ownership in Plug.Upload
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Debugger] Drop CSP Header when showing error via Plug.Debugger
* [Plug.Test] Populate `query_params` from `Plug.Test.conn/3`
## v1.11.0 (2020-10-29)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.RewriteOn] Add a new public to handle `x-forwarded` headers
* [Plug.Router] Add macro for `head` requests
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.CSRFProtection] Do not crash if request body params are not available
* [Plug.Conn.Query] Conform `www-url-encoded` parsing to whatwg spec
### Deprecations
* [Plug.Parsers.MULTIPART] Deprecate passing MFA to MULTIPART in favor of a more composable approach
## v1.10.4 (2020-08-07)
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Conn] Automatically set secure when deleting cookies to fix compatibility with SameSite
## v1.10.3 (2020-06-10)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.SSL] Allow host exclusion to be checked dynamically
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Router] Fix router telemetry event to follow Telemetry specification. This corrects the telemetry event added on v1.10.1.
## v1.10.2 (2020-06-06)
### Bug fixes
* [Plug] Make `:telemetry` a required dependency
* [Plug.Test] Populate `:query_string` when params are passed in
### Enhancements
* [Plug] Add `` for running multiple Plugs at runtime
* [Plug] Add `Plug.forward/4` for forwarding between Plugs
## v1.10.1 (2020-05-15)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.Conn] Add option to disable uft-8 validation on query strings
* [Plug.Conn] Support `:same_site` option when writing cookies
* [Plug.Router] Add router dispatch telemetry events
* [Plug.SSL] Support `:x_forwarded_host` and `:x_forwarded_port` on `:rewrite_on`
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Test] Ensure parameters are converted to string keys
## v1.10.0 (2020-03-24)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.BasicAuth] Add `Plug.BasicAuth`
* [Plug.Conn] Add built-in support for signed and encrypted cookies
* [Plug.Exception] Allow to use atoms as statuses in the `plug_status` field for exceptions
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Router] Handle malformed URI as bad requests
## v1.9.0 (2020-02-07)
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Conn.Cookies] Make `decode` split on `;` only, remove `$`-prefix condition
* [Plug.CSRFProtection] Generate url safe CSRF masks
* [Plug.Parsers] Treat invalid content-types as parsing errors unless `:pass` is given
* [Plug.Parsers] Ensure parameters are merged when falling back to `:pass` clause
* [Plug.Parsers] Use HTTP status code 414 when query string is too long
* [Plug.SSL] Rewrite port when rewriting a request coming to a standard port
### Enhancements
* [Plug] Make Plug fully compatible with new Elixir child specs
* [Plug.Exception] Add actions to exceptions that implement `Plug.Exception` and render actions in `Plug.Debugger` error page
* [Plug.Parsers] Add option to skip utf8 validation
* [Plug.Parsers] Make multipart support MFA for `:length` limit
* [Plug.Static] Accept MFA for `:header` option
### Notes
* When implementing the `Plug.Exception` protocol, if the new `actions` function is not implemented, a warning will printed during compilation.
## v1.8.3 (2019-07-28)
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Builder] Ensure init_mode option is respected within the Plug.Builder DSL itself
* [Plug.Session] Fix dropping session with custom max_age
## v1.8.2 (2019-06-01)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.CSRFProtection] Increase entropy and ensure forwards compatibility with future URL-safe CSRF tokens
## v1.8.1 (2019-06-01)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.CSRFProtection] Allow state to be dumped from the session and provide an API to validate both state and tokens
* [Plug.Session.Store] Add `get/1` to retrieve the store from a module/atom
* [Plug.Static] Support Nginx range requests
* [Plug.Telemetry] Allow extra options in `Plug.Telemetry` metadata
## v1.8.0 (2019-03-31)
### Enhancements
* [Plug.Conn] Add `get_session/1` for retrieving the whole session
* [Plug.CSRFProtection] Add `Plug.CSRFPRotection.load_state/2` and `Plug.CSRFPRotection.dump_state/0` to allow tokens to be generated in other processes
* [Plug.Parsers] Allow unnamed parts in multipart parser via `:include_unnamed_parts_at`
* [Plug.Router] Wrap router dispatch in a connection checkpoint to avoid losing information attached to the connection in error cases
* [Plug.Telemetry] Add `Plug.Telemetry` to facilitate with telemetry integration
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.Conn.Status] Use IANA registered status code for HTTP 425
* [Plug.RequestID] Reduce RequestID size by relying on base64 encoding
* [Plug.Static] Ensure etags are quoted correctly
* [Plug.Static] Ensure vary header is set in 304 response
* [Plug.Static] Omit content-encoding header in 304 responses
## v1.7.2 (2019-02-09)
* [Plug.Parser.MULTIPART] Support UTF-8 filename encoding in multipart parser
* [Plug.Router] Add `builder_opts` support to `:dispatch` plug
* [Plug.SSL] Do not disable client renegotiation
* [Plug.Upload] Raise when we can't write to disk during upload
## v1.7.1 (2018-10-24)
* [Plug.Adapters.Cowboy] Less verbose output when plug_cowboy is missing
* [Plug.Adapters.Cowboy2] Less verbose output when plug_cowboy is missing
## v1.7.0 (2018-10-20)
### Enhancements
* [Plug] Require Elixir v1.4+
* [Plug.Session] Support MFAs for cookie session secrets
* [Plug.Test] Add `put_peer_data`
* [Plug.Adapters.Cowboy] Extract into [plug_cowboy][plug_cowboy]
* [Plug.Adapters.Cowboy2] Extract into [plug_cowboy][plug_cowboy]
### Bug fixes
* [Plug.SSL] Don't redirect excluded hosts on Plug.SSL
### Breaking Changes
* [Plug] Applications may need to add `:plug_cowboy` to your deps to use this version
## v1.6
See [CHANGELOG in the v1.6 branch](